
Ring of tears.

“Stop.”  I hears him say, his tone dark and commanding.

Ilooked up to him, but he was looking a little lower than my eyes. He was looking at my cheeks. I looked down, and a teardrop, looking like a beautiful crystal stood solid. It was hanging mid air and somewhere within it, a wide range of colors were visible. Morgan was concentrating on it, yet you could see that was he was doing was effortless. The teardrop moved downwards. 

“Spread out your fingers,” He said, and I did immediately. The tear went in between my fingers, and wrapped around my wing finger. I watched it stretching to my ring size, then captured my finger tight and solidified on it, becoming a transparent ring with all the colors of the rainbow caught within it. 


“I can’t let your tears fall in front of me, Samantha. I am not king for nothing.”

I gave a wry smile, although still wary of him. 

“what now?” 

He extended his hand to me, the other balancing on the steering wheel. His eyes still carried the same dark aura, yet they seemed pleading. Whatever it he he needed me to cure for, he was scaredbof it and it was obvious.

“Come back with me.” He said.

I laughed humorlessly.

“To be groomed?  Into a cure?” I was being sarcastic, and my bestfriend, Morgan would know. I just want sure Vampire Morgan would.

He should his head. “You may hate me now, Samantha, but maybe, in one second, maybe just a split second, we were real. What you felt for me…”

“It happened, already.” I said, gulping. “We had a one night stand and it..” 

My voice was cut off by his lips crashing on mine. I closed my eyes, expecting the aggressive, possessive kiss a vampire like him was more likely to give, but in its stead, he slowly parted my lips in a kiss that had my insides melting, as of to convince me that we had happened once. And if he wanted it, we could happen again and again and again..till I come back to my senses and realize, he cold be a monster at anytime. I pushed him away, but he held my gaze, still leaned towards me.

“I'm sorry, Samantha. For everything I may have caused you.” 

He pulled away, and took a deep breath. 

“Great. Can I go now?” I asked, and turned towards the door, still a little dizzy from the kiss, my heart still thumping from the sudden adrenaline rush , yet largely determined to not be some monster's groomed cure. 

“No.” Was the last thing I heard, before the images of the school passed my eyes like an excessively fast film, and I turned to him, panic in my voice.

“Morgan!” I screamed, but it only got faster and faster and faster, till I felt too dizzy to keep my eyes open and I closed them.

“I'm sorry,” I heard him say, and I just felt so wronged.