

I sat back down, my eyes filled. I don't cry, I never do. I also don't feel this way, ever. What was wrong with me?

"Morgan? Let me sit next to you, please? Like old times." 

I moved away, and urged him to sit. He came close to me and sat and for a long while, neither of us talked. It felt like back then when we were younger, just that, now, it was the burden in our hearts that made us quiet.

"You're not a monster, Morgan." He started to say. 

"How do you know that?" 

"Because, like you said, I was with you through it all. And it sort of shows in your choice of a lover."

"You finally met her, then." I turned to him, and somehow, discussing my woman with the only person I could call a friend calmed me down amd soothed my wounds.

"Yes, yes, I did." 

"What do you think?" I was eager to know his opinion of her.

"She looks like humanity itself. Like those rare innocent gems in this harsh, cold world. Someone who can bring life where there is none."

"I did well, didn't I?"

Nick looked at me, pride in his eyes. "Yes, you did."

I sighed happily, and silence fell between us. This time however, it was comfortable, and I liked it. It didn't feel like there were a need for words.

"I was so scared back then." 

Nick looked at me and I shrugged. "Don't tell anyone."

He smiled and put a finger on his lips. "Shh."

I laughed hard. "Yeah, you do that. Cause if I hear it, I'm gon' pull your ear."

He nodded. "Agreed."

I sighed again. "I was scared. What if Samantha had seen me like that? What would the elders think? What did all the vampires that believed in me think then? Did they think, 'oh, we shouldn't have saved him from the tomb house if he was just going to become a menace.' You know?"

Nick shook his head. "You know, I haven't envied your position yet. Maybe in the future but not right now or in the past. Sometimes, I wonder how you keep so many vampires under your comtrol, submitting to you fully. It must be strenuous, and believe me, there is room for anger and frustration.Today when I went looking for you in Samantha's room, she had looked scared. I know Nathan must have caught her unexpectedly that way, and it was already already showing effects on her."

"I want to protect her from everything so bad..I want to hold her tight, love her hard, do everything for her. I want to become better for her. Sometimes, I feel hunger for human blood. Fresh human blood. I know the darkness is within me, only waiting to be unleashed."

Nick smiled and moved closer. "You know, I believe Samantha isnt completely oblivious too. I am sure she sees how much you love and need her. I am sure she knows."

I didn't say a word, I simply leaned sideways, dropping my head on his shoulder. It wasn't up to a second when I did, and I heard a voice. 

"Don't you dare cheat on me."