
Rekindling 2


Nick seemed extremely worried, and I decided to check on him. Did something happen? Was there a mishap involving Morgan? I went back to my room, not feeling exactly settled. 

Morgan would have come to see me, since I was sure he knew of the accident. Hell, even without an accident, he would be here by now, trying to hold me, or kiss me, or just be with me. 

I slowly walked out, and I saw Nick half running half walking towards a door. 

I followed him quietly, making sure to maintain a distance. 

I guess it worked, since I got here without him noticing me.

Nick laughed as Morgan stood up.

"Of course not, Samantha. I wouldn't cheat on you with anyone."

I nodded, clasping my hands behind me, and walked to him slowly.

"What took you so long?"

Morgan swallowed. "I am sorry, I just..." 

I didn't let him finish when I stood on my tiptoe, and curled a hand around the more senstitive part of his neck and drew him closer to me. 

"You're sorry, right?" 

Our eyes were hooked on each other's, and I smiled. ."Yes, yes, I am." He answered. 

"Prove it." My hand was still behind his neck, moving slowly. 


I laughed and shook my head. "Kiss me, dumbo."

He gave his head a small tap. "Silly me. With pleasure, Miss." 

He leaned forward, slowly taking my lips. I responded in like, putting both arms around his neck, as one carrassed the back of his neck.

His kisses were slow yet possessve, light yet consuming, and he left me in a daze when he pulled away.

"Well, my presence has been forgotten. I might as well just make myself absent." Nick said, interrupting us.

I laughed and shook my head, blushing furiously.

I hadn't intended to do that in front of him, but then  if I had waited, the moment would have passed. It wouldn't feel so in place anymore.

Morgan shrugged. "Yeah, you should do that." 

Nick pouted, a hand to his chest. "Whatever." He answered, and with a smug smile, left us to ourselves. 

I didn't have enough time to discuss what had happened with Morgan because as soon as Nick left, Morgan lifted me off my feet, taking my lips again and again, consuming me. 

I giggled hard, returning his kisses. At this point, it was the only thing I wanted to do.

I was pretty breathless by the time he let me don't and wrapped me in his arms, burying his head in my shoulder, planting small kisses along my shiulder bone.

"Would you mind talking about what happened?" 

He straightened, and arranged my hair, his fingers lingering over my face, teasing me.

"Would you believe it when I tell you I don't remember how things were a moment before you came?"

I would, and I nodded. It didn't mske sense digging up the past if it didn't affect the present.

He smiled and took my lips again, making my toes curl and my eyes close on their own, driving me to the very edge of ecstasy.