
Papa Samantha's little secret.

"What do you mean by that? My dad would never.." I stopped, my mind running over all the possibilities. "Did he go bankrupt?" I said again. "Did he fall into debt or something?"

Morgan pressed on my shoulder gently, massaging the area. It felt stuffy sitting here now, and I just wanted to go out and breathe. My dad sold the house? How?

"The new owners are not there yet, and they are still packing your things. Actually, I brought back everything that was yours."

"Did my dad assume I was dead or something? Why couldn't he even wait? I mean, what if I went back and there was no home to go back to? Did he just feel there was nothing he needed to be there for anymore and sold the house off just like that?" I broke into a sob, letting the glass slip off my hand unconsciously. Morgan caught it mid air and placed it on the bedside drawer.

"Samantha..." He pulled me to him and kept my head on his chest, patting ny hair. His thumb traced the outlines of my face, then came under my eyes, wiping the tears away.. "There is something you need to know."

I looked up. "Do you have a wife?"

His face morphed into that of confusion, and I shook my head.

"Pretend I didn't say that."

He laughed. "No one is taking me away from you, but there is something I didn't tell you, and you have to know.."

"Go on."

"Your father...he knows where you are right now."


"To be honest, Samantha.." He said, then gently pulled my head back to his chest and wrapped his arms around me. It seemed to be more comforting for him that I thought, so I tried to stay still, despite the amount of phenomenal shock I was getting.

"Your father..he has known me for longer than you think. Way before you were born."

I calmly raised my head. This isn't something I can listen to ehilwe lying on his chest. "What do you mean?"

He swallowed. "Maybe you'd like to hear it from him? I don't think it's my story to tell."

"Where is he?" I asked, my anxiety obvious.

"Come." He pulled me up, and I obediently followed, feeling my head weigh down on me, even though it all felt like a fog inside it.

We went down the stairs calmly. I noticed he sometimes didn't teleport even if we had to walk through the spiralled stairs. It didn't bother me, though. The teleporting always made me want to throw up.


"Daddy?" He still looked the same. A little chubby, his striking smile, his gray streaks on hair, his homeliness. 

I left Morgan's hand as I ran down the remaining stairs, running right into his opened arms. "Daddy."

Samantha, forgive me for not coming soner."

I shook my head. "I missed you. I missed you so much."

"I missed you, too."

I let go of him, and stood, studying his face. I have missed everything, even his scent.

"How does he treat you?" My dad asked, and gestured toward Morgan.

"Did you know, dad?" 

"Yes, samantha. I knew. All along."