
Papa Samantha's Little Secret 2

"Why didn't you say a word? Why did you leave me wondering how you would feel when you find out I had gone missing? Or when you come back to the house and there is no one to welcome you?"

He massaged my arm gently. "How would I tell my daughter that I somehow knew I was grooming her for a vampire king, for when she turned 18?"

Morgan finshed his walk down the remaining stairs and came down to us, a small smile on his face. 

"Come over here." He sajd to us, ushering us to what I guessed was the living room. I only called it that because it had the sodas, but you could fit a house in it.

We sat, and just after we did, Nick came in. He had a cut on his cheek, and seemed alot disoriented than he usually was. It made me wonder if something was wrong.

"Excuse me," Morgan said as soon as Nick came in. There seemed to be tension between the two men, and it made me wonder whether it had anything to do with Morgan's temporary disappearance last night. I didn't have time to dwell on it, though, as my dad held my hand, bringing to closer to him, and subsequently, me.

"Samantha, your mom..She actually left because of this." He cleared his throat, showing just how uncomfortable he was. If he regretted whatever was between he and Morgan, then that was not needed. I didn't regret meeting Morgan at all, and sometimes, I caught myself thanking the stars that he was so persistent with me. 

"While she was pregnant, we were at the hospital for this scan. Suddenly, things got complicated, and she went into labour prematurely. She was in danger, and you too, and at some point, the doctors started to ask which of you two would I like to save. It was a hard decision. You are my first and only child, and I knew It would be hard. I loved your mother too."

He sounded short of breath when he finished the sentence, and I gave him small pats on the back. I was hearing this because i should know, not like it would change my feelings towards Morgan or dad. They are still the two most important people to me, and they always will be. He felt better, and smiled gratefully, before resuming his story.

"Morgan saved her. You know what he said? He said, he liked the baby's scent. Then, I thought he was mad. The baby wasn't even born yet, how would she have a smell? He did what he had to do and left, never to be seen again, till when you were four years old.

He told me all about him, then, and even though he wasn't certain what Kind of person you'd grow up to be, he wanted you. At that point, I could have refused, but you made the decision yourself."

I was confused. "How?"

My dad smiled as he looked away dreamily. "When I called you to come see an uncle, and he picked you up, holding you in his arms, you whispered to him, 'let's go home.' We all heard it that day, and it just further convinved us. It was all fate, and this. This  is your home."