
Lights and Colors.

The night had passed in a short while, his hands firmly wrapped aroumd me all through, caressing my face lightly and whispering sweet things in my ear till I finally fell asleep. Sleeping with him like this was comfy, and I can't say I hated the way he stole kisses. He stole a lot of them, none of which I can complain about.

I was sort of nervous for the next day. I would go out, have fun, and change stuff about the city. Would the vampires like it? Or would they throw potatoes at me and order me to get back to daddy's home?

For one, I didn't even know which colours I would like. Would anything a simple nerd like me pick not be too flashy or annoying for them?

Morgan didn't require sleep, so he had stayed up all night. I had seen him briefly this morning, but he had left, assuring me that he would be back soon.

The place felt strange and empty when he wasn't around, and I felt so out of place. With him around, it felt like a safe haven, almost like home. I lay down on the bed, feeling weak and deflated. I would meet all those vampires today, and I just couldn't find the strength or confidence todo it.


"A good friend doesn't fake a cough amd use it to run out of his friend's vicinity, Nick. I am sure you know that."

I figured Nick would be killing himself over the way he felt for Samantha, and I decided to talk to him. He was sitting across from me, his face lowered.

"I am sorry I.."

"You also didn't stay for dinner," I said, cutting him off. "Tell me what's wrong wirh you."

He shook his head. "There's..."

"You like her. Samantha, I mean."

I saw Nick's surprised expression, but paid no heed to it. "How did you think I wouldn't notice?" 

Nick looked dumbfounded, but I only shrugged. 


"You made her feel like she wasn't enough and I would like you to clear that up. As for your feelings for her, I understand. She's perfect, and it's fine. You can't control your heart, I understand that."

I fell to my knees, tears welling up in my eyes. I hated the feelings, and I knew I didn't even want her that much. She was more of a crush than love, and It would be unfair to the three of us if I decided to be selfish because of something so temporary.

"Morgan, I just..maybe it's because I am not used to women or something, but please. Don't ever for once think I would betray you or cheat on you. You are my childhood friend."

Morgan only laughed and bent to my level and pulled me closer, drawing me into a brotherly hug.

"I know you more than anyone else, Nick. You are not going to do anything to hurt me."

He drew back and urged me to stand up, and I did. "I actually came here because I needed to get a few things Samantha might need for her outing today."