
Guilt and Revenge


I swallowed hard, managing to stand. Morgan's damage on my body had been severe, and I was still healing from them. It was painful, extremely painful at that. I have never felt so much pain, and I was an extremely old vampire. Even older than Morgan himself. 

It hurt my pride that he had done that to me in public, and it hurt my pride that I still couldn't do anything about it. Being king gave him alot of advantage over me, not just authority, powers too. Sometimes, It was hard for me to believe just how strong he was.

At this point, however, I only wanted Samantha. I would find a way to bypass my father's plans and take her away. It doesn't matter what my father wants to do with Morgan after that, its right. As long as he won't hurt Samantha, and I would have her. 

She invaded my thoughts. Invaded my life. At first, it didn't seem like she was all that important, but her looks, her everything. It seemed weird. I only saw her twice. I only saw her during the times she didn't know me or when she absolutely hated me. Even her feistiness made me smile.

I will have to get out before my father does anything, and I just hoped I would know when he wanted to. Telling him that Samantha was Morgan's biggest weakness wasn't exactly wise of me, especially since she was mine too. 


I felt weird, very weird. The way they had kissed in front of me, and everyone, it didn't irritate me like I wanted to feel irritated. It just made me feel light pangs of anger. Was it anger or something more treacherous? Like jealousy?

I shook my head and continued taking photos. I had taken a lot, most of them extremely weird, since I didn't get a hang of the camera early. I had, in fact, only found it by mistake.

I sighed, swiping through the photos. I had gotten clear shots of their kiss earlier, and I guess it would be some kind of a treasure for them. For me, it was more of a small knife stab. 

"Hey. Morgan, Samamtha." They turned to me. It didn't skip my notice their hands were still entangled, and even I could feel the tension between them. It made me feel even weirder.

"Yes?" Morgan answered. 

I pushed the phone to him, forcing a smile on my face. "Here. Guess what I did with my new phone."

He collected it and flipped it around, without opening it. "What?"

"I took some photos of you guys. I got a hang of the camera much later, so I didn't get some."

Samantha suddenly grabbed it from me, her eyes excited. Morgan only spared me a glance, then tuened to the phone as she swiped through the photos.

"Thank you, Nick." She answered, and I nodded.

"Anything for you." I let it slip before I could stop it and Morgan smiled at me.

"I know, buddy." He said, and I have never felt so guilty all my life.