
Friendly Dates 2

    We sat closer this time, in pregnant silence, but no matter how uncomfortable I felt, I didn't want to be the first to break it.

 "You're turning eighteen in a week." He said, not looking at me.

 "Yes, and I am soo excited." I did hope he caught the sarcasm, cause he always did. 

"Well, you get to do whatever you want." 

"Of course. All alone." 

"The hell am I? Diluted blood?" His eyes widened as if he said something he shouldn't have, then swallowed. "What do you mean alone?"

I shrugged. "Well. I don't see anyone taking interest in me in one week."

 He nodded. "Friendships don't matter to you?"

 "You are my only fri..."

 "I don't matter to you?" 

I looked in his eyes, and I swear I could see a flicker of red in them. He looked away from me and took out his phone. "Don't answer that." 


          He didn't look at me. He simply plugged in his headphones. I held his hand before it got to his ear, and shivered. I will never get used to his coldness. I always asked why he was that cold, and the simple answer he always gave was; people are different. It still made me ponder sometimes, though. How different could he be that required him to be so cold? But at this point, it didn't matter a lot. Touching him madenme feel warm. It actually stopped being cold around him for a while.

"Are you mad at me?"

 "No." His voice was raspy. "I am very happy that you, who calls me her best friend, her Bestie, is planning on spending her eighteenth birthday alone, conveniently excluding me from her plans. I hate you." He said and turned away. His breath was louder, and I could see his chest heaving. He WS angry, and it was obvious even from the way his back was stiff and tense.

 "Its cause you're my friend, okay?"

 "The hell you mean?"

 "I can't do anything I want to do with you cause you are my friend." 

He looked a bit uncertain now. "What do you mean?" 

I sighed. "Its my eighteenth birthday, Morgan. Most of the things I wanna do, can't be done with a friend." I said it and lowered my head. His palm came on my shoulder. 

"I know how it must feel."

 I shook my head. "I don't think you do. You don't know because you got all those girls swarming around you, wanting you, and you've probably been wanted all your life, but even my mum left. Even she didn't want me...who else will?" My voice broke as the emotions choked me. He drew me closer, keeping my head on his chest. "Why would anyone want the nerd? The clumsy nerd who wont bring you any fame or..." 

"Stop, Sammy." 

"No, Morgan. I will probably sleep in on my birthday, because no one will notice and I will just disappear, and maybe.."

 "I will notice, Sammy. I want you."