
Bonding in bondage

The room was a little dark and I adjusted my eyes to see. Samantha was sitting on the floor, her legs tied together, her hands above her head, tied to the bedpost. Her hair was covering her face, but I could catch a glimpse of blood. Shit.

"Who did this to you, Samantha?" I ran to her side, my hands touching her bare arm. She , instead of welcoming me, tried to push me away, her voice muffled under the gag that had the same pattern with her dress. That explained the bare arms.

"Samantha.." I opened up the gag.

"How could you do this, Morgan? How could you?"

I was confused. "What? What do you mean?"

She struggled to stand up, but couldn't. I removed the ropes that tied her to the bed post and her legs. Once I finished, a slap landed on my face.

"What's wrong?" I said, the hurt of the slap negligible in comparison to the hurt I felt that she wasn't happy seeing me.

"Is this your grand plan to subdue me and have me running back to you for help? Is that it?"

She pushed my chest hard. "Samantha, wait. I didn't do anything. You asked me to stay away from you. You asked me not to come to you till you could open up again. Have you forgotten? I stayed away. Even Nick told me to."

"Then how do you explain the guy who came here? The guy who looks exactly like you? The guy who laughed and smiled like you before doing this to me?"

I went to the switch and turned it on, and hell, I wished I hadn't.

Her neck had a wound that trickled blood down, her arms all carried long lines of nails where the clothes had been ripped.

"What?" She said, her eyes teary. "You want to admire your masterpiece?"

"Samantha. I swear, I didn't do that. I wasn't around. I only heard your muffled screams...and I came here as fast as I could. I was skeptical to come here because you didn't want to see me. I don't know how we went down this road, Samantha. But I didn't think it would be enough for you to believe that I could ever have the heart to do this to you. Cause I don't, Samantha. I never will."

She kept quiet for a minute or two, before she broke into wild tears, her palms covering her face.

I pulled her to me and hugged her, my hands slowly patting her back.

"I am sorry, Samantha. I will get to the bottom of this. Whoever did this, he won't go unscathed, I promise you."

She didn't say a word, just kept crying on my shoulder. I hated seeing her this way. I hated seing her hurt or sad or angry, and lately, that was the only thing I was making her feel. Now I am even putting her on danger.

I stole her from her perfectly normal life and brought her to this world, a world where her predators excelled. A world where she didn't have a chance without me. That was probably why she thought I wanted to subdue her, because everything I have done up until now seemed to be an attempt to. So she would have no one to run to but me.

I carried her bridal style out of the room, to mine, then went to the shower and ran a hot bath. I asked her to wait for a second as the bath filled up. I put on the scented candles around the bath, and threw in some rosenoetals amd scent. I kept a robe and towel close, then went back to the room.

She seemed to be drifting between sleep amd consciousness, and I gently carried her towards the bathroom. 

"I can't." She said, her hands wrapping around my neck.

"I had no intention of letting you do it."

We stood there, staring into each other's eyes, till she cleared her throat.


We walked to the bathroom and I kept her in it.

"I am still.."

"I know."

She nodded and looked away as I gently unzipped the gown, and slid it down, her body covered by the foam, bubbles and petals. There were a lot of scars on her body and around it, and every one I discovered hurt me like hell.

I brought the soft sponge and started to scrub her body gently.

She closed her eyes and relaxed back, her head resting on the edge.

I kept her head on my lap, as I shampooed it, calmly washing the scalp, my hands gently massaging it. I leaned down and placed a small kiss on her forehead, before I proceeded to rinse her hair.

I let her savor the coolness of the water, before I rinsed her, keeping my eyes closed. 

"Grab the robe." I told her, and she did. She wrapped herself up in the large furry robe, and I opened my eyes. 

"Thank you," she told me, and I simply nodded.

I carrid her again, and walked out of the bath tub. I kept her on the bed gently, then went to the other room to get something to change into.

She was still wide awake when I got back, and I changed, before coming back out.


He was shirtlesss when he came out, and when he turned to get me a glass of water, I could see the tattoo on his back. My name. How did I even think that he could manage to do something so inhumane to me? Afterall, he is literally my biggest protector, be it in the human world, or over here.

He turned back to me and gave me the glass of water, but didn't bother letting me hold it. He just reached it to my lips and let me drink a little, then kept the glass on the side.

"How do you feel, Sammy?"

I shrugged. "I feel refreshed, better. Thank you. And I am sorry."

"What are you sorry for?"

He seemed to have forgotten that he wasn't wearing his shirt, but was instead, holding it on his lap.

"How I yelled at you and misunderstood you."

"Did you say the guy looked exactly like me?"

I nodded. "Just..now that I think of you..he seems more like an alter ego."

"How do?"

"In the sense that..." I trailed off. "In the sense that, even if he asked to kiss me on his knees, I wouldn't."

He stared at me for a while, but I kept my gaze fixed on my nails. Suddenly , his hand was underneath my chin and he gently made me look up to him. I couldn't breathe as I stared into his eyes, and he leaned forward slowly, still staring right into my eyes.

It drove me crazy, how he looked at me when he wanted to kiss me, and it just got me leaning closer to him.

When our foreheads touched, he stopped, holding the side of my face. "Do you want to?"

His voice was husky, and that only made me want to even more. But I couldn't breathe, talk more of talk, so I just stayed there, seeking his lips like they were oxygen.

"Do you want to?" He asked again, and this tine, I had enough. I pushed nyself closer and claimed his lips in mine, a long anticipated gasp escaping my lips.

He didn't hesitate to kiss me back as he pulled me closer to him, his lips opening up and claiming mine in his.

I opened my mouth to him and he pushed his tongue in, exploring my mouth the way he wanted to.

I ran out of breath, my hand struggling to hold him, but all I could do was touch his shoulder. He was needy and it showed, but I was needy too, so I didn't mind.

We broke the kiss a minute later and he looked uo at me. The two colours of his eyes fighting for dominance.

"I am sorry it happened. I am even more sorry I couldn't protect you, Sammy."

I shook my head. "It's not your fault. I pushed you away."

He leaned his head on my shoulder, and I raked my hands trough his hair, caressing the nape of his neck, down to the part where my name was tatted.

I didn't expect him to start placing small feathery kisses around my neck. I gasped, lifting my head to give him more access. His hands traced the side of my body down to my waist where he wrapped his arms around me, and pulled me closer to him.

He reclaimed my lips again, and I wrapped my arms around his neck. He adjusted, getting on his knees on the bed, as he moved forward, causing me to go down, my back flat on the bed.

He stopped for a minute, then lay beside me. I turned around to face him, even though I was a little confused.

"Sammy...do you not trust me anymore?"

He looked sober, his eyes now fully blue.

"I do.."

"Can you vouch for what I am capable of, Sammy?"

I nodded, even tough I thought it was a bit ironic. Minutes ago, I was ready to have his head because I believed he had done this to me.

But it was kind of hard not to think so, seeing that man that way I had seen him would confuse even Morgan himself.

He pulled me to him and placed a small kiss on my forehead. 

"What do you think about going back home?"

"It's not an option," I said simply. I wasn't leaving him. I wasn't giving up on him. I believed I at least, owed him that much. Come to think of it, he had almost lost his life for me too. He's obviously had more problems in my three months of being here than he's had in all how years as king, yet he never thought of giving up on me.

The one time he did, which was right now, was still on order to protect me and keep me safe. I would rather have him rescue me like that every day, and then end the day like this, than go home amd try to forget him. Because I can't.

I won't be able to.

"Why?" He asked, his hands tucking away small strands of my hair from my face. It left a tingling fekeing where his hands had left.

"It's just not an option. Leaving you behind is not an option, the same way leaving me behind is not an option for you. I do hope you understand."

"I don't think you're safe anymore." He touched my lips with his thumb. "I would rather have you anywhere else in the universe, than endanger you to some freak who I am yet to identify."

"Its really the same thing for me. Being predated on in a world where you don't even know who the predator is, and being away fron you in order to preserve my safety...they sound like exactly the same thing to me."

He shook his head. "You really want to stay here?"

I nodded and pulled myself to him. "Let me stay with you until the tattoo fades."

He chuckled. "You're so witty."

I smiled as his hands came up to my face, and he turned to the back, caressing my face with his fingertips.

"And so beautiful too."


 He nodded. "Maybe you don't realize it yourself, Sammy. But you're gorgeous."

I snuggled into his chest, breathing in the sheer smell of him. He was just ad breathtaking as he thought I eas, but I guess he knew that much. The girls back at school had been solid evidence.

"Would you mind...getting married to me?"

He looked sincere.

"Are you asking me to marry you?"

"If you want to, Sammy. That's what we'll do."

"Well, for now...all I want is a kiss. On the lips. For an hour...".

He stared at me. "You are so not a nerd."

"I probably never was."

"Does my wife have two identities?"

I nodded. "I am your little princess, and your favorite queen."

"Favorite? You're not my favorite queen. You're my only queen."

I couldn't say anything before he claimed my lips again, taking me to heights of ecstasy I didn't think I could reach.