
Grimous: Magic awakened

In the world of Grim mana was the second oldest thing as their planet itself, it was an otherworldy energy able to bend reality to their will The gift of mana was only for a few and so the normal people hunt wizards and witches before they could ever grow Their mana was said to be the gift of the world and as destructive as it may be human ingenuity was only second in power These manaless created tools to extract a mage's mana by force known to be brutal and worst cases lead to death Garry Kettle was from a prominent family but everything turned south at age 10 when he awakens his mana

Sleeping_Giant · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
18 Chs

This isn't your typical forest [3]

After an hour's worth of travel, they finally came face to face with the residence of Godfrey's enigmatic relative. As pressuring as it was it equaled the majestic view it primarily built to appear. An ancient castle on top of what seems to be an elder tree where many elves desired to station their abodes. A large branch bends over from the top making its way down until the leaves formed a hand where it gestures them to stand

"Don't get all so worked up with a measly entrance, there's a reason why he's all mysterious. Everyone wants to keep their distance and he doesn't want to get bothered so they agreed on something. This castle serves as a divider to scare away the dark forces from ever reaching the city,"

Garry felt shivers and said. "Dark forces? Who are they? And if your uncle hates company why agree in the first place?"

The gates of the castle open for them as a silhouette came looking down on his terrace of his likely visitors. (Answer the boy)

Godfrey was uncomfortable sharing these tales but his uncle himself requested for him to do so. "Dark forces can vary from many things corruption, curses, and forbidden spells defying the natural law. Most came to be known as Warlocks and Witches, not to be confused with a Wizard and a Sorceress untouched by such power. My uncle whether he has no intentions for anything than the prevention of his death came to create a taboo,"

"Is that the reason why he's immortal?" Garry reckoned as Godfrey never once told of the tale of his uncle to scare the mind of the little boy

"Yes," He truthfully answered

"I did mention the mystical planes change Grims in different ways, that includes their attributes for magic. The elves are mostly talented in nature-based magic, plants, mysticism gardening, and lastly Animus. Magic that allows one to morph or even manifest beasts of nature with the use of their mana the least talented raise cattle," Godfrey added a little bit of humor to lighten everyone's ever-drowning mood

Minutes later their group came severed in the presence of a midget-like creature with green skin and an elderly demeanor. "Mr. Kettle we've been reported of your arrival this evening. Lord Godfrey and company... the Lord of the house wishes to speak in private with this boy. I was asked to bring the rest to the dining table, guests just follow your clown of a boss,"

Godfrey scratches his noggin later went on his knees and shakes off young Garry in his frustrations before they leave. "You heard the goblin over there, we gotta go. Don't worry Mr. Fritz won't bite, maybe? I don't really know he might have gone to get some dentures– Ow!"

Fritz smacks him on the head. "I'm old, not deaf! If you wish to insult me then it's best if you prepare a helmet. You never truly change even in the years we've long been separated. Off you go now, and please don't give me a reason to smack you twice!"

As Fritz clenched his fist Godfrey scurried away before he gets another beating and Garry was escorted. They walked past the study hall where the books flew from one shelf to the other. The living room felt noisy even though not a man was seen but the pieces of furniture moved like a herd of animals. Soon their travel was put to a stop when he met an open door where countless creatures seemingly exit

"Oh, dear! It seems those Quiffrel has done it again, where are the other servants when you need them? Alrighty, you needn't worry, my lord doesn't keep any dangerous beast and if he did they'll be on a leash,"

Garry seemed doubtful and yet he replied. "Don't worry, I think there's a reason why he gave me a wand. Even if there isn't I'll be sure to prepare for anything. So this is the place, are you sure?"

Fritz soothes his ever-looming doubt by patting him and the back and saying with a reassuring tone. "That door leads to the castle's garden it has such a wonderful view. Most of us have yet to see the interior. The lord must think highly if he wishes you to enter such a room,"

Garry steeled himself and march closer to the door and opening so he arrived at what seemed to be a garden. The door he went through was nothing more than a gateway and when it close it disappeared leaving him no choice but to move onwards. He never felt any pressure and the animals seems to grow fondly of his presence but he never stopped and walk through the top

'I can see something? A table set? And this smell... it's tea? Just the scent reminds me of the Pottrous. Wait, I remember now! It's the herbal tea I used to drink, what a coincidence! But whys is there tea in the middle of the night? He's here then! Godfrey's uncle!!'

He pulled out his wand and wave it so along with uttering the chant. "Acceleros!"

His speed quickened and his body was entangled with a deep veil of energy seeping from his wand. His weight lessened and hurriedly ran from the highest peak of this garden passing the creatures and flowers alike. When he'd finally reached his destination he couldn't stop and he came knocking head-first to the chair

"Hahaha, you should know that Acceleros is used as a form of getaway. The spell has loads of uses but due to the lack of mobility, it's mostly neglected. If you paired such spells with Trannzo a spell that influences your body to shift and turn it'll be brilliant,"

His eyes seemingly followed the voice and there he saw a turtle drinking tea. "You must be Godfrey's uncle? I'm Garry Kettle, it's nice to meet you, sir. I hope I didn't come at a bad time,"

Godrick was stunned by his lack of fright and he even go so far as to properly greet him with not a hint of distress. "How odd... boy I thought you came from a Grimmel society, how aren't you scared? Can't you see, im a talking turtle, does that not freak you out in the slightest?"

Garry took a look once more when he lit the table set with his staff and there he saw what many came to see an abomination. "I don't know what I should be afraid of, you don't look sinister at all. If you compare yourself to Umbler, then I can differentiate you from a monster to a cartoon. You don't know what im talking about, right? Oh, well... this is uncomfortable,"

Godrick burst out laughing at the very sight of a fella never once scared and he even pinches himself as if it were a dream. "Why is this a turn for the better? Sit down boy, I wanna hear more of what this thing you call 'Cartoon' is. Would you also care to sit down and have some tea?"

A while after these two started as cold but in due time they were both seemingly eager to talk with one another. Garry's indifferent manner played a part but they more or less hit it off as he told stories of how the manaless have far developed. Right after their chat had far exceeded and both felt the emptiness in their belly they came to the end of their extended chattering

"You truly are distinct from the children of your age, if I didn't know any better I thought you were an adult. That must be partially the reason why my idiot of a nephew was worried about your life. He may be a goofball but he's weak when it comes to children more so if their not acting their age," Godrick was deeply absorbed in their chatter and Garry was the only one left to remind him of his summons

"Mr. Godrick... may I ask why you called for me? If you came to ask me to be your servant or anything I don't need this whole charade. You've done so much for me, healed me, cared for me, and I heard about Simon. You've been keeping his health in check, im no longer the heir to a lineage. Im but an outcast,"

He takes a sip of his cup and he never once cried for he knew such things wouldn't change his predicament. He knew very well that if he was condemned to be a servant he'll easily bend his knee and do as he was told. The young Kettle was no sucker and he could hardly blame or throw a fit, instead, he courageously faced the bitter reality

"This house is yours to wander, food for you to eat, books for you to enjoy, and the cost is but a time spent for this old man. Garry Kettle, I had thought of taking you in as my disciple, this meeting was just to see how I should act to better suit you. You hate being lied to so here's the truth, I seek you, but you're fragile, weak to the touch and so easily broken. If you chose to follow me then only pain and suffering await, that's what I offer,"

Garry stands straight and gave his hand for Godrick to shake and replied. "Pain and suffering are granted to those who desire the impossible. You're telling me that what I seek is the impossible and if so even standing beside them is hard... just the thought of my siblings always seems to cross my mind,"

Godrck tightly held his hand and said. "A life where you can go hand in hand with the manaless? Many believe such a thing is nothing but a pipe dream, but a dream no less. Without power and guidance, do you think you could reach that dream? Even if many say it was never meant to be you'll never stop... what's your answer, boy?"

"Please teach me,"

Godrick grinned and said. "With pleasure,"

Things such as goals are paired with obstacles seemingly reflecting how difficult one's dreams may be. But a foundation with no control, a power that remains to grow, yet knows no guidance is but a path of destruction. Garry knew it well just himself wasn't enough for that goal and he knew the risks and peril of such a ludicrous ambition