
Grimous: Magic awakened

In the world of Grim mana was the second oldest thing as their planet itself, it was an otherworldy energy able to bend reality to their will The gift of mana was only for a few and so the normal people hunt wizards and witches before they could ever grow Their mana was said to be the gift of the world and as destructive as it may be human ingenuity was only second in power These manaless created tools to extract a mage's mana by force known to be brutal and worst cases lead to death Garry Kettle was from a prominent family but everything turned south at age 10 when he awakens his mana

Sleeping_Giant · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
18 Chs

This isn't your typical forest [2]

After they finish their lunch Lilla asked little Kettle a question that she's been waiting to hear for the longest time. "So Garry, uh does your body hurt anywhere? You can tell me anything,"

She slammed her hands to the ground and lean closer to the bandaged boy in her front waiting for his answer. "Not really... it feels like everything's back in place and strangely improved. It feels like even without doing anything my body has grown stronger... why do you ask?"

Lilla veered her eyes to Godfrey and later Garry followed right after and darted his gaze as well. "Fine, I guess you pass the first test. You caught me, and it looks like your body doesn't negatively react to this place's cuisine. Lilla, you can reward him for your test, I'll check my space-altered pocket for mine,"

Lilla nodded and with her strong yet gentle hands she pinned him down to the ground where she begins to undress him. She started with his chest down to his toes and slowly his bandages came undone and the fuzzy feeling of mana appeared once more. Lilla was in awe of the drastic change in his body where not a single scar remain and the ever-glowing vision he unknowingly gained

"Your eyes why are they different–" Godfrey struck her back with his elbow and Lilla came to understand

"Um I mean your eye is so beautiful, I never got a clear view since most of the time were in the dark. Anyways the reason why you weren't able to feel mana was because of these bandages. Specially made by Godfrey's uncle they'll drain your mana and restore your injuries whether big or small,"

"Think fast!" Godfrey threw a book where he found a wand in the middle and it reacted so by giving him a nostalgic warmth

"Well, would ya look at that? Out of the 146th sampled in your sleep, this one responded with the least hostility. It's nothing special, your wand determines your output, and this little guy was rampant before you came along. Looks like your magical output was the cherry on top, the book is a freebie it has some elementary-grade spells," The three made their way after their refreshing picnic, and off they go to the city hidden in the woods

'Now this is... incredible,'

Shrouded by the charms they pass through an illusory field and the next they saw was the existence of a city bustling with elves. The side they came from we're flooded and most of the people yelled and the robust scent of spices deemed this to be the marketplace. A little while after they came crossing paths with the twins inside a fabulous boutique where many came rushing to his need

[Boutique owner: Aleah Conroy]

"Oooh la la! I never thought you'd be telling the truth even once, Godfrey. But I stand in a daze, where did you find such a charming boy? You wouldn't perhaps become a slave trader I presume?" They met with a tall elegant woman closer in height to Godfrey as she playfully pinches little Kettle's cheeks

"Get your hands off of him! He's somewhat become entangled with my uncle, so yeah, I have to watch over him. I guess we'll be visiting another time, I forgot to ask when is the time when you're not available– Ow! What the heck," Not even a second, and one of these two mostly Godfrey met the floor upon receiving a powerful left hook

"Bastard! You've gotten too ballsy eh? How bout I jog your memory for a little bit? You didn't even bring me a gift. And now you pull this shit, Mr. Lane... you eagerly want to die am I correct!!?" She cracked her first before she pounces and as they persist with their quarrel the employees never cared and tend to his need

"Are we just going to ignore them?" Garry said whilst the three brushed it off as one of Godfrey's typical routine

"No worries! A little ol' bruise wouldn't bring our boss any harm. He's in good hands," A loud thud came knocking through the walls and Zahyr and the rest heard his pleading request

"Aghhh! Save me! She's a monster! Get her off me– Aghhhhhhhh!!!" His voice faded away along with his body leaving their view as Zahyr and Estelle remained unfazed

"He's in good hands alright. Those two go way back, their childhood friends... I think you've already guessed just with her glamorous outfit that our leader is oblivious. I can't believe his one of the luckiest bastards I came across in my life! How the hell can he rizz so many chicks unknowingly, I wish he up and die!" Estelle bitterly replied whilst his little brother comforted him by patting him on the back

"I kind of understand Lilla's challenge in testing if my body is compatible with your food but I can't understand this. Why did you two drag me here the moment you saw me, unless there's something? Do any of these clothes have some sort of special effect that only an Arcanist can detect?"

The twins squinted and said. "No!"

Estelle threw a bunch of clothing set whilst Zahyr gave him some accessories to go with his desired attire. "I heard the boss told you about his uncle being old, and not by the elven standards I might add, he's a living fossil. Think of this as preparations before even knowing the guy, the attire makes the person every day say, they're not wrong though. In the mystical world even how you look defines your image so it's best to look dignified as possible,"

"I'm done! Most of these clothes are too stuffy. Can you take a look at what I picked? If this doesn't qualify then bring me a new set and make sure they're breathable. I have to say most of these clothes are designed for winter seasons why the hell are they in stock?"

The curtains opened and the three had their jaws fallen when he emerged from the mountain of attire. An orange suit topped with a bow and elegant to the eyes whilst staying elastic along with being effortlessly fashionable. Gloves that came to be soft yet hard and most of all quite durable to protect his flesh if the situation is inevitable. In the bottom half, he preferred leather jeans with his shoes primarily focusing on traveling and topping it all off with a black cloak

"Wow..." The twins were stunned when Lilla a person who never cared about fashion was breath taken by this boy

Zahyr poked his brother and said. "Heh... even a little kid can't be compared to you. Big brother why are you unpopular– I'm joking stop! I'm joking kieek!"

Garry expected such a reaction from the crowd along with him swooning the elves with his elegant yet playful demeanor. He wasn't a nobleman if he couldn't even catch not one but many girls to flock over him like a metal to a magnet. He goes so far as to alter his personality lightly smoothening his tone and mostly changing his expression in mere seconds

"Ladies, how much do I owe you?" He acts all cute and innocent and the elven staff completely fell into his childish ways

He pulled out his childish smile and every woman in a meter radius fell madly into his lovely face. Aleah the owner of the store placed her hand on his shoulder and the other holding what seems to be a magical artifact. Her intense glare gave a sign of her deep thought about his existence and offers him something he couldn't decline

"Hello there young man, are you perhaps looking for an easy-paying job? You just have to wear these other sets and allow me to picture you. Ahem, sorry for being too aggressive, but do you still want to be a poster boy?"

Their departure took ages and some might have gotten bored, Garry's expression however says otherwise. His beaming smile along with the pouch of Eruns clanking with every step he takes filled him with a sense of accomplishment. As the sun was about to set he expected the presence of the last member he's yet to see but nothing came his way

"Where's Maximilian?" Garry asked as the gang scratch their head in confusion at his abrupt question

"You guys didn't tell him? Maximilian is the only one here who has some relatives apart from myself. The rest well believe it or not have some twisted origins, we're just going to get some dinner. What do you want?"

Garry had a hunch about the situation and he finally raised the question. "This isn't a test, isn't it? Everything we did so far was for me to get used to the new environment. I had my suspicions even before you came along, you're deliberately delaying my encounter with your uncle, aren't you?"

Godfrey attempted on pulling an immediate response but he was stopped by the person who operated this whole thing

(Don't make it complicated and just agree! This child can't be fooled so it's best we should properly treat him as it is. I thought he'd be cruel due to the sudden change but I think you're right. It's his nature, stop dilly-dallying and sent him here after you're done shopping)

Every one of his crew heard from their earpiece and they laugh at how transparent he came to be. "If I gave you 100 Eruns will you keep this a secret from Aleah?"

"Make it 200 and you got yourself a deal!"