
Chapter 41

You spent a few hours with Weiss, idly shooting the breeze and just in general talking and catching up, but everything going on seemed to have taken a lot out of her, and she fell asleep while cuddling up to your super de-duper cute house cat sized form.

It was a bit of a chore getting her under the covers though without opposable thumbs, but you managed it after a little bit of a struggle.

You were about to head out of her room and see about catching up with a few of the others, when you idly heard something coming from outside in the garden outback. You'd been hearing it for a while actually, but just hadn't bothered with it because you were content to lay with Weiss.

Curiosity getting the better of you, you walked over and hopped up onto the Windowsill and peered out. To your surprise, you saw Nora, garbed in some work out clothes, her pink aura shining around her body as she swung her massive hammer around, looked like she was doing her basic kata to keep them ingrained in her muscle memory. Thinking on it, she must have been out here a few hours now and was still going strong. Her stamina has increased quite a decent bit since you last saw her.

Interested and eager to chat with your favorite voluptuous shortstack, you unlatched the window- much easier than tucking Weiss in - and pushed it up before hoping out and dropping the thirty or so feet to the ground seamlessly, barely making a sound at all as she landed.

"Yo Nora!" you called out to her, padding your way over.

She froze mid swing with her massive warhammer and let it drop to the ground casually, the sheer weight of it making the ground shake a bit beneath you.

"Balty!" she turned and cheered, green eyes lighting up at the sight of you. And now that you were up close, you had to admit, you were so very glad you had come out to see her.

The mainly white top she was wearing was absolutely drenched with sweat, to the point where you could see a hint of pink nipple through the soaked and slightly now see through cloth thanks to her large, heavy breasts stretching it out tightly.

Man, those were some nice cherry pink nips she had. And the way her full meaty thighs shone with her sweat in the sunlight was positively delicious.

You made a deliberate show of looking over her chest and lifted your paw up, propping up your end claw like a thumbs up, "Nice." you praised her, "I really wouldn't mind getting in that shirt."

Nora chuckled, "Don't miss a beat do ya Balty?" she replied, but the ginger girl wasn't bothered at all. In fact, she bowed down low and tugged on the collar of her shirt, opening it up and letting you see the heavy round and magnificently deep depths of cleavage she had within that shirt, "Not much room to fit you in here though, if I tried to stuff you between my boobs in this it'd probably rip."

"I'm perfectly okay with that!" you replied happily.

Nora tapped her chin and hummed as if thinking before shaking her head, "Sorry Balty, fun as it could be, this is my favorite work out top." she shrugged, "So what brings ya out here to see me? I figured you'd be catching up with your best buddy Weiss."

There was something odd in her tone, but you couldn't place it, "Well, I wanted to catch up with you and her mostly," you shrugged, and you noticed a smile spread across her face, "Weiss just dragged me off upstairs before I got the chance to talk to you since we hadn't really seen each other since the Fall of Beacon and she was feeling all guilty about how she hadn't even realised Cinder-bitch murderized me with her little posse."

Nora grimaced at your words, but quickly smothered it with her smile, "Well, just let me know when you find her and are going after her, I'll smash her knee caps in and make sure you get the chance to do anything you want to her in revenge," she said, before pausing and repeating, "Anything." she punctuated with a nod.

..Well, that was good to know. Bit broad though.

Shaking your head, you decided to change the topic, "Well, enough of this depressing shit, I came out here to shamelessly perv on you and let you know about this amazing ability I picked up that will be great with your semblance." you said.

I'll add an image of Nora's outfit in the text part where it was described.

I'll be uploading another chapter later on as well.

0_Jordinio_0creators' thoughts