
Chapter 15

Well, no matter really, it was still a Death Stalker in the end, Elder or not and as long as you stayed up high in the air, a Death Stalker had no ranged option to fuck you up.

Flaring out your massive wings, you gave a powerful pair of beats and launched six massive quills down at it, coated in your aura.

They split through the air like a barrage of small rockets and pierced into the top of the massive insectoid Grimm's top with enough force to send a displacement of air throughout the clearing it was in and buffet the trees hard enough for quite a few leaves to get sent flying.

An angry hissing chitter erupted from it and unminding of the cracks over tis armour from where your feathers stabbed into it, it whirled around and looked up at you.

"Heh, doesn't matter if you get angry bug boy!" You taunted, "You can't do shit to me while I'm up he-"

'Look out!' Pyrrha shouted suddenly.

There was a flash of green light that erupted from both of the Elder Death Stalker's pincers as it thrust them towards you. And only instinct and Pyrrha's warning allowed you to beat your wings hard enough to throw yourself back, just in time for a pair of massive crystal like spears to pierce through your previous position and shoot off into the distance behind you.

Your crimson eyes went wide, "What the fuck!?" you cursed in shock. Since when could Death Stalker's of any kind create and fire crystals!?

A raging chitter from beneath you drew your attention, and another pair of massive crystal spears were shot up at you. Ready as you were for them this time though, it was a simple enough matter to whisk around them with the distance between you and it giving you ample time.

You flared your wings and were about to return fire. But, then it did something surprising. The glowing green Death Stalker slammed its pincers into the ground in front of it and the ground rumbled ominously.

"Holy shit!" you screamed as a massive glowing spire of crystal jutted up from the ground towards you. It was so big it was again, easy enough to dodge despite its speed. But then the Elder Death Stalker hopped on to the spire and began rapidly ascending it towards you!

This thing had no fucking right to be so fast! It would reach you in seconds. But still; "Big fucking mistake idiot!" you laughed and launched yourself down, lashing out with both of your front paws and slamming your gauntlet clad claws down atop the massive spire of crystal.

Boom! The massive structure shook mightily. Yet, "Ow, motherfucker!" you shouted, it was so hard hitting it actually gave you phantom pains through your aura! And there wasn't even a fucking scratch on it!

'Well, there goes the idea of just letting it fall to its death.' Pyrrha hummed as you whipped your wings and threw yourself higher into the air to avoid a barrage of crystal spears shot out at you by the rapidly ascending Death Stalker.

You lashed out with your wings, firing another barrage of six massive feather quills. But just before they could slam into the Death Stalker's front, it thrust its claws outwards, and a fucking wall of crystal was conjured in front of it with a flash of green light and blocked the attacks.

You had to beat your wings and force yourself up into the air when it freaking threw the wall of crystals, quills and all at you like a fucking frisbee!

As soon as you got high above it though, you unleashed another barrage of feathers and smirked in satisfaction when it didn't conjure a wall of crystal above it to block it.

It shrieked in rage, but, those hits gave you a precious few moments to fly higher up into the air and get even further out of range.

"Oh c'mon!" you exclaimed when it smacked its pincers into the crystal spire and more and more began to emerge from the top of it making its bridge to reach you get longer and longer. It was already like three hundred feet high at this point!

'It's a lot smarter than the usual variety, but it's still a Grimm in the end. The single minded pursuit its devoted to, despite the intelligence it has gained will be its undoing,' Pyrrha explained as you ascended higher, 'Just keep shooting it, it will die eventually. Sometimes, you don't need some grand battle plan and just continuing to attack is the best option.'

You knew that. that was your plan.

And so, when you were about another hundred feet above the glowing green Grimm, you flared your wings out again, and once more let loose a barrage of quills that shot through the air like bullets.

For all that massive size and weight could be a big benefit in a fight. It could also be a big disadvantage as well. It made it so much harder to dodge, and it made you a much easier target. Something you'd picked up on quite a bit in the last few months you'd spent as a Grimm yourself.

The six massive gleaming black razor sharp feathers slammed into the Elder Death Stalker and drew another shriek of pain from it. Its armor was looking mighty damage, you could even see some of the soft flesh beneath it.

'This should do it!' you nodded to yourself, and with another beat of your wings fired six more giant quills at the beast.

Something odd happened just before they crossed the distance and hit it though. The Grimm screeched unnaturally and crossed its pincers together in front of its a face. And in a split few moments, just before the quills slammed into it, dozens upon dozens of thick glowing green crystal spikes energy from every point of the Death Stalkers body, and then it swung its pincers outwards and launched the crystal spikes in every damn direction like an overpowered shotgun blast.

You heard the sound of its carapace finally shattering under your feathers, but you were to busy to pay attention. With a yelp, you beat your wings and rapidly weaved between dozens of crystal spikes. Some of them just barely missing you as you weaved between them while you flew higher and higher into the air.

It only took a few seconds for everything to be over. But, "Holy shit that was close!" you panted, shock filling your core. You were not expecting that last area of effect attack. That was insane!

That may have been your closest brush with death since you had reincarnated as a Grimm...sans your encounter with Professor Goodwitch.

'That's different.' Pyrrha suddenly spoke up after giving you a few moments to calm down.

"Hmm?" you hummed and looked down. You saw the dissolving corpse of the Elder Death Stalker rise up into the air. That was normal. What was not normal, was that while half of the smoke was still black, the other was a glowing luminescent green!

It flew up alongside the black half and like the other Grimm remains, was absorbed inside your body. You sighed in pleasure as you felt your body strengthen from the added essence of the beast.