
Griffin's Studio

( Note: Since I've been asked a couple of times, this work will start off with my own characters, to just build up Adrian's story. Then I'll start introducing other characters from manwha and manga into it. E.g. - Lookism or How to fight.) (Note 2: This is set in an Oc country but crosses over with other action manwha and manga.) Hey guys welcome to my new novel. This is just an early warning but my main novel right now is my Barber In Gotham fanfic. So this one will not be updated regularly, but to make up for it the chapters will be really long. This is a second attempt at a novel I tried to write previously but trashed, this is now my second attempt. Hope you enjoy it. ....... After a selfless act of heroism, our Mc meets an unexpected fate – death by building-chan. However, his journey doesn't end there. Welcomed by the divine, he is bestowed with a rare chance at reincarnation, along with a collection of extraordinary gifts and abilities. In a twist of fate, he finds himself inhabiting the body of the flawed and lecherous Adrian Griffin, who was going to run a women-only gym. Determined to break free from the shackles of his predecessor's unsavoury past, Adrian embraces the opportunity to start anew.

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6 Chs

Chapter Two

(The next morning)

As Adrian Layed in bed, he couldn't help but shiver a bit feeling the chilly air brush against his skin.

His heater had been broken for who knows how long and the previous Adrian had never gotten it fixed, so he was waiting for the repair man to come and fix it which he should be doing in a day or so.

So for the meanwhile Adrian had been making do with using a lot of blankets and a portable heater that he had found while cleaning up all the garbage.

But he had forgotten it before going to sleep, so now he was freezing. And the only source of warmth near him was this nice smelling and soft pillow he was hugging.

But then as if to fulfill his subconscious will for warmth, a strange energy started to circulate around his body.

This energy was better known as chi and it was one of the abilities Shang-chi was known to poses.

Adrian's body temperature started to rise and the freezing chill he felt slowly went away. The pillow that he was hugging also seemed to have felt the change and had snuggled up even closer to him.

And it wasn't long before both Adrian and his pillow started to stir awake. Adrian slowly fluttered his eyes awake and the same was done by his pillow.

Two pairs of eyes looked at each other in confusion before both opened wide in shock. Memories of the previous night had come flooding back in.

Adrian didn't know what to say. What could he even say.' Hey so I found you at a bar saved you from some perverts, and took you home because you didn't tell me where you lived. Had some consensual sexy time, but ultimately I decided not to continue because you were drunk and instead slept by your side because you wouldn't let go of me.'

Yeah no, that ain't happening...I mean he could but...

As Adrian was going through a million scenarios in his head, the woman who he was still laying in bed with and hugging tightly slowly started to regain her senses.

At first, her memories were foggy but slowly things started to come back to her.

Her going to the bar to drink her sorrows away, those men bothering her, Adrian coming to help her before they could do anything to her, him taking her to his home, taking care of her, her putting the advances on him and though he did falter and give in, he ultimately stopped and stayed by her side before falling asleep.

And finally, the last thing she remembered before falling asleep was his face gently looking over her.

She sighed inwardly before taking a good look at Adrian. She still couldn't get over the fact that she was actually in bed with a man. She didn't want to be rude but an average one at that.

Considering the beauty standards of this world were ten times that of Adrian's previous one, it wasn't wrong to say Adrian was at most average looking.

But she couldn't deny the warmth she felt in her chest as he held her like he was. And the fact that even after her advances he actually refused her and didn't take advantage of the situation.

She knew ninety-nine per cent of men would have said fuck it and have sex with her right there and then...so why dident he?

'Sigh, I'm not thrilled with the things that he did and what he saw, but not all the blame is on him, no, I am to blame. I went out without my security and because of that I'm now in a situation like this.'

'No, this was probably one of the better outcomes that could have happened because of my recklessness.' If those other men had been the ones that had taken her away...she shuddered to think what would have happened to her.

Adrian's hands that were still wrapped around her bare waist didn't seem so bad now...plus she didn't know why, but being snuggled up next to him, his bare skin against hers, it felt...freeing.

And looking at his panicked face she kinda found it adorable. She went through her memories one last time just to make sure she didn't miss anything before finally speaking.

"Good morning." She said looking straight into Adrian's eyes, there was no struggle, no fear or any confusion, she just stared at him like their situation was an everyday thing.

"G-good morning, your probably so confused right now, I promise I'll explain everything...but before that, if you are worried that we did anything rest assured that we didn't...I mean we did at the beginning but that was..."

"I know...I remember everything." She said, catching Adrian off guard.

"Damn, really and I even came up with a great explanation and everything," Adrian said disappointed but also relieved.

"Thank you." The woman finally said, confusing Adrian.

"Huh! What for."

"For not taking advantage...and for protecting me when no one else did."

"You're welcome, but I didn't really do anything noteworthy," Adrian said.

"I see, that's what you think. But that doesn't change what you did. Huh, I just remembered we never introduced ourselves, I'm Freya, Freya Oakley."

And then Freya waited for his reaction. And she waited...and waited...

"Freya that's a beautiful name, named after the goddess of beauty herself," Adrian said with a smile finding the name quite appropriate for the woman right beside him.

"I never introduced myself either, I'm Adrian, Adrian Cambell Griffin, it's nice to finally meet the sober you Freya."

Freya layed in his arms in shock. She wasn't shocked because he had introduced himself, no, she was shocked because he didn't even react when she had said her name.

"You, do you not know who I am." She asked in a confused and intrigued tone of voice. She had her speculations but she just wanted confirmation.

"Yeah, you just introduced yourself, your Freya," Adrian answered, finding the question quite strange.

'He doesn't know who I am...Ha-hahaha, wow I'm actually surprised, someone in Verdia doesn't know who I am, and it's a guy for that matter.'

"Pfttt haha, I see hey Adrian do I look familiar to you in any way? Really think about it, have you seen me anywhere."

To the sudden question, Adrian was confused. Had they met before, *Gasp* was she a possible victim of the previous Adrian's perversions?

Adrian quickly went through his memories but couldn't find her anywhere. And he thinks if anyone would know a gorgeous face like hers it would be the previous him, but he had no recollection of her.

But that could be attributed to the fact that he had not received all of Adrian's memories.

That was why he was shocked looking searching up the history of the world. He wouldn't have been so surprised if he already knew these things through Adrian's memories.

"I'm sorry but I really can't remember...have we possibly met before," Adrian asked.

Freya shook her head." No, we haven't met before, in fact, this is our first time meeting, the reason I asked you that was because...you know what I think it's better if you open the blinds.

Adrian was again left confused but still did as she said, he slipped one of his hands off Freya's waist and grabbed a remote from the desk on the side of the bed.

At first, Freya felt weird feeling his hands glide across her skin, but then she felt a sense of loss when he let go of her. As a matter of fact, why hadn't the two separated already...she found her own mind feeling fuzzy.

If this was in any other situation she would have kicked anyway who touched her without her consent in the balls, and then have the police take them away...so why hadn't she with Adrian.

What made her want to stay in his arms, to feel his heart beat against her own chest, to feel his rippling muscles that dwarfed her own gently hold her?

After Adrian had grabbed the remote, he pressed a button that automatically opened up the curtains, the sun shone through the window and he squinted for a good few seconds before his eyes adjusted to the light.

'I'm looking outside but I still don't see what Freya is talking about, what will I understand if I open up the curt...hold on...no...no there's no way...that's...'

Adrian's head mechanically turned to Freya who nodded, he turned back outside, then to Freya, then back outside and once again to Freya.

Adrian gulped a mouth full of saliva." That...that..." Adrian tried to form a full sentence but he was struggling, he turned to Freya one last time and finally confirmed that it was really her.

Just outside His apartment was one of the biggest TV Billboards in his city. And just as a commercial of a car had finished, a new commercial for a popular energy drink started playing, and in that commercial was the very same gorgeous model that was laying in his arms at this very moment.

"You're a celebrity..." Adrian asked as his eyes never left the billboard. Had he just slept with a celebrity in the first week of his transmigration?

"Yep! Though I'm surprised there's a man in Verdia who doesn't know who I am, that reaction of yours was kinda cute." Freya said while Looking into Adrian's eyes, she liked the colour of them, they reminded her of the waters of the Maldives when she had visited for work.

"Now that that's out of the way, I think we should start getting dressed." Freya said separating herself from Adrian's arms.

Adrian felt some sort of loss when she separated herself but then blushed slightly seeing that she was still naked from the waist up.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to look.." Adrian said but he didn't look away. Freya gave him a dry look, but her naked body wasn't something that he hadn't seen and she didn't feel uncomfortable that he was seeing her like this.

But still, she covered her breasts with her arms covering up the most important bits. She slid to the edge of the bed and Quickly put on her bra and Adrian finally looked away to give her time to change.

After putting on her bra, she went to pick up her shirt, but immediately noticed all the broken buttons at the top.

'Sigh, I didn't think I was that forward when I was drunk, I even ended up ripping my own shirt.'

Adrian not hearing any movement for a while turned around and saw that she had at least covered herself a bit, but again her bra was see-through so he could still see everything.

"My shirts to ruined to be worn again, do you have anything I could wear," Freya asked and Adrian immediately looked at her shirt before, getting off the bed and approaching her.

It was only then that Freya had noticed how big and tall Adrian was compared to the average man. No wonder she felt so secure and warm in his embrace.

After looking over her shirt Adrian thought of something and said." I'll get you one of my jackets for now, I'll repair your shirt in the meanwhile."

"Repair my shirt," Freya asked in a surprised tone.

Adrian nodded and immediately got to work, after giving Freya one of his smaller jackets to wear, he grabbed a tin of biscuits that didn't even have biscuits inside but needles and threads instead.

Freya looked on in interest as Adrian began to sow each one of her buttons back onto her shirt.

She found it funny that Adrian a big macho man like himself actually knew how to sow. She stared at him while sitting on the couch, she felt like he's kept on helping her but she hasn't really done anything for him.

That's when she heard her stomach growl and an idea came to mind. While Adrian was busy fixing her shirt, she was in the kitchen looking through the fridge to cook herself and Adrian some breakfast.

Despite being quite the celebrity, if there was something that she loved doing herself then it was cooking. She immediately grabbed a few ingredients and some seasoning and got to work.

As Adrian added the finishing touches to Freya's shirt, he was suddenly assaulted by a heavenly scent of food.

Adrian stood up from his chair and walked to the kitchen where he saw Freya wearing his apron and putting plates of food on the table, it was a whole breakfast spread.

"You, you made all this," Adrian asked approaching the table, his stomach was already growling in hunger.

"If not me who else, now that you're done fixing my shirt let's dig in...this is also my thank you for helping me out."

Adrian nodded absentmindedly while sitting down in one of the chairs. Freya chose to sit on the opposite end of the table and the two immediately dug in.

'Delicious!!!!' Was what Adrian thought as his pace of eating increased. Seeing his reaction the breath Freya was subconsciously holding was finally released.

'It looks like he likes my food...I'm glad.' She thought before, enjoying the food she had just made herself.



A blacked-out Rangeraver had just pulled up outside Adrian's apartment and honked, notifying Freya that her ride was finally here.

Freya looked at the Suv and then at Adrian." I appreciate your generosity in letting me stay at your apartment, and also I ask that you not spread what happened with us to anyone, I can't really force you to stay quiet but...

"Don't worry Freya, it's our little secret and ours alone," Adrian said with a reassuring smile. There were only a few people in this world Freya truly believed the word of, and she might have to add one more person to that very small list.

She didn't know why but she felt like she could trust Adrian not to tell anyone.

"I guess this is goodbye then...stay safe out there, and try not to go out by yourself yeah! Otherwise, I might just find you again, and I'll have no choice but to bring you back here.

"Yeah, don't worry that won't be happening again...goodbye, Adrian," Freya said as she turned around.

There was something he wanted to say but in the end, he held back...


But right as he was about to turn around, Freya had stepped back and had grabbed his shirt before going on her tiny toes.

She had not kissed him on the lips of course but on the side of his cheek. Freya separated her lips from his face and the two looked at each other before she smiled and placed another kiss close to his lips but not quite.

She then whispered something into his ear before she handed him a note and walked away.

An oriental woman had exited the car to open the door for Freya, and after Freya was inside the woman turned to Adrian and bowed before returning to the driver's seat and driving off.

Adrian just stood there for a good minute before opening up the note Freya had left for him. It was an assortment of numbers, her number to be more specific.

'Heh, look like I'll be seeing you around then...mental note: Do as much research into Freya.' With those thoughts in mind, Adrian walked back to his apartment in a happy mood.


Meanwhile, in the Range Rover, everything was quiet besides the classical music playing on the radio.

Freya was staring at the streets outside, and a smile couldn't help but appear on her lips." How was the search for those men."

"I've already tracked them down and have all their information, it's just as you thought they had been planning it for a while now."

"I see, that's good..." Freya responded and the driver couldn't help but puse her lips.

"But was it necessary to put yourself in the line of danger like that, you know if the president found out about this she would be..."

"That's enough...I know what I was getting myself into, I know you were worried, thank you, but I'm fine."


"What about that other male, should I also..."

"No! This is the end of this discussion..."

"...Very well Miss Freya." The driver said before pulling up the back window to give the miss her privacy.

Once left alone, Freya couldn't help but sigh, her mind was filled with hundreds of things at once, and it was honestly stressing her out.

But that was when a familiar Oaky smell wafted near her nose. Looking down she immediately saw the origin of that smell, it was Adrian's jacket she was still wearing.

Adrian had seen how cold it was outside and had insisted that she take his jacket so that she wouldn't be cold.

And after some back and forth Freya finally relented and kept it on. But she was going to mail it back to him once she washed it.

Her eyes were glued to the jacket before she gave it a sniff.' It smells just like him.' She thought as the stress that had been plaguing her for months seemed to have slipped away, now her mind was only occupied by Adrian's Jacket scent.


Adrian sat at his laptop, curiosity piqued after Freya's departure. He couldn't shake the feeling of surprise at discovering her celebrity status.

With a quick search, her name led him to a plethora of information about Freya Oakley, the renowned model for Athena Cosmetics and Wear.

"Wow," he murmured to himself, scrolling through the search results. "She's really a big deal." The more he read, the more astonished he became at the magnitude of her fame.

As he clicked on various articles, he found interviews, photoshoots, and even videos of Freya strutting the catwalk with elegance and grace.

Her ethereal beauty seemed to captivate the camera and the audience alike. He couldn't help but marvel at the talent and dedication she must possess to reach such heights in the modelling industry.

"Freya Oakley... she's a goddess on the runway," Adrian whispered, awestruck.

He read through her numerous accomplishments, realizing that her fame had extended worldwide.

Athena Cosmetics and Wear, a Fortune 500 company, had its base of operations in Veridia, and she was the face of their brand. Her popularity rivalled that of some of the most famous celebrities back in his old world.

"This is incredible," Adrian muttered, amazed at how he had unknowingly spent the night with a global icon.

As he continued to delve deeper into her story, he couldn't help but wonder why she had ended up in that bar alone and seemingly vulnerable.

Perhaps even celebrities needed a night out to unwind and escape the pressures of their public lives.

He remembered the promise he had made to her, to keep their encounter a secret. "I won't breathe a word about it," he assured himself, knowing that revealing anything could jeopardize the trust she had placed in him.

With newfound respect and admiration for Freya, Adrian closed his laptop and leaned back in his chair.

He marvelled at the way his life had taken an unexpected turn, bringing him face-to-face with someone who had lived such a different reality.

"I wonder what other surprises this world has in store for me," he mused, looking forward to what lay ahead.


(The next day)

Adrian stepped into the grand Crystal Palace shopping mall, marvelling at the vastness of the place.

(And no, this Crystal Palace has no relation to the football team.)

He approached the massive map, his eyes scanning for the furniture store he needed. Finally locating it, he made his way through the bustling mall, taking in the array of shops and people.

As he entered the furniture store, he was greeted by a friendly sales clerk with a warm smile. "Hello there! Welcome to Crystal Furnishings! How may I assist you today?"

"Hi," Adrian replied, returning the smile. "I'm in need of some new furniture for my apartment. It's a bit... outdated at the moment."

The sales clerk chuckled sympathetically. "No worries! We've got a wide range of options to choose from. Let me show you around!"

They began their journey through the store, with the clerk proudly presenting various furniture pieces, and discussing their features and styles. Adrian was impressed with the selection, feeling a sense of excitement at the prospect of revamping his living space.

"Here's one of our best sellers," the clerk said, gesturing to a sleek and modern sofa set. "It's not only stylish but also incredibly comfortable. Perfect for relaxing after a long day."

Adrian sat on the sofa, testing its comfort. "This is nice! And it looks like it'll fit perfectly in my living room."

"Absolutely! It's available in different colours too, so you can pick one that matches your taste," the clerk added.

As they continued browsing, Adrian found himself drawn to a charming dining table set. "This dining set is fantastic! I love the design and how it complements the overall aesthetic."

"I'm glad you like it! It's a popular choice among our customers. It'll definitely add a touch of elegance to your dining area," the clerk assured him.

Adrian nodded, mentally envisioning his apartment with these new additions. "I'll take the sofa set and the dining table. Oh, and that bed over there," he said, pointing to a cosy and inviting bed frame.

"Excellent choices! You won't be disappointed," the clerk said cheerfully. "And don't forget, we have a special discount running this week. You'll be getting a great deal!"

"That's even better!" Adrian replied, pleased with his luck.

As they made their way to the payment counter, the clerk asked, "Will you need the furniture delivered to your place?"

"Yes, please. Can you arrange for it to be delivered in the morning?"

"Of course! We'll have it delivered to your address promptly," the clerk assured him, jotting down the details.

After completing the purchase, Adrian felt a sense of accomplishment and anticipation. "Thank you so much for your help."

The clerk smiled warmly. "You're welcome! It was a pleasure assisting you. I hope you enjoy your new furniture!"

With a grateful nod, Adrian bid the clerk goodbye and left the store with a spring in his step.

He couldn't wait for the delivery of his new furniture, eager to transform his apartment into a comfortable and stylish sanctuary.


The next morning, as the delivery crew set up the furniture in his apartment, Adrian felt a sense of satisfaction. His living space was now a reflection of the new chapter in his life, and he couldn't have been happier.

As he settled into his revamped home, Adrian knew that he had taken another step toward embracing his extraordinary life.


Adrian sat in front of his flat-screen TV, scrolling through channels, when something caught his eye.

It was Freya, looking absolutely stunning in a Phoenix-like dress. The news reporter was discussing an upcoming charity ball hosted by The Athena Group, and Freya was among the celebrities attending the event.

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen," the news reporter announced, "Tonight, we bring you an exclusive sneak peek into one of the most anticipated events of the year, The Athena Group's Charity Ball. This grand affair, held every two years, attracts A-list celebrities from all over Verdia and beyond."

Adrian leaned forward, captivated by the reporter's enthusiastic description of the event. The camera panned across a grand venue adorned with opulent decorations, setting the scene for a night of glamour and charity.

"The Athena Charity Ball is more than just a social event," the reporter continued. "It's a night of giving back, as The Athena Group hosts an extravagant auction, raising funds for various charitable causes. Celebrities and philanthropists alike contribute their personal items and prized possessions to be auctioned off to the highest bidders."

As images of previous charity balls flashed across the screen, the reporter highlighted some of the remarkable items that had been auctioned in the past, from rare artworks to exclusive luxury vacations.

"But this year," the reporter announced with a smile, "The highlight of the auction is undeniably one of the most sought-after items ever—the chance to win a dream date with the gorgeous Freya Oakley!"

Adrian's heart skipped a beat, his eyes fixed on Freya's enchanting smile in the news segment.

The reporter went on to explain the details of the auction, including the prerequisite of a significant $100,000 donation to participate.

"This date with Freya is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity," the reporter enthused. "It's not just a night of glamour and romance, but a chance to make a real difference. The winning bidder will have the honour of spending an evening in the company of one of the world's most beloved celebrities, all in the name of charity."

Adrian's mind raced as he weighed the possibilities.

The idea of the auction intrigued him, especially when the reporter mentioned that bidding was not limited to those physically present at the ball but also open to online participants.

However, the prerequisite to participate was a substantial donation of $100,000.

Adrian hesitated for a moment, considering whether he should be interested in such a high-stakes auction.

He hadn't fully grasped the extent of his financial situation in this new world, but he knew that he had been gifted with extraordinary abilities and knowledge.

"As the clock ticks down to the night of the Charity Ball," the reporter concluded, "anticipation and excitement are building among those eager to participate in this remarkable event. So if you're ready for a night of elegance, star-studded company, and the chance to make a significant impact on worthy causes, don't miss The Athena Charity Ball!"

Adrian was seriously considering participating, but then again would he have enough money to buy that date if it was true?

Adrian sighed in lament before something clicked in his mind." Wait a second, didn't I receive a black card or whatever it was, maybe that has some money in it.

"Let's try it out, if nothing else I could easily hack into the bank accounts of Smugglers or gangsters and take the money from there. All of it is going to charity anyway."

He concentrated in his mind, and a second later, a black onyx-coloured card appeared in his palm.

Its smooth surface bore iridescent letters, giving it an air of mystery. Adrian was intrigued, wondering if this card held the key to financial possibilities.

With anticipation, Adrian started up his laptop and followed the information in his head. He typed in a website, and suddenly, his laptop shut down.

Or so he thought. The next thing that happened was the screen turning back on, but this time, the only instruction was to show his face to the camera.

Adrian was surprised but complied, and as he did, music started to play, and the words "Welcome, new black card user" appeared on the screen.

Information started to appear on the screen, including Adrian's name, birthday, and all the details about him before he took over Adrian's body. It was as if the black card had access to his entire past.

Adrian noticed a search bar and typed in his black card bank details.

The moment he did, he almost had a heart attack, seeing so many zeros on the screen that he thought the computer must have glitched.

It was beyond his wildest dreams. Adrian now had an incredible amount of wealth at his fingertips, all thanks to the mysterious black card.

"I can't believe this," Adrian whispered to himself, his eyes glued to the screen. "This is beyond anything I could have ever imagined."

Feeling a surge of determination, he decided to use the black card to make a significant contribution to the charity auction.

He had more than enough funds to participate, and this was his chance to not only have a shot at the date with Freya but also to make a substantial impact on charitable causes.

With a confident smile, he completed the donation process. Adrian felt a sense of fulfillment knowing that he could use his newfound resources for a greater purpose than he had ever imagined.

"Plus I could go on a date with Freya...so bonus."

With his newfound wealth, Adrian was also eager to make some significant upgrades to his gym, Griffin's Studio.

He knew that creating a top-notch facility would not only attract more customers but also allow him to provide the best training experience for his clients.

Adrian made a list of the improvements he wanted to make and set out to bring his vision to life.

The first thing on his list was to purchase state-of-the-art gym equipment.

He wanted to invest in the latest machines, weights, and training tools to offer a diverse range of workout options. Adrian contacted various fitness equipment suppliers and negotiated deals to get the best prices.

Next, he focused on renovating the interior of the gym. The place had seen better days and was still in its renovation stage, but Adrian was determined to give it a fresh and modern look.

He hired a new team of skilled interior designers to help him create a welcoming and motivating environment for his clients.

Adrian also wanted to hire additional staff to provide specialized training services.

He planned to bring in experienced trainers, nutritionists, and physical therapists to cater to the diverse needs of his clientele. With his financial resources.

Adrian was confident that he could attract some of the best professionals in the industry.

As he closed his laptop, his mind raced with excitement for the upcoming charity ball. He couldn't wait to see how the evening would unfold, and the prospect of seeing Freya again.

'Man am I becoming a simp for a girl I just met a day ago...' Adrian was feeling kinda thirsty so he went to the kitchen to get a glass of water.


The days leading up to the charity ball were filled with anticipation and preparations.

He also researched the items that would be auctioned, wanting to be strategic in his bidding.

'That date is as good as mine, I can't wait to see her reaction.' Adrian thought, not knowing he wasn't the only rich bachelor eying that date...

Chapter Length: 5108 Words!

John_Len_2493creators' thoughts