
Griffin's Studio

( Note: Since I've been asked a couple of times, this work will start off with my own characters, to just build up Adrian's story. Then I'll start introducing other characters from manwha and manga into it. E.g. - Lookism or How to fight.) (Note 2: This is set in an Oc country but crosses over with other action manwha and manga.) Hey guys welcome to my new novel. This is just an early warning but my main novel right now is my Barber In Gotham fanfic. So this one will not be updated regularly, but to make up for it the chapters will be really long. This is a second attempt at a novel I tried to write previously but trashed, this is now my second attempt. Hope you enjoy it. ....... After a selfless act of heroism, our Mc meets an unexpected fate – death by building-chan. However, his journey doesn't end there. Welcomed by the divine, he is bestowed with a rare chance at reincarnation, along with a collection of extraordinary gifts and abilities. In a twist of fate, he finds himself inhabiting the body of the flawed and lecherous Adrian Griffin, who was going to run a women-only gym. Determined to break free from the shackles of his predecessor's unsavoury past, Adrian embraces the opportunity to start anew.

John_Len_2493 · Komik
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6 Chs

Chapter One

The night was dark and dreary, and amidst the shadows, a figure without a name lurked in the dimly lit alley.

He leaned against the graffiti-covered wall, cigarette in hand, and a half-empty bottle of whiskey by his side. A tattered hoodie covered most of his face, but his eyes, cold and lifeless, observed the world with a detached gaze.

From a distance, the distant sirens blared, and the sounds of chaos filled the air.

A building was engulfed in a raging inferno, flames dancing wildly against the night sky.

The air was thick with smoke, and the terrified screams of people echoed through the streets, mingling with the gasps of bystanders who watched helplessly.

Despite the chaos, the figure remained unaffected, his emotions veiled by an impenetrable shield.

But as he continued to observe the calamity, a flicker of something stirred within him. A glimmer of concern? Compassion, perhaps? It was hard to tell.

In the blink of an eye, the figure discarded his cigarette and whiskey, and without a moment's hesitation, he ran towards the disaster, drawn by an inexplicable force.

His feet pounded against the pavement, each step bringing him closer to the roaring blaze.

As he arrived at the scene, he could feel the intense heat washing over him. The building, a once-sturdy structure, now crumbled in on itself, as if mourning its own destruction.

Desperate cries for help pierced the air, pleading for salvation.

Ignoring his own safety, the figure pushed forward, his mind solely focused on reaching those in need.

Amidst the chaos, he spotted a little girl, trapped on an upper floor, her tear-streaked face pressed against the windowpane. Without a second thought, he rushed towards the nearest firefighter.

"Is there anything I can do to help?" he asked, his voice uncharacteristically earnest.

The firefighter nodded, appreciating the stranger's willingness to assist. "We need someone to help guide the victims to safety once we get them out."

"I'll do it," the figure replied, determination filling his once-lifeless eyes.

From that moment on, the figure without a name shed his detachment. With every person he helped rescue, his heart warmed, and a newfound purpose bloomed within him.

He was no longer an observer of the world's troubles but a participant in making a difference.

As the night wore on, and the flames were finally starting to extinguish, the figure stood amidst the aftermath. Soot-streaked and weary, he gazed at the devastated building.

The little girl he had saved not too long ago rushed towards him, throwing her arms around him in a tearful embrace. "Thank you for saving me," she whispered, her gratitude tugging at his heartstrings.

The little girl clung to Adrian, her tearful eyes filled with gratitude as he held her close, guiding her towards safety.

But in the chaos that ensued, a portion of the burning building became dislodged, hurtling toward them. With a split-second decision, Adrian pushed the girl away, sacrificing himself to shield her from harm.

Time seemed to slow as debris rained down upon him. He felt the impact, the pain, and then a numbing coldness spreading through his body.

As his vision blurred, he caught a glimpse of the girl he had saved, now safe but watching him in horror. At that moment, a sense of peace washed over him. For the first time in his life, he knew he had done something truly good.

Then, everything went dark. The world around him faded, and he was no longer aware of the chaos outside.

He couldn't hear the crackling flames or the distant sirens. He couldn't feel the scorching heat or the pain from his injuries. It was as if he had entered a realm beyond mortal senses.

In that void of darkness, he felt an odd sense of tranquillity, as if he were floating in an ocean of calm.

But suddenly, a figure appeared before him—an old man with a serene expression and a knowing smile. Adrian was taken aback and asked, "Where am I? Who are you?"

The old man's eyes twinkled with wisdom as he replied, "I go by many names, my child, but you can call me God."

Adrian's mind swirled with a mix of disbelief and awe. Meeting God was beyond anything he could have imagined. He found his voice again and asked, "Am I... am I dead?"

God's smile softened. "Yes, my child, in your previous life, you made a brave and selfless choice. You sacrificed yourself to save another, and that act of kindness has brought you here."

"But... I'm just a screw-up in life," Adrian muttered, still struggling to grasp the situation.

God's eyes held warmth and understanding. "Life is a journey of ups and downs, of growth and learning. You may have made mistakes, but your final act defined your soul's true nature. You showed compassion and bravery, and that is what matters."

Adrian felt a mixture of relief and acceptance wash over him. For the first time, he realized that his life hadn't been a complete failure. There was goodness within him, it may have been brief but at least it showed him that had had it.

"I am not without flaws," Adrian admitted, "Can I change that? Could I have become someone better?"

God nodded, his presence radiating reassurance. "Yes, Im sure you will, as I now give you the opportunity of living once again. In this realm, you will be given a chance to start anew. You will have the opportunity to embrace your true potential, to grow and learn. You will be reborn into a new life, and with it, you'll receive gifts and abilities beyond your previous understanding."

Adrian felt a flicker of hope ignite within him. This was a chance for redemption, a chance to become someone he could be proud of.

With that knowledge, he looked up at God and said, "Then, I'm ready."


As Adrian stood before the enigmatic presence of God in the dark void, the old man smiled, knowing well the path that lay ahead.

"Before you begin your new journey," God said, "I shall bestow upon you gifts and abilities to aid you in the world that awaits."

With a wave of his hand, a massive wheel appeared before Adrian, each section of it glowing with an ethereal light. "Spin the wheel five times, and you shall receive your gifts," God instructed.

Adrian hesitated for a moment, uncertain of what lay before him, but he knew that this was an opportunity he couldn't pass up. With a deep breath, he stepped forward and gave the wheel a powerful spin.

As it whirled, the wheel seemed to slow down and eventually came to a stop on one section. The light from that segment surged into Adrian, infusing him with newfound power and knowledge.

"Shang Chi's Fighting Experience and Martial Arts," God declared, "You shall possess the mastery of one of the greatest martial artists in the Marvel universe. Your body and mind shall move as one, and your combat skills shall be unparalleled."

Adrian felt a surge of energy course through him, his soul tingling with anticipation. He couldn't help but wonder how this gift would shape his future life.

He spun the wheel again, and it landed on another section. "Hacking Mastery," God announced, "You shall be gifted with unparalleled expertise in the world of hacking and technology. Your understanding of digital systems shall be unmatched, opening new doors and possibilities."

Adrian's mind raced with the potential applications of such a skill. He knew that it could be both a powerful tool and a dangerous weapon.

Three more spins followed, each granting him incredible abilities: "Superhuman Physiology," enhancing his physical capabilities beyond human limits; "Mastered 26th Century Medical Knowledge," granting him unparalleled medical expertise, far ahead of his time.

As the final spin approached, Adrian's heart raced with anticipation. The wheel seemed to slow down, each section holding the promise of something extraordinary. Finally, the wheel came to a stop, landing on a section marked with an enigmatic symbol.

"Ah, the Black Card," God said, a twinkle in his eye. "This card will grant you access to knowledge and resources beyond your comprehension. It will open doors to secret societies, hidden realms, and forgotten wisdom."

With all five gifts bestowed upon him, Adrian's transformation was complete. He was no longer the apathetic figure he once was, but a soul ready to embrace the new life that awaited.

"Now, my child," God said, "Embrace your destiny, and let your journey begin."

With those words, the darkness around him started to fade, and Adrian felt himself being pulled into a new existence.

As he closed his eyes, he knew that this was the start of an extraordinary adventure, a chance to be reborn and become the person he always wanted to be.

The old man's smile widened, and as the darkness enveloped them once more, God whispered, "Remember Adrian, your journey has just begun."








As Adrian slowly regained consciousness, he found himself in a haze of pain and disorientation.

The world around him swirled as he struggled to make sense of his new reality. His senses felt heightened, and the room's pungent odour assaulted his nose once again.

He managed to pull himself up, using the nearby wall for support.

With trembling hands, he touched his face, feeling the sharp contours and thinness of his new body. It was a stark contrast from his previous form, and he couldn't help but feel bewildered by the drastic change.

"What... what happened?" he muttered to himself, his voice sounding foreign to his own ears.

As he took a moment to compose himself, flashes of his encounter with God and the gifts bestowed upon him began to surface in his mind.

This body he now inhabited wasn't his original one. He had been transmigrated into another person's life, and with it came new abilities and a radically different physique.

Realization washed over him as he looked around the unkempt room, taking in the mess and clutter that surrounded him.

It was evident that the person he had become wasn't the tidiest of individuals. He could now understand the overwhelming smell of decay and trash.

Bracing himself, Adrian tried to steady his breathing, attempting to find some semblance of calm amidst the chaos of his new existence.

But just as he thought he was beginning to adjust, a sudden surge of searing pain tore through his body, overwhelming him.

Clutching his chest, he fell to his knees, agony rippling through every fiber of his being.

It was as if his entire body was being torn apart and remade, atom by atom, to accommodate the newfound gifts that God had granted him.

The pain was unbearable, and he felt as though he might succumb to it.

Unaware of the external changes occurring, Adrian's body underwent a transformation beyond imagination.

His bones strengthened, his muscles developed, and his senses sharpened further. The superhuman physiology granted by God was reshaping him into a vessel capable of embracing his extraordinary gifts.

Time seemed to blur as the pain engulfed him, and finally, as swiftly as it had started, the intensity began to wane. Adrian's body lay on the floor, his breathing laboured but the pain subsiding.

As he slipped into unconsciousness once more, he had no way of knowing the remarkable metamorphosis he had undergone.

The person he had been, the body he had inhabited, was now no more.






As Adrian regained consciousness, he found himself lying amidst the pile of garbage, still disoriented from the pain and the flood of memories.

Slowly, the memories of the original inhabitant began to sync with his own, and he began to understand the person he had become.

The memories were unpleasant to say the least, revealing a deeply flawed individual.

Adrian felt a mixture of disgust and unease as he realized the extent of the previous inhabitant's negative traits—sexist, perverted, and cruel to the one person who had cared for him.

Adrian also felt a surge of energy coursing through his veins, and he quickly realized the extent of his transformation.

Gone was the weak and frail body he once inhabited; in its place stood a towering figure with a muscular physique like that of a bodybuilder—an Olympian god, as he saw himself in the mirror.

"Whoa," he muttered, running his hand over the sculpted contours of his new body. "Superhuman physiology indeed."

For a moment, he couldn't help but admire the reflection before him. The person staring back was a far cry from the previous inhabitant—strong, confident, and ready to take on the world.

Adrian shook himself out of the reverie. He knew he had a lot of work to do.

He had already sorted through his memories and understood that the previous Adrian had saved up some cash to create a Gym that catered only to women.

This wasn't unheard of but Adrian knew better now, the previous him only created this gym to secretly record the women and sell it online to the back market.

He even had plans to blackmail some of the women with the footage he had, and gossip the women would obviously talk about.

Of course, now that he had taken his place that wasn't going to happen...speaking of the previous Adrian, this guy was seriously deranged, he actually died because he masturbated too many times and had a heart attack.

I mean he definitely wasn't the healthiest of people, and despite that, he had the stamina of a wolf, I mean by God he managed to do it 99 times before croaking.

How did his dick not fall off after like the 10th time, must have been a skill issue.

In any case, now that he was Adrian he also now technically owned a gym.

The gym would take some time to be ready for commercial use, so for now, he decided to focus on improving the living conditions of the apartment he now called his own.

Stepping over the debris, Adrian's powerful strides carried him through the mess as he started his cleaning mission.

With superhuman strength, he effortlessly lifted heavy objects and cleared the garbage that had accumulated over time.

The sound of discarded items being tossed aside echoed through the apartment, mingling with the renewed sense of purpose that filled the air.

"This place needs a serious makeover," Adrian said, chuckling to himself. "Guess it's time to put my newfound abilities to good use."

As he set about the task, Adrian spoke to himself, using humour to keep the momentum going. "Alright, garbage, you're outta here," he declared, tossing a pile of trash into a nearby bin.

With his enhanced senses, he could detect every speck of dirt and grime, and he left no corner untouched.

He scrubbed, dusted, and organized, turning chaos into order. Adrian was a whirlwind of efficiency, and he took pride in each spot he cleaned.

As the hours passed, Adrian worked tirelessly. He climbed up and down, reaching high and low, making sure every inch of the apartment was pristine.

His superhuman physiology allowed him to continue without fatigue.

Finally, as the sun began to set, Adrian stepped back to survey his handiwork.

The once dingy and cluttered apartment was now transformed into a clean and inviting space.

His reflection in the mirror looked back at him, reflecting the newfound sense of purpose and determination in his eyes.

"You did it, Adrian," he said, patting himself on the back. "One step closer..."


(A few days later)

As the days passed, Adrian continued to improve the apartment.

The place now felt like a home, a reflection of the positive changes he sought to bring into his life.

Throughout the cleaning process, Adrian spoke to himself as if he were coaching a team. "Great job, Adrian! Keep going!" he encouraged himself, finding motivation in his own voice.

As he worked, thoughts of Aroura Campbell often crossed his mind, the sister of the previous Adrian.

He wanted to create a space where she would feel welcome and safe unlike the previous him that didn't even bother.

The gym construction was still underway, but he knew that when it was complete, it would be a place he could call his own.

He had decided that he would continue the gym project and keep it strictly for females, not because he wanted to do what the previous him did.

But because Aurora had had a very bad experience in the gym once that traumatised her, and he wanted to create a place where she could feel welcome.

With each passing day, Adrian's transformation continued, not just physically, but also in his mindset.

He was no longer the apathetic figure he once was. The dark past of the body's original inhabitant was slowly replaced by the new him.








In the few days that Adrian had been in this new world, he found himself continuously shocked by the vast differences that set it apart from the earth he once knew.

As he delved into his surroundings, he discovered that this version of Earth was an extraordinary and fascinating place.

The country he had been reborn in, situated in the middle of the Mediterranean, was called "Veridia."

It was a nation of prosperity and progress, boasting some of the best education and living standards in the world. Adrian marvelled at the advanced infrastructure, the cutting-edge technology, and the harmonious coexistence of nature and modernity.

In the city where he now resided, "Vrovale," the blend of ancient architecture and futuristic design left him in awe.

The streets were clean and bustling with life, and the people moved with purpose and determination.

Adrian quickly realized that he was living in a city that was a testament to human potential and ingenuity.

However, one of the most striking differences in this world was the presence of countries and islands that didn't exist on his original earth.

Veridia, for instance, was an entirely new discovery for him. It had its own rich history and culture, having gone through a tumultuous past of British colonization before gaining independence during World War II.

The existence of such a prosperous and independent nation fascinated him.

As Adrian observed social media and the locals, he also noticed the unique physical traits of the people here.

On this earth, people could be born with hair of various colours, ranging from the usual black and brown to more unusual hues like white, pink, and even blue—just like his own striking blue hair.

This aspect of the world's diversity intrigued him, as he marvelled at the range of appearances around him.

Moreover, the beauty standard on this earth was unlike anything he had experienced before.

Here, what might have been considered extraordinary on his original earth was now considered as average beauty.

People with unique features and looks that would have been considered stunning back in his previous world were now considered normal and average, they weren't even model-worthy here.


After spending some time familiarizing himself with the history and culture of Veridia, Adrian's stomach reminded him that it was time for breakfast.

Feeling a surge of excitement to try his hand at cooking in his new body, he decided to whip up a simple breakfast for himself.

As Adrian stepped into the well-equipped kitchen of his apartment, he couldn't help but marvel at the modern appliances and the array of fresh ingredients at his disposal.

With newfound culinary confidence, he set about preparing a classic breakfast of scrambled eggs and toast.

Following a recipe he found online, Adrian cracked the eggs into a bowl, feeling the smooth texture of the shells against his fingers.

With a mix of martial arts precision and delicate finesse, he whisked the eggs.

"This should be easy," he said, smiling at his reflection in the stainless-steel fridge.

But little did he know that the universe had different plans for his culinary endeavour.

As he turned on the stove, the sizzle of the butter in the pan brought a sense of anticipation.

He poured the whisked eggs into the pan, hearing the satisfying sound of the sizzling eggs as they cooked. However, as he reached for the salt, his fingers fumbled, and an unintentional excess of salt fell into the pan.

"Oh, oops!" Adrian chuckled, hoping he could salvage the situation.

He tried to stir the eggs, hoping to distribute the salt evenly, but it was too late—the damage had been done. With each bite, the scrambled eggs turned out to be far saltier than he had intended, making him pucker his lips in disbelief.

"Well, it's edible, I guess," he mused, deciding to see the humour in his culinary mishap.

Adrian decided to try his hand at making toast. How hard could it be, right?

He confidently popped slices of bread into the toaster, eagerly waiting for them to turn golden brown. But as he got engrossed in reading a cooking blog on his phone, he completely forgot about the toast.

It wasn't until the smell of burning reached his nose that he realized his mistake.

"Oh, no!" Adrian exclaimed, rushing to pull the now-charred toast out of the toaster.

He blew away the smoke that billowed from the burnt slices, feeling a mixture of amusement and embarrassment. Despite his superhuman abilities, it seemed that cooking wasn't quite his strong suit.

"Note to self: pay attention when toasting bread," he said.

With a slightly charred breakfast before him, Adrian decided to laugh at his cooking.

As he sat down to eat his somewhat salty and burnt breakfast, Adrian knew that he was in for many more humorous cooking adventures.

'Maybe I should hire a maid or a chef.'

And so, with a heart full of determination and a belly full of salty scrambled eggs and charred toast, Adrian ate his meal while promising to do better next time.


After finishing his breakfast, Adrian settled onto the worn-out couch in his newly cleaned apartment.

Despite the improved state of the space, the furniture still reflected the neglect of the previous Adrian. He made a mental note to replace them with new pieces to match the transformed atmosphere.

As he absentmindedly flipped through the TV channels, his phone suddenly rang, shattering the silence of the room.

Adrian's heart skipped a beat, and he glanced at the caller ID. It displayed a name he hadn't expected to see—his new sister, Aroura Cambell.

His nerves spiked, and he hesitated before finally answering the call. Acting dismissive, as the old Adrian had often been, he put on a casual tone.

"Yeah, what's up?" Adrian said, attempting to emulate the dismissive attitude he had observed from the original Adrian.

"Hey, it's me, Aroura," came the warm voice from the other end of the line.

Adrian's heart swelled with mixed emotions. He was excited to talk to his new sister, but the guilt of pretending to be someone else gnawed at him. "Oh, hey," he replied, trying to sound nonchalant.

Aroura, oblivious to the turmoil in her brother's mind, continued with a cheerful tone, "I just wanted to check in and make sure you're doing okay. I hope the monthly check I sent got to your account alright."

Adrian took a moment to register her words. It seemed that the original Adrian's irresponsibility had extended to his finances as well. "Yeah, it's there," he replied gruffly, trying to maintain the act.

"That's good to hear. I've been worried about you," Aroura said, genuine concern evident in her voice.

Adrian felt a pang of guilt. The previous Adrian really didn't appreciate what he had."I'm fine," he replied shortly, deflecting the conversation.

"Well, that's good. Oh, by the way, I'll be coming back in a few months," Aroura informed him.

Adrian's eyes widened in surprise. "You're coming here?" he asked, genuinely taken aback.

"Yes, I've missed you, and I want to see how you're doing in person, plus my job has started the transfer process so ill be working there from now on." Aroura said warmly.

His heart filled with both joy and anxiety. He wanted nothing more than to see his new sister, something he never had in his previous life, but he also dreaded the inevitable meet-up.

"Alright, I'll be here," he replied, trying to sound nonchalant once again.

After some more pleasantries, the call came to an end. Adrian sighed in relief as he hung up the phone, but the guilt still weighed heavily on his mind.

He knew that he couldn't keep up the act forever.

The time would come when he would have to be honest with Aroura, he wasn't going to tell her about her brother being gone but he would have to come up with something for all the changes he's had.

He was lucky that the two of them haven't seen each other in person for over three years, so maybe he could work with that.

He wanted to show her the new person he had become—the brother she could be proud of. With determination in his heart, Adrian vowed to make the most of the time before her visit.

He would continue to improve himself, to grow and learn, so that when she arrived, she would see the new Adrian.


A week had passed since Adrian's rebirth, and slowly but surely, things were starting to feel more normal for him.

The initial shock of the new world had begun to wear off, and he was growing accustomed to the bustling streets of Aurelia.

He no longer felt as out of place as he did in the beginning, finding comfort in the rhythm of this extraordinary life.

Tonight, he decided to celebrate his newfound sense of belonging by immersing himself in the city's vibrant nightlife.

The streets were alive with the laughter of people, the aroma of delicious food, and the twinkling lights that adorned the buildings.

As he strolled through the lively city, Adrian couldn't help but notice the admiring gazes from women and the occasional shocked glances from men.

His towering height and well-defined muscles made him an undeniable spectacle, but he didn't let the attention get to his head.


The city's outdoor restaurant stands beckoned to him with their delectable offerings.

Adrian approached a charming chicken stand and ordered a variety of dishes to enjoy.

As he savoured the flavours, he struck up a conversation with the owner, learning more about the local delicacies and the city's history.

The warm exchange of stories made the evening even more enjoyable, and Adrian found himself feeling grateful for the chance to connect with the people of this new world.

After spending about an hour indulging in the delicious street food and engaging in lively conversation, Adrian bid the friendly owner farewell and continued his nocturnal adventure through the city.

The night was still young, and as he wandered further, he stumbled upon a lively bar that exuded a welcoming atmosphere.

With live music and cheerful laughter emanating from within, Adrian decided to step inside and join the merriment.

He found a seat at the bar and ordered a beer. Adrian didn't want to get drunk; he knew that wouldn't be wise in this world, and he could potentially spiral like he did in his old life using it like a crutch.

Instead, he simply wanted to enjoy the moment, savouring the sensation of being alive and free.

He thought about how different this night was from the life he had left behind. Gone were the reckless choices and the destructive habits of his past.

Adrian engaged in friendly banter with the bartender, enjoying their company. The hours flew by, and before he knew it, it was close to midnight.








Adrian's senses went on high alert as he observed a situation unfold.

A stunning woman, clearly intoxicated, seemed vulnerable and unaware of the danger surrounding her. His protective instincts started to kick in.

With a decisive but subtle movement, he discreetly shifted closer to the group, pretending to be engrossed in his drink.

He needed to keep a close eye on the situation without drawing attention to himself.

The three men persisted, their intentions becoming increasingly clear as they disregarded the woman's protests.

Adrian's jaw clenched in anger, but he knew that rushing in recklessly might escalate the situation further. He needed a plan, and he needed to act quickly.

His mind raced as he assessed the men. They seemed to be predatory, and their intentions were anything but honourable.

Adrian considered using his newfound abilities to intervene, but he also knew that he needed to be cautious not to reveal his superhuman strength.

Plus being arrested on the first week he is reborn isn't really what he wants happening.

In a moment of quick thinking, Adrian reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone, pretending to check a message.

He discreetly activated the voice recorder, ensuring he had evidence of any incriminating actions or words from the men.

With the recording in place, Adrian glanced around the bar, searching for someone he could trust.

His eyes landed on the bartender, a middle-aged man who appeared to be observant and empathetic.

Adrian subtly caught his attention and gestured toward the situation, hoping the bartender would understand.

To his relief, the bartender nodded, indicating that he was aware of the potential danger. Adrian knew he had an ally, and that gave him the confidence to act.

Rising from his seat, Adrian approached the group with a casual stride, a friendly smile on his face.

He acted as if he knew the woman, putting on a facade to ensure the men wouldn't see through his intentions.

"Hey, long time no see!" Adrian said, trying to sound convincing. "Mind if I join you all?"

The men looked at him with a mix of surprise and annoyance, but they couldn't refuse without sounding rude. "Uh, sure, whatever," one of them mumbled.

Adrian subtly signalled the bartender to prepare another drink for the woman. As he engaged the group in conversation, he skillfully diverted their attention from her drink.

Throughout the conversation, Adrian made it a point to keep an eye on the woman, ensuring that she didn't consume anything that could harm her further.

He also kept the voice recorder running, capturing any evidence that might be useful later.

As time passed, the men's persistence waned, and they eventually excused themselves, likely seeking easier prey elsewhere. Adrian breathed a sigh of relief, but he knew his work wasn't done yet.

Turning to the woman, he put on a concerned expression. "Hey, are you okay? Those guys were getting a bit too pushy."

The woman blinked, her intoxicated state making it difficult for her to fully comprehend the situation. "I'm fine," she slurred.

Adrian gently reached for her drink, replacing it with the one the bartender had prepared. "Here, why don't you have this instead? It's on me."

She seemed hesitant for a moment but took the new drink, offering a faint smile. "Thanks."

"No problem," Adrian replied, keeping his true emotions hidden. "Just looking out."

Throughout the rest of the night, Adrian discreetly kept an eye on the woman, making sure she stayed safe.







As Adrian carefully guided the rather drunk woman into his home, he couldn't help but feel a mix of concern and awkwardness.

He knew he couldn't leave her in that bar with those persistent men, but he also didn't want to invade her privacy by trying to find out where she lived.

Though at the beginning he did try so he could call her a taxi but she didn't tell him. So, for tonight, she would stay in his guest room.

Once inside, Adrian helped her to one of the spare rooms, where she stumbled onto the bed.

However, to his surprise, she clung onto him tightly and wouldn't let go. Her voice was slurred as she insisted, "Don't leave me, stay with me."

Adrian tried to gently coax her into lying down, but she seemed insistent on having him by her side. "I'll stay for a little while, just until you're more settled," he said, hoping his presence would reassure her enough to let him go.

However, the woman wasn't having any of it. She looked at him with puppy-dog eyes and pouted, "No, you have to stay with me the whole night!"

Adrian chuckled nervously, not quite sure how to handle this situation. He had never been in such a predicament before. "I promise I'll stay close, but you need to rest. I'll be right here in the room if you need anything."

But his words seemed to fall on deaf ears as she continued to cling to him. She insisted that he cuddle with her, claiming she needed his warmth to feel safe.

Though before Adrian could coax her anymore her eyes suddenly went predatory, and with a shocking amount of strength she spun and dragged Adrian onto the bed and quickly sat on his stomach.

" Huh?...what!!..." Adrian was so confused. What was happening now?

"Now stthat I've taken a good look ad you, you're really hot...let's have sex Yeah, pftt Hahaha." She slurred and giggled while ripping off her buttoned shirt.

Adrian gulped seeing her fair skin and massive breasts. Though they were covered up by her bra, nevertheless it was a see-through bra.

There was something else he might have forgotten to mention about this world.

The proportions of women in this world were completely ridiculous, it was like a hentai's world level of ridiculously sexy.

The woman, now really drunk and really horny laughed seeing Adrian's reaction." You can touch them you know, they don't bite." She said but Adrian thought otherwise.

He was so tempted by her words. He was a man after all, and it had been over 8 years since he had felt the touch of a woman.

'Was this really okay, I mean she giving me permission.' While Adrian was going through a mental crisis, the gorgeous woman in question was getting impatient and she started to pout seeing as he wasn't doing anything.

So she grabbed his shirt and pulled him up before kissing him. Her lips overlapped with his own and her E-cup breasts pressed against his chest.

Soft, was the word that came to mind, they felt so warm. Slowly he started to lose resolve and his hands grabbed her waist, pulling her closer as she moaned finally, feeling his touch.

Adrian's hand stayed still like that before he forcefully Pulled back from the kiss. The woman gasped for air while her face was tinted red.

"No, I want kissies, give more, Ah! Wait what is this...FUUUCK!!!" As she wanted to kiss more she was going to ask him to continue, but before she could Adrian had ripped off her bra exposing her breasts and beautiful pink nipples.

Suddenly a piece of information had popped into his head, and to others, it would just seem like he had just bitten down on her breast...

But to her she went through the 7 phases of heaven, he had only bitten on her nipple but she had actually orgasmed from it.

Her body shook and her hands dug into his muscular back. What Adrian had just done was use his 26th Century Medical Knowledge to induce her orgasm.

There are so many things about the human body that has yet to be discovered, but he knew it all.

That includes making a woman cum with just a single bite. Adrian didn't stop there though, he continued to play with her breasts while his hand slowly crept up to her ass.

And can he just say, her ass was probably the sexist part of her body? It was bigger and more shapely than any ass he had ever felt or seen.

"Mhhh! AH! Yes right there please don't shtawp~" She begged as droll slid down her chin.

She was on cloud nine right now. She had never felt this kind of pleasure in her life, and they hadn't even gotten to the fun part yet.

Hearing her melodic moans Adrian couldn't help but think.' I want her...I want her body...I want her to scream my name...I want every part of her.'

Just as Adrian was done playing with her breasts and about to take off her skirt, he froze...suddenly the image of his sister came to mind, and he thought to himself.' What am I doing.'

Adrian immediately stooped everything he was doing and the woman seeing this was confused, he grabbed a nearby blanket and wrapped it around her.

"Huh, what are you doing..." She asked, completely confused by this new development.

"I'm sorry, I lost control there, your drunk right now so If we continued...I don't want you to regret this and your decisions being affected by the alcohol in your system."

If he had continued wouldn't he have been no different than those men and the previous Adrian?

The woman stared at him in confusion, but slowly clarity started to appear in her eyes.

"How about this," he suggested, "I'll sit right here beside you until you fall asleep. Is that okay?"

The woman seemed to consider this for a moment before nodding and releasing her hold on him slightly.

Adrian settled down on the edge of the bed, making sure he was within arm's reach in case she needed anything.

As they lay side by side, she mumbled incoherently, occasionally trying to snuggle closer to him.

Adrian did his best to maintain a comfortable distance, feeling like he was walking a tightrope between being caring and respectful.

"I hope you know I won't remember any of this tomorrow," she slurred, a sleepy smile playing on her lips.

Adrian couldn't help but smile too, relieved that she seemed to be drifting off. "That's okay," he replied softly, "I'll be just a faint memory in the morning."

Before she fell asleep" Adrian could hear her muttering the words 'thank you' before falling asleep.

As the night wore on, Adrian stayed true to his word, keeping a watchful eye on her until she finally succumbed to sleep.

But before he could leave, she somehow sensed it and dragged him over her before using him as a body pillow.

He wanted to get out of it but it seemed she wasn't going to be letting go anytime soon, so he just sighed and layed there next to her.

He couldn't help but shake his head at the unexpected turn of events that night. Some might see his actions as cowardly, but...

As sleep finally claimed him, Adrian knew that he had made the right choices that night...and he didn't regret it, not for a moment.

Chapter Length: 6470 words.

John_Len_2493creators' thoughts