
Greta - The Ghost

Carter is a newly appointed software employee working far away from his home town who has to cross a large forest and cemetery to move towards his home, one day having a huge amount of work in the office he has to stay up to late at night in the office, he has to cross the forest in the midnight, he used to hear from his grand mother since childhood that there are ghosts in that forest and the one who crosses the forest at the midnight after 12:00 am will be killed by it . . by thinking about the words, how does he cross the forest in the midnight and what did the experiences he faced while on his long long journey at that night? Are there really ghosts and demons out there? What happened to the Carter at that night ?, is he reached the home safely and how he got out of the ghost, if really it exits ? Greta a young lady meets him on that long journey through and how the acquaintance between the two turns into love and how did they face the troubles and hurdles that night and how did they overcome those situations on that night is the story . . . .

sun_writer · Seram
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31 Chs

Chapter 21 - United Each Other

After few minutes he woke up and saw her lying nude beside him and felt very ashamed that what had he done to her. He holds his head with both the hands and feeling very guilty about it. . .

Then she woke up all of a sudden and asked "what happened why are feeling lonely?",

"Nothing", he said

"If anything is there in your heart, please share with me then I can know your feelings and can behave with you as per your mood", she said

He said nothing and not even reacted for her words. But this time she asked him in a little force to tell me what happened

"My problem itself is you", at last he burst on her in a very high voice

"What?", she exclaimed

"What, what did I done for you, why you are hating me this much?, we don't even have any relation between us ever before else", she asked in excitement

"You . . You . . are a low grade lady, you don't know our family culture, don't know how to behave with our guests and also you don't know how to behave with any one. If my father gave you half of the kingdom means you will not become a Princess to this Palace and kingdom more over for me. It should come by birth, since childhood I hate low grade people very much not even saw their faces till now. But . . now my life fell in the low grade people only, I became son in law to your tribal unfortunately. For this I am feeling very sorrow and pity towards myself", he said in a pity with little tears in his eyes.

She has no words and shocked for him behaviour and came to know how much hatred grown in his heart towards their tribal, but she was not able to speak anything and not even what to say a word in this situation.

"But . . ", she is trying to say something to him

"Stop, please stop the nonsense, could you please leave me alone", shouted at her

She then worn her dress immediately and leaves the room. She immediately went into her room with running straight into it with crying. Every servant in the way to her room saw her crying and running. She opened the door went inside and closed the door immediately and fell on the bed continuously crying without giving a break. In between, the servants knocked the door trying to comfort her, but she had not opened the door, instead she cried not to disturb her for some time . .

They immediately went to the Queen and said that "the Princess had rushed into her room while crying and shut the door".

"O my God, what happened. Just now we felt very happy that the two of them settled at last, now why she is crying?", the Queen said

"We don't know My Lord, we have asked her but she said do not disturb her for some time", said by holding her hands and bending their heads in respect

The Queen immediately went to her room and knocked the door . .

"I said don't disturb me, why are you irritating me?", Princess asked

"It's me, my dear, open the door ", Queen said

"Mom, it's you?", Princess asked

"Yes, my dear, please open the door", Queen said

But she is thinking in her mind that whether to open it or not, in the meanwhile Queen again knocked the door and asked her to open the door. She then slowly came forward and opened it with a dull face.

"What happened my dear, why are you crying?", Queen asked

"Your son is not accepting me and I have come to a conclusion that he will never accept me in the future also", Princess said

"How do say that, it's just a second day of your marriage", Queen said

"No Mom, I am damn sure, he will not accept me as a life partner", Princess replied while crying

"Come on my dear, tell me what happened in the room?", Queen asked

Then she explained clearly what happened in the room and cried a lot. The Queen shocked for a while that her son hated the tribal since childhood, but they have not known about this till now.

"But in this also a small good happened", Queen said

"What was that?", Princess asked

"You both became one today, if it happened one time means he never lose it, if someone experiences that feeling once, it makes them want it again and again. So, don't worry my child he will come to you again himself", Queen explained her in detail

"But what if he has no love towards me, it's not a happy life with only sex. One should have both Love and Sex in their life's, it makes a complete Life right ", Princess asked

Then the Queen hugged and comforted her by saying, "Please calm down my dear, everything will be going fine, you have to try hard and wait for some time ", Queen said

Their conversation gone long till night and the servants knocked the door that now its dinner time. Then the Queen asked her to get ready for the dinner, she denied to come as she was not feeling well inside, but the Queen rebuked and convinced her that if your parents came to know about this all, just imagine how they feel. They will fall into deep sorrow and they could not leave this palace with happiness.

After listening to her words, Princess obeyed to the words of the Queen and went to have dinner with everyone. Her parents also left the Palace after the dinner saying that,

"Good Bye and take care of your things yourself, no one will help you as we have helped you since childhood. Now you have grown up and you still have a lot of responsibilities to handle yourself, when you become a housewife that too you are now a Princess too. So be care full and behave yourself in any situation, don't get angry on anything you should have a lot of patience in achieving anything. These are the only advices from us. Please take care and take care of your family ", her parents said and leaves the palace.

She then very much motivated by their parents' words and decided not to lose hope in converting her husband towards her love. In the meanwhile, her mother in law came near to her and said, "Have you noticed and observed their words?",

"Yes mother in law, I am very much motivated by their words", Princess said

"So, try and try since your last breath, first sleep with him, have sex in any way, it's not wrong as you are now his wife, you will have full rights on him, slowly he will turn towards you and will love you at any time. So please don't lose hope, I am always with you to help. I could not come and speak with him in this matter, so you have to achieve it alone and I'll give you sufficient ideas what to do at a particular moments", Queen said