
Greorgorian Marrtellis Book one.

Episode 0: ‘Greorgorian Marrtellis’. ⟨When The Seven Heavenly Pillars Will Be Erected From The Holy Ground, All The Gods Will Dance To Commemorate My Return. When The Red Sky Will Reflect The Sea Of Blood My Children Will Leave Behind Their Trail, All The Monarchs Will Form A Pyramid Of Corpses To Celebrate My Presence. When I Set Foot On The Land Of The Living, My Most Dearest Son Will Praise My Sovereignty. On The New Dawn Of A Foretold Pure World, My Children: Martius The Right, Aprilis The Watcher, Maius The Wit, Junius The Weak, Quintilis The Hoe, Sextilis The Shrewd, September The Murderer, October The Stranger, November The Warrior, and December The Wrong Will Abide My Command And Mold This Primitive-Unpurified World To My Liking.⟩

HobiTA · Sci-fi
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17 Chs

Episode 6: The March Of The Beasts, Part II.


"My party is not really my party, you know.,"

Randomly said Ley as she brought December in a room where cleaning stuffs are kept. The door clicked as it closed up and she held his hand in his active moment. December knew what was going through the head of Ley, and Ley wanted to forget it.

"I must really have nice hand for you to keep holding on to it. Was earlier that big of a deal?"

December seeing Ley struggling to speak, talked first. Questioning Ley for her behaviour, she couldn't hide it anymore.

"What you mean??---My big sis stole your lips and that you don't seem bothered by it. Of course, I'm bothered by it. More, I'm pissed.. And it sucks that you aren't on the same page as I am."

"Why should I be on the same page as you?--I owe nothing to a mere human, let alone a virgin teen. Get a reality check Ley Caydence, I'm not your friend."

A hectic staredown. Ley felt the glare of December and she couldn't stop trembling. The man she had met had changed. That smile she'd seen became a temper.

Lost at the words to say, Ley stopped thinking for a moment.

Gulped her guts down.

And just jumped on December.

Falling into an uncomfortable situation, Ley seeked answers in December's eyes.

"You are strange. I thought men desired women but you don't seem to be affected by my charm. Lefto kissed you and at that time too, I couldn't feel a speck of feeling. It's like you are not from here.."

"Quit the acting for the sake of bloody mary.. I'm sure November must have told you about me. You don't need to hide it. The fact that everyone here is nervous is because of me, I can feel it. And they should be. I'm ruthless to people I don't like."

Getting up while Ley was still strapped onto him, December made it look like Ley was lighter than a leaf.

Ley, sweating at the calm expression of December, couraged herself to ask her question.

"....then, are you going to kill everyone?"

Parting some distance between her and Decmeber, she kept a look on December's face.

His eyes seemed somwhat...

"If it is the conclusion Mother expects to see, I'll gladly offer her the bodies of useless humans."

Somewhat, sad.

Suddenly a grand french door opened.

The room they were in lighted up of a brillant light.

And a crowd of suited old men and women that seemed to part of Politics life.

Everyone was present.

And they all clapped the arrival of the Woman Of The Time, Ley Caydence Novembaria.

As they all seated, Ley moved forward while holding the hand of December, ready to make a speech.

Lefto and Adamas were at the back, occupying the bar.

Gwenn Klauus, was by the side of Senior Mathews II and their second daughter; Gaël Collis Novembaria, at their own table.

Bestow had, as usual, Captain g with her at a corner of the space.

Joe and Francis were busy dilly-dallying about their love for each other on a table located near the Secretary's.

Secretary Sofia Desperados was accompanied by Dark and Dabi, dressed in a dark attires and exuding a negative aura with their tired expression.

"Well! Thanks for coming today, Members of Monarch Association, and Members of the White House. Your presence means a lot to me as The Future of Humanity. My Mother, which you will recognize easily made me the person I am today. A proud woman who will never fear. A strong person who will never be wrong. That's what I strive to be each day. That's my motto. Again, thank you for coming. Enjoy the party and let's drink!!"

As the monologue ended, Ley took December down and walked towards Gwenn Klauus.

It was finally the meeting between Gwenn Klauus and December.

The tension was its highest at that moment.

Since all eyes were on them.

"Madame, can we have a moment to talk?"

Reamining seated, the Senior Mathews II felt the pressure of having December near as his guts was telling him to run, run far far away.

It was the same for the daughter Mathews III.

Except Gwenn Klauus.

She spoke afterwards as she could see Ley getting nervous as well.

"Of course, it's your day. Everything you want, I don't I'll be able to say no. Thus, I see you have your 'date' with you. He came sooner than I thought."

Glaring at each other, December felt the angerness in Gwenn Klauus' eyes as she tried to read him eyes.

"Little Sis, Stepdad, Madame; Meet December, My Date. December, I present to you my Family."

Being the only smiling, Ley laughed nervously as she couldn't get a hold of the situation anymore.

December then intervened by saying this.

"Everyone's eyes are piercing me. Why is everyone so tensed? I'm not planning on killing everyone, Yet. It's as Ley announced: Let's Drink! A war is on its way either way. I smell a dragon near.."

Joining Gwenn Klauus' side at the table, December and Ley as the atmosphere stayed the same; Crushin'.

Adamas, from the back, held Lefto's hands as she knew too much a past she wish she'd forgotten.

Trembling of fear, Lefto that day saw an Adamas different from the usual.

The smiling jokey Adamas that day looked mortified of a single person.

Frightened; it was the sight Adamas had in the face.

Bestow lowered her head as an automatic response when December's voice echoed to her ears.

She had learnt to keep a low profile whenever her big brother would go on a rampage.

To never daunt the beast.

She was not giving in to the pressure but she couldn't resist the crushing atmosphere at all.

To her side, Captain G knew what was going on.

He had seen this image too often to forget it.

So, he assissted Bestow in her situation.

He made sure to make her know that he was here.

"Tell me, December! Do you have siblings?"

Suddenly asked Gwenn Klauus breaking the pressure and setting the siblings free of December's crushing aura.

"Hng-Hng.. You should be asking how much. I'm sure Bestow gave a lot of information to you in my regards and of Mother."

But December played it cool and replied casually.


Said Gwenn Klauus not hiding her intention anymore.

"We are alot. And You've met two of them. My twin, November The Warrior as you call now; 'Bestow'. And Aprillis The Watcher as everyone call 'Adamas' now. And you did good. Bestow was the strongest of the family after me and Martius. Addie was always good at betraying people since she could read the hearts of people. So, does that answer your question since they hid that information from you."

December sipped onto a cocktail as Gwenn Klauus was left dumbfounded at the words of his.

She made a glance at the two of them and realises it was too late to do something.

"Why are you telling me your secrets?"

Intrigued, Gwenn Klauus felt like something ominous was coming.

And then...

December replied this:

"I love talking to dead people, since you'll all die here from The Dragon's Wrath. You've put your nose into something you can't handle at all, Monarch Association. You won't win the game this time."

Standing up, Ley was confused.

The normal people around turned heads.

Adamas questioned the situation and as she looked at Bestow, she understood that something bad, something terrible was going to happen.


A weird noise coming from above.

As everyone looked up, except December, they saw a terrific image of a dragon heading right into them, head first.

Panic came as everyone tried to get out of the place.

Gwenn Klauus took her daughters' Ley and Gaël hands as she ran to safety.

Senior pissed himself as he was too scared to move an inch.

Dark and Dabi, handpicked The Secretary like a child before dashing outside the complex.

Bestow and Adamas stayed, alongside them, Captain G and Lefto.

Joe and Francis was already out of there, thanks to Joe's teleportation skill.

December kept sipping his cocktail.

And the dragon up in the sky kept going down till it finally reached the ground.


Blasting away the few tables and chairs against the walls.

It was only the people and The Dragon.

The next moment, the dragon had taken a humanoid form.

Darkened hair grew out her vigin head.

Brown cat eyes.

Pulpy lips.

It was Margaret Vahass, who had descended from the heaven to lay waste to the likes of humanity.

Adamas was the first to react as she jumped at December with the intent to kill.

No one foresaw this and December was supposedly weak from Bestow's analysis.

Adamas usually watching from the side, headed in because Bestow and it was a mistake.

Using on her skills to end December's life, Adamas touched December's back with her palm of the hand.

The following seconds, Adamas recited a weird language.

The sky turned white.

The colour of the world became white in instance.

Adamas' hand turned into a brazing blue fire that would consume anything.

It was certain: Adamas wanted to kill December.

'"Do you need my help?"

But it was useless.

To the face of the strongest, no one could make a difference.

And they all, including the dragon, assissted to the fall Of Adamas.

"Mother would be proud of you, Addie. Not only did you kill Isabelle DeLaCourte; you also wished to end me, despite the lack in skill you possess."

December's words reached Maggie's ears, but she couldn't react yet.

"Addie, Addie.. You really tried despite being the weakest of the siblings. I really commend you for trying your best. But, I can't let you live now. You betrayed Mother which is unacceptable. You revealed information of US to that old hag. You lended your powers to that dragon. You tried to kill me. You know the consequence."

Embracing Adamas, December enveloped her aura around her before starting to crushing her.

And she couldn't cry nor scream.

She was forced to accept her death.



Blood snotted out her nose, her broken bones pierced her skin.

One of her eyes popped out.

Her intestines passed through her ass hole.

It was a massacre.

And they all watched as December was having the pleasure of killing the biggest error her Mother made by giving birth to Adamas.

After a minute of sheer excruciating pain and death, Adamas had lost her life.

Tossed aside, Adamas' body was just a hollow corpse.



And the speculations that were rowdy around December confirmed themselves as everyone got to see the real face that person.



"Miserable insect that crawled into the depth of this land, it embarasses to even share the same blood as you. Weak, weak little thing that shall be forgiven for having been gifted life. I apologize everyone, you saw my 'upset' side today. I shall let everyone live another day, till I'm ready to end another life."

And they all thought the same thing:

"If that was this 'Upset' humor, what is this 'Cruel' side?"

Well almost everyone thought about it except:

"The Conqueror of Worlds and Walker Of Despair, December The Strong. I finally meet you."

Whilst Madame was busy keeping his daughters' sane from the insane amount of bloodlust emanating from the dragon and December; Bestow standing and crying river of tears as Captain G tried to comfort her; Joe and Francis paralyzed and shaking of fear by the side, Dark and Dabi using their body to shield the bloodlust for The Secretary, Maggie engaged in a conversation with December.

"A Monarch from the-before is still alive. That explains why you are able to resist my bloodlust. I finally meet a powerful being."

Said December, a smirk to the face, despite having Adamas' corpse to his feet.

"I'm sure you didn't come here alone, December. And I know that you are planning to kill The Next Heiress. I won't let you destroy the life of others for the sake of your bitchin' mother's pleasure."

At a loss of words, December didn't expect the dragon to know the plan and insult his Mother.

"These are why I absolutely hate dragons: They are conceited to the core and they don't fear their Masters."

To which, December replied by playing with the dragon's temper.

"Why would I fear the son of a hoe?"

And that calm tension that was resilient to a fight became a greedy show-off between two opposing ideals.

"Let's show the humans why Dragons are and will always be superior!"

Said Maggie, clenching the fists.

"After I'm done with you, I'm gonna trip out the intestines of that fucking heiress, Watch Me!"

•At the same time, Central City Monarch Association Second Main HeadQuarter, South-East.

*Driiing* *Driiing* *Driiing* *Driiing*

"Tommy speaking, What's up!?"

A boy multi-tasking on his desk picked the phone up and started talking casually.

Suddenly, a little voice sounded.

"Ley Caydence Novembaria is in danger Ley Caydence Novembaria is in danger. Please, save my daughter!"

It was Isbelle DeLaCourte.

Breathing hardly and soundly, she spoke with panick and warned The Monarch Association.

Instantly, a general alert was sent to every members and An Army was on march towards Ley's birthday party.

But they definitely were not going to arrive on time.

Then, why did Isabelle DeLaCourte interevened?

She made use of the monarch association's army to fight against The Dragon's Minion.

The Second Invasion that was about to take place by Maggie's command.

And not far from the invasion, but close enough to watch everything.

"Thanks for lending me your phone, Master Martius."

Glazed by a dazing sunlight, noon came faster than expected.

"'Thank you' to you for chosing to help me by stopping this useless war that's about to take place. And I apologize once more for the ruckus my older brother has caused to your land. We've a serious family issue and I'm trying to get rid of it before it's too late."

"You've already apologized much. Let's not ruin the moment.. Stay with the Army and coordinate the defense from the back. I'll take December in my hands."

A light purple hair, skinny body, whitiest skin tone.

She seemed malnourished but that was the work of her own death.

Having fallen by the hands of Adamas, whom also perished a few minutes ago by their elder brother December, she visited the Nothingness of The Cosmos and blurred into the wild of life.

Brought back by a mystical presence; Martius The Right, Youngest Son of Greorgorian Marrtellis, Isbella DeLaCourte discovered a new peace of being blessed again.

And Martius felt wisdom and gratitude from her.

With a warm smile, Martius stated something before leaving:

"I gave you life, but that doesn't mean you owe me. Before your death, you were chained to your responsibilities. This time, you'll be up to yourself. Freedom was always a thing anyone could bought, and now, you've become the living proof of that. So, take care."

Martius The Right.

As cryptic as December could be, instead of powerful traits, he was bethroned of primordial mystical powers like his Mother.

Surnamed as the new jesus of the modern times, Martius gained his popularity by being who he is from the start.

Maybe, he could become the "STOPPER" to the war going on.







This is December, before coming to Earth:

The thrill of being weak is exhilrating. The thoughts of getting beaten up. The smile of protecting weaker than us. The joy of losing what's most important. The tears of laughter to the face of maliciousness. The loss of hope in the eyes. The dry throats for screaming non-stop.

When a raper frees his lust, does he repent afterwards?

When a councilman forces women to bend over, do they swear to tell the truth thereafter?

What do the world really know of the world?

These are the questions I've asked to:

A little girl.

An old man.

A business woman.

A barber.

A hoe.

Would you be surprised if I told you that they answered the same?

--'I Don't Know'.

Which brought me to think?

Was Reality supposed to create such monsters?

So many violence?

So many deaths?

So many humans?

What if it all came to an end?

What if it was a controlled ending?

What if everything was dictated?

What if freedom was buyable?

No--Better, what if Mother Had Control...

"You are right, Deck. I need to be the one afterall. I am The Solution To Every Whisper's Problem.."

That's right!

Mother is Absolute.

She can do it.

I may be the Strongest Being, but she is The Ultimate Being.

I'll do whatever Mother wants.

I'd even kill them all..

"Deck, please your mother and Kill all these mongrels.."

I'll kill them all.

I'll kill Everyone.

....mama.. mama... i'm sorry... i'm sorry.... i killed everyone... Look! I did as you asked! Aren't I your Dearest Son?

"But I can still see smiles and laughter despite that? I told you to kill everything and yet, you only got rid of rapers, thieves, murderers. I don't see the good in that?"

But Mother?

"I should call for September perhaps.. Maybe she can do what you couldn't, you Useless Son."

I am sorry Mother.

I was Wrong.

I will repent!

I will do as you asked now!

I will kill Everyone!





I'll do kill them all.

I will bring up the Seven Holy Pillars for your eyes' wonder.

I will kill all the gods and display their corpses on the biggest plate you'll ever see.

I'll make the Monarch keel before your Presence.

I'll Mold This World To Your Liking!

Mother, will you love me if I make everything yours?

"If you do all of what you said, I will."

Thank you Mother.

I'll start working right away.

I'll start--




Are you leaving?


I can work it quick.

I'm the strongest.

No one can beat me.

But I need--


Just.. Just.....?

"If you need time, you have it. But don't bother calling me Mother when you can't do something as simple as conquering The Land Of The Living!"



I'm your son!


I am not your Strongest son.

I am..

I am.

I am December The Strong...

I am the December The Wrong..


I am December The...

I am..

I am....


I am Fear.


Fear me.

That's a promise.

I will make everything, Mother's.

Even if I need to become..



~to be continued~


december was going to be a cheery character whom i made sure to be charming and social.

but i changed my mind at the last minute and made him like this.

cool huh?

maybe you won't like him right now and but he's the centre of the world whether you want it or not.

since, he is the strongest being.

HobiTAcreators' thoughts