
Greorgorian Marrtellis Book one.

Episode 0: ‘Greorgorian Marrtellis’. ⟨When The Seven Heavenly Pillars Will Be Erected From The Holy Ground, All The Gods Will Dance To Commemorate My Return. When The Red Sky Will Reflect The Sea Of Blood My Children Will Leave Behind Their Trail, All The Monarchs Will Form A Pyramid Of Corpses To Celebrate My Presence. When I Set Foot On The Land Of The Living, My Most Dearest Son Will Praise My Sovereignty. On The New Dawn Of A Foretold Pure World, My Children: Martius The Right, Aprilis The Watcher, Maius The Wit, Junius The Weak, Quintilis The Hoe, Sextilis The Shrewd, September The Murderer, October The Stranger, November The Warrior, and December The Wrong Will Abide My Command And Mold This Primitive-Unpurified World To My Liking.⟩

HobiTA · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
17 Chs

Episode 5: Faith In Humanity's Worth.

In her mind, she cried out for a forgiveness but couldn't speak at all.

She weaved her hands as a way to stop everything but, nothing worked out.

She had done the unforgivable to December.

To the other side of the scenery, a December looking annoyed.


Standing up like nothing happened, he started to walk down the aisle to Lefto.

A brazing fire burning in the left hand and a freezing cold point in the right, December spoke strange words as he moved forward.

The same strange words that Adamas spoke before, but this time, it wasn't just a threat.

December wanted to Kill Lefto.

29th December 2019: Saturday Morning; 11:03 A.M.


A sudden high pitched sound echoed as December spoke a weird language.

A language Lefto could not grasp at all.

Suddenly, the sky turned white.

The clouds dissipated like sugar stirred in hot water.

The air felt more stuffy than before and the sun who was as shiny as ever, disappeared, under the glazing white light blazing powerfully.

Her sight directed back at December, she gained her senses back but it was alas too late.

She had already made an enemy out of the only being she had to avoid at all costs.

Trembling of fear, her sweat reached her pants.

The chills in her spine made it over-clear; she just made the world's situation worst.

And as much as she wanted to cry, no one would hear her, so she sucked her sorrow in and...

And instead of trying some dummy moves, she simply went for the most human-like behaviour act.

'A smooch on December's lips.'

December kept his eyes opened but stayed still.

His thoughts were ravined by suspicious parasites.

He couldn't think straight anymore.

Lefto, on the other hand, kept on kissing December.

With a serene face, she didn't have any doubts that December lost the will to kill her but she still felt like it was not a 'bad thing' to actually kiss.

Parting mouths from each other, December talked first.


"I-I don't know what caused this! I swear.."

Speaking so naturally to each other, it almost felt like December considered Lefto to be the closest one to him yet.

Blinking wildly and looking around, she noticed that everything was suddenly back to normal.

The sun was there.

The moon was in the background, sulking as always.

The clouds were back.

And her sister was holding her cheeks with both hands, chatting at her.

To her left, a December mimicing a shush.

Understanding that she just underwent a mystical over~realistic illusion, she smiled weakly before letting December in.

As both December and Caydence walked their way towards the party.

Lefto stood still behind, in the shadow.

"Don't hathe me, soeurette! I hadth to try.. I swear I hadth a plan to save you if--"

And appearing from that same darkness was a smiling Adamas with a lollipop in the mouth.

"He'll get suspicious now. A human like me blasted him feet away when I should just be a normal person.  Or did you want him to be suspicious?"

"Spot on! I wanted to see his reaction, because someone sold us. And I think it's that witch bitch.. She must have gotten scared, because December was clearly testing us right now. He knew I was here and wanted to bait me out.. Thank god, your little sis is clueless and broke it up."

Exchanging sensible convo, they spoke with low voice.

"We won't always be this lucky, Addie"

"My brother seems soft for some reason.. I knew him 'more wild'. Lest, I went to meet Maggie with the Newcomer. We won't wait for tomorrow, it's gonna be today. That's why I came here.."

Revealing the true reasons behind her cunning face, Adamas rejoiced of the near destruction that was going to happen.

"Wait for the signal, Lefto."

With a waving hand, Lefto good-byed Adamas.

Adamas, as charismatic as ever, made a peace sign with her fingers.

"Signal?--Maggie is coming to the party too? The fuck?! I must warn Ley.. If she were to get hurt because of me, I'd always hate myself."







While the world was getting accustomed to the forceful changes.

Spirits wilded.

The East Continent survived the hell.

North Continent didn't.

South Continent didn't.

The West was the only one left to face the terrors.

Amongst the people that wanted to make it through, blinded of the real menace, Gwenn Klauus; who led with a firm grip The Monarch Association, The President Oden Grudge; who reassembled his army including Special Forces, and lastly, The Saintess 'Grievance'; who appeared like a hero in those fairy tales for kids and decided to change the course of event by using the name of Jesus Christ.

29th December 2019: Saturday Morning; 03:17 A.M.

"Saintess, you were right. The evil dragon plans to attack today. At this rate, America won't hold on.. The Monarch Association maintained order by parrying the invasion of those monsters in the country but if the dragon launches a second attack and personnally moves herself, I don't see a way out of this."

Cried a fragile man as he commented on the fate of America.

Kneeling in front of a seated woman, the fragile man bowed as he was afraid for his life.

"You should really man up, kid. Of course I'm right."

The woman pierced the weak mind face of the man with her yellowish golden eyes.

"I've already fought dragons in the past. They'll do anything to achieve what they want, to the point they'd give up on their own sanity. Quite sad and pathetic but nothing's fair, right!"

Getting up with energy, she moved past the kneeling man and closed up to a window.

"America will fall if nothing is done. As I am, I swore to never fight again. Quite pathetic of me as well. Now, the only one who can change the course of events that's going to happen is---"


Said the little guy, teary in the background, but he instantly apologized for cutting off the Saintess.

"Nah, but you're right. The one I'm thinking of is <My Jesus>. My Younger Brother, Right."



~To be continued~

last week of jan for the last 5 chaps of the first volume.

thx for giving it a try.

HobiTAcreators' thoughts