
Chapter 3 : Soft flame.

Nyx, the god of night and death and also the master of fire, was truly an excellent cook, much to Day's delight. He who ate only ready meals and sandwiches most of the time rediscovered the pleasure of a homemade dish. Every evening he had a plate waiting for him, perfectly prepared and always hot. Like a king, he just had to put his feet under the table and feast on Nyx who kept eyeing him. He had started behaving strangely after Day woke up one-morning sweating, heart-pounding and wheezing. Luckily the god had managed to bring him his inhalator in time. But since that day he never let go and tried to make his life as easy as possible, bringing him to work and picking him up no matter what time the bartender finished. The flaming god was still waiting outside the pub an hour before closing time. Sat on his motorcycle which never went unnoticed while on the phone Day had given him.

"This guy is still there, who does he wait like that every night?" he heard a customer ask his friend on a Friday night, shortly before Christmas.

"I don't know, but frankly, I won't say no to his Norton Commando 850. We don't make them like that in our time now! Look how perfectly well maintained his bike is, I can guarantee you it's worth a lot."

"Yeah but frankly you saw the way he is, he doesn't seem to be respectable. Damn it, he looks like he's going to hit you if you get too close to him or his machine."

"He's an outsider."

"Yeah, that's the talk of the area. My sister told me he would live on Island Bank Street, a friend of hers often sees him going down that street."

"There hasn't been a house for sale in this area for a while though."

"He has to rent one by the week, it's getting more and more do you know. Or he has family around and he's just coming for the holidays."

"One thing is certain is that the girls only talk about him in the town. At the same time, a gothic-looking, mysterious biker who never speaks to anyone is fascinating. At least he has the choice."

"Put on some black eyeshadow and buy yourself a similar bike so you will compete with him!"

If the two friends laughed and ordered more beer, Day lost his smile. These two guys had put their finger on something he had never thought of: what did this god do during his days? Who would he go to see when he was at work? Who knows if he didn't invite local friends or girls to come to his place? The bartender had to admit it: his one-of-a-kind roommate had a beautiful face. His finely tanned skin was a change from the whitish complexion of the people of Inverness. "A little exoticism in the city doesn't hurt." as a regular client said yesterday. No harm, except for Day's heart. It almost leapt out of his chest every time Nyx stepped out of the shower shirtless, a towel casually wrapped around his hips.

"What do we think of to blush like this?" teased the bartender's boss, putting his hand on his shoulder.

The latter immediately flinched and quickly put down the glass he holding before it ended up on the floor.

"Nothing at all, I was focused on wiping the glass," he tried to lie pitifully.

"So wiping glasses makes you blush now?"

"I wasn't blushing, boss."

"Come on, admit it, you were looking at this guy outside."

"Of course not !"

"You lie so badly it gets cute. You do what you want you to know. You are the only master of your body. If you want to share it with this guy, that's fine."

"I'm not…!"

Day couldn't continue his sentence. The man on the motorbike who was the talk of the pub tonight had entered the establishment. He was doing the task with his motorcycle outfit who made his stature more imposing. His gaze fixed on the bar, the latter sat down on a stool and put his helmet on the free bar stool next to him. The boss looked worriedly at his employee.

"What do you want to order?" the business owner asked as he filled a tankard for another customer.

"A whiskey with two ice cubes and a quarter of lemon juice," Nyx replied without even looking at him, focused on observing and internally feasting on Day's facial expression.

He could feel the fire burning on his cheeks when the boss motioned for him to carry out the order with a wink. The bartender grabbed the bottle of whiskey and poured the brown liquor into the specific glass for it, then added the juice from the freshly chopped lemons before dipping the two ice cubes. A small lemon on the edge of the glass, a slice of dark chocolate offered with the deal of the week: the drink was perfect. He moved the drink to Nyx who hadn't missed a step in the preparation.

"For a better tasting, it is best to eat the chocolate while drinking the whiskey," Day announced with a smirk, amused at the expression of happiness on the god's face.

"Thanks for the advice, to your healthy bartender!" the brunet exclaimed, raising his glass before taking a sip.

The bartender in question thanked him with a slight nod and left to take care of the customer's order not far from him.

"It's a bit strange, don't you think?" asked the customer in a low voice but which seemed a whisper because of the hubbub in the pub.

"What do you want tonight, sir?"

"A pint of beer, please. But isn't he weird? Aren't you afraid to let him get into the pub?"

"Everyone is welcome in our establishment. No discrimination, otherwise I'll take you out for offensive language."

"Oh, I was just saying it like that… He looks suspicious, ​​always hanging out in the area around at the same hour. Do you know who he's waiting for?"

"And here's your pint of beer, you can go back to your seat."

The customer raised an eyebrow, surprised at Day's sudden coldness but did as he asked and returned to his table to join his friends. This allowed Nyx to call the bartender back and monopolize him for a while.

"Why didn't you answer?" he asked, tapping his fingers on his glass.

"Is that true, why?" Day said sarcastically, resuming wiping the glasses.

"Does it bother people so much that I'm here?"

"It's not that, it's just that you do a little… stain on the board. Finally, your outfit works, it gives you an even more imposing build. "

"So you think I'm awesome?"


"And do you like it, my imposing build?"


It took exactly three seconds for Day to realize his admission. The biker let clever little smile bloom at the corners of his lips and pushed his glass out before he said anything.

"A second drink, please," commanded the god, swallowing the last bit of the chocolate tile he had left. "I think we'll need a conversation when you're done."

"I don't see why we should wait, I listening to you."

"Do you really want to hear what I have to say now? With the world around and your boss nearby? "

"What do you want to talk about?"

"Of you."

"Here is a very intimate subject!"

"I'll keep you company in the bedroom until you want to sleep well. Is talking about you any more intimate than that? "

Day slammed the glass against the wood of the bar and stared at him freezing, the embarrassment clearly visible on his face.

"Shut up, if anyone hears you saying will be distorted," he suggested, adding the lemon to the glass,

"Would you mind if we talk about you sleeping with a man?"

"Are you an idiot or are you doing it on purpose? Need I remind you that we're not the only ones… night beings in the town?"

"You're afraid they report this to the supreme authority and it will be heard in your parents' ears… lily-livered."

"You're right. Let's talk about it after I finish my working hours."

"So I got it right! Ooh, you're puzzling me even more now."

"Shut up and drink your glass. Behave like a normal customer. I coming, madam! I swear Nyx if you open your mouth again to say that sort of thing, I'll make you swallow the bottle of the whole whiskey!"

Day pretended not to see one of Nyx's canines intentionally protruding over his lower lip, pretending to bite it to provoke him. The bartender tried to ignore his for the rest of the evening, which had come too quickly. The god of night and death was the last customer in the pub, much to the boss's surprise when he returned with a mop.

"I'm sorry sir, the establishment is supposed to be closed now," he said as he glancing at Day.

"I let him stay, I need to talk to him about something."

"What exactly?"

"I'm looking for a computer and your bartender has one for sale. He told me to wait until it closed to talk more about it." Nyx lied without restraint, turning around on his stool, looking the owner straight in the eye. "Do you mind that I converse with your employee? I can go out if you wish."

"No, no stay, just don't move off your stool until the floor has finished drying."

The master of fire nodded and leaned against the bar. He leant his head back to look at the counter Day fill drinks. Or rather, to watch him fidget as he lines up all bottles perfectly.

"You are a very meticulous and orderly person. " He complimented him sincerely. "You are fascinating too."

"Three drinks and that's it, you become a flirt?"

"I'm not flirting you. I'm courting you."

"What is the difference exactly?"

"I see the term 'flirting' in the sense that you want a one-night stand with the person. Just sleep with them and nothing more the next day. While the expression 'courting' is more sincere, delicate, romantic. I'm wooing you and I know you would too if you weren't so nervous about it. "

"Who's nervous?"

"You. You are starting to have your heart speeding up, I hear it. Love is a sensitive subject for you, isn't it?"

"Shut up."

"You need love, like a plant needs sunshine. I can be your sun if you want. I can even ignite myself to warm that piece of ice in your chest."

"How does that, ignite yourself?"

Nyx turned to him and held out his hand.

"Put your hand on top of mine."

Day moved closer to the bar and kept his hand suspended above his, looking him straight in the eye.


"Let the fire dance."

Day frowned but co-operated, watching as a flame burst into the hollow of the master of fire hand. It intensified slightly and brushed against his own hand without actually burning it. On the contrary, Day felt a warmth rush through his whole body. As if the flame had managed to penetrate his skin and dance underneath.

"Feel the fire, Day, feel it and let it out," Nyx whispered, putting his other hand on his cheek.

"I can't…"

"You can do it. Trust me, don't be afraid of whatever is running through your veins. I'm here to help. Concentrates you, just on the flame."

"And if everything catches fire, what are we going to do Nyx?"

The god of night and death felt his cheeks blush slightly after hearing his name. It was the first time Day had called him by name. He just smiled reassuringly and made flame grow up a little taller. The red flame still dancing in his hand. A minute passed before the flame began to change colour, taking on an increasingly greenish colour.

"Go on Day, you're almost there."

The young man focused more on the flame, not noticing the way Nyx looked at him sometimes. All his surroundings no longer existed. Only this flame mattered to him. It became greener until it coloured an emerald green colour. The heat increased in him, burning even inside his veins before a second flame broke out in his hand. The two flames bonded, danced together, the first returning to its original colour and tinting the second with a soft orange spot. Nyx and Day both looked up at the same time, an identical smile adorning their lips.

Hey, new chapter~ You like it ? Cheer me up and to your library!

if you have some idea about my story comment and let me know in a chapter comment or review. I love commentary ! ;)

Ophiuchus_Serpenticreators' thoughts