
Greek Gods As Neighbors

Raquel Alvarez takes her future seriously and works diligently. Her goals include becoming a psychologist as well as getting Ares Hildago to notice her. Raquel has always had an intense fascination with Ares. Although she lives next door, Raquel has never spoken with him directly but still can't help thinking there may be more to him than meets the eye and imagines what it would feel like to kiss him! Once she discovers her crush is more than unrequited, their fiery attraction quickly intensifies into something truly unforgettable - they fall hard and fast for one another. Raquel wants Ares to commit, but his life has already been planned out for him: after finishing school he'll join his family business; for now though? Stay cool. Don't get involved. And avoid falling in love. Ares and Raquel seem to have found what ignited so quickly may soon extinguish itself, but is their relationship going to last?

kashim_Samaila · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
20 Chs

Chapter 8

So much booze runs through my veins that it makes it hard for me to be sensual.

But I must try. I must seek revenge against Ares; after playing two times already with me and leaving me wanting, his actions cannot continue inciting innocent souls like mine and leaving them waiting.

innocent souls... I really am drunk. My stalker soul is anything but innocent; not with all the things it does in the dark of my room when no one sees. As I recall all the times Ares was my first male presence when puberty hit, my blushing increased in proportion.

He's responsible for being in my field of vision at an age when my hormones were surging.

Turning away, I show him my body. Although not spectacular, it does have good proportions and a decent ass. Sweat rolls down my forehead, sideburns, and neckline of the dress. Instantaneously thirsty, I find myself licking my lips more frequently.

Time passes quickly, and when I look again to check on Ares, he has vanished - sending my heart racing with fear as I desperately search for him.

Has he come downstairs and come after me? In that event, what am I supposed to do?

My seduction strategy hasn't gone quite that far yet.

Raquel always found herself engaging in games she didn't fully comprehend.

But this won't stop here, and determinedly I make my way back up the stairs where the guard stands.

"VIP area," he tells me with a tired smile.

"Yes," I answer reluctantly, "but my friend who works up there told me to come."

"How could I believe such an astounding claim?"

"I know he will be upset to learn I'm waiting here, so I raised my chin in defiance."

"Your friend must come to fetch you if he needs you up there; that is how the rules work."

"Give me just a second," I beg him, but he won't budge. Attempting to go around him on the side, he grabs my wrist and I yelled: "Let me go."

I struggled to free myself, but his grip only tightened further on me.

"She told you to let her go." A delightful voice filled my ears from behind and I turned around to see Apolo Hidalgo with his jaw set behind me.

"This is none of your business," replies the guard rudely.

Apolo is gentle yet firm when speaking of his position: 'Litigating an assault charge can be devastating; few individuals emerge unscathed from these proceedings.

"Don't try scaring me, brat."

Doesn't this man understand who they're dealing with? Apolo may look like an innocent child but is part of one of the most influential families in California.

"Brat?" Apolo laughed in response.

"Yes, brat, why don't you go away and stop meddling where it isn't wanted?" the guard says in reply.

"Apolo, it's okay." I turn around, looking back over my shoulder. "I tried going up even though he told me not to." Finally, I look directly at the guard and ask: "Could you please let me go?"

"I apologize," the guard said to me before finally freeing me.

After leaving the guard's area, Apolo lifts my arm and inspects it closely - it appears red but is unbruised.

Are You Doing OK?" he asks inquisitively.

"Thank you." If he hadn't apologized, I would have fired him immediately."

"Have You Hired Him and Own This Bar?"

"No," Apolo responds with a shake of the head. "That belongs to my brother."

"Wait - this belongs to Ares?" I ask him with surprise.

Apolo sighs again. "Mother would never approve. Artemis owns this bar."

"Don't worry. I'll text Artemis; he will handle this when he arrives later."

Part of me feels sorry for him, yet I also remember how rude and inconsiderate he was.

Nodded at him again when we passed by him this time; our short argument had helped me become somewhat less inebriated; yet I'm far from fully alert - when climbing the short staircase to the VIP area proved too difficult, an unpleasant reminder of just how drunk I was; my throat tightened at the thought of meeting Ares again.

At this exquisite rooftop lounge, there are glass tables and plush armchairs surrounded by inviting glass walls, where waiters are serving wealthy groups scattered throughout. At one end is an extravagant set of red curtains blocking what lies beyond.

Apolo leads me over to one of several armchairs set before an empty table, inviting me to sit down. "Please, what would you like for a drink?" he inquires.

Searching my memory, I try to recall what Dani gave me to drink but her drinks have slipped my mind; only one stands out: Orgasm; however, no way would I ever bring myself to say the word out loud when speaking with Apolo.

"What would you recommend?" Apolo is very frank about not drinking himself but his brothers do enjoy whiskey.

"Let's have a glass of whiskey, then."

He orders from a waiter, sits next to me, and orders an appetizer - to my great relief he orders what I wanted! - as I clasp my hands together nervously in my lap.

"I apologize about the security guard," Apolo mumbled to me as he looked directly at me with those beautiful eyes of his. "Unfortunately, sometimes they hire just anyone."

"Don't take my word for it, though; I should have known better!"

"I will ask Artemis to issue you with a pass so that when you arrive, you may access the upper floors whenever it suits your schedule.

"Thanks, but that is unnecessary."

"Hey, we're neighbors and while we may not be best buds, I remember all of the times we played and talked through the fence together.

"I didn't expect you to remember, since you were only so small then.

"Of course, I remember. I remember everything about you.

His tone causes my stomach to tighten with anxiety.

Apolo recognizes my expression and begins, "Don't take this the wrong way; I just have an excellent memory."

"Don't worry," he assures me, "you aren't strange."

Regarding issues of stalking, I do not feel qualified to pass judgment on you.

I take my first sip of whiskey from the bartender and am instantly disgusted at its taste; struggling to finish it, my attention wanders back towards the red curtains as I wonder "What could possibly be in there?"

Apolo scratches his head before answering my question but his phone rings before he can speak further.

He makes an apology face before getting up to answer his call and walking away. Looking down onto the dance floor, I see Dani dancing with someone, which comes as no surprise given her delightful, energetic personality. Curiosity draws my eyes back towards the curtains, prompting my curiosity once more.

What lies beyond these curtains?

Apolo is still calling, so I stand up and head toward this mysterious space. Once through, darkness engulfs me immediately as I cross.

My eyes find it difficult to adjust since the only light source available to them are candles scattered about in an otherwise pitch-black room.

I witnessed couples kissing and groping each other on sofas arranged throughout the room, some appearing to engage in sexual activities while wearing clothing. Unfortunately, as there were so many identical curtains I no longer knew which exit to use; therefore I felt afraid that opening any wrong curtain might interrupt couples who may or may not be engaging in illicit conduct. Instead, I decided to approach an apparent clear glass door in hopes it could serve as an exit route.

But on the other side, I encounter something surprising and unexpected.

Ares is sitting back in his chair with his head tipped back, eyes closed.

Carefully, I step out onto the balcony to join him. As soon as the fresh night air hits me, it feels as if I just emerged from an illusionary spell - one created by the candle room's ability to immerse one in dreamlike states - only now am I back, in reality, facing dark nights and Greek gods.

Ares is so charming with his eyes closed. He exudes innocence.

I sit with my long legs stretched out in front of him, one hand holding his glass of whiskey while the other gently massages his hard-on. At some point he removes my hand in frustration - likely hoping that some fresh air would help relax him; unfortunately, it seems unlikely.

My lips radiate with pride as I raise my glasses to celebrate success.

So I see through your attempts at seduction - no Greek God can escape me!

Ares' eyes opened wide as I cleared my throat. He lifted his head to face me with his bright smile - and noticed my victory grin. "Why am I not surprised that you are here?", he asked me in disbelief.

"Looking to take in some fresh air?" I give an amused laugh.

Ares runs his hand across his jaw. "Do you think I am this way because of you?" he asks.

"Yes, you are," I said with certainty.

"How are you so sure?" Perhaps I had an affair and she left me like this.

His response does not shake my smile: "I know because of how you looked at me back there and now."

Ares stands up and my courage falters slightly as I ask "Weren't you looking at you?" "Oh no," Ares replies with concern "but can we talk?" "How exactly am I staring at you?

"I feel as if we're only seconds away from losing control and kissing each other.

Ares laughs with his characteristic deep voice. "You seem disoriented - perhaps it's the alcohol."

"Do you agree?" I push him backward, and he falls back into the chair.

When I approach, those deep eyes don't leave mine as I move closer; and as soon as my legs touch either side of him, I settle myself on top of him to sit.

Instantaneously, I feel Ares pressing hard against me and bite my lower lip in response. His face was only inches away from mine; seeing him so close made my heart beat like crazy. As soon as he smiled revealing his perfect teeth.

"What are you up to, Witch?"

Instead of answering him, I burrow my face into his neck instead. His scent is amazing: an irresistibly tempting blend of expensive cologne and natural scents.

My breathing increases as I shower him with wet kisses that cover his entire neck. I make him throw his whiskey glass to the floor before gently leading his hands up my ass, leaving them there until Ares sighs and I continue my attack on his neck; his hands squeeze my body, pushing harder against me than before, until we both begin twitching in response. Ares finally succumbs, and we start kissing passionately again as his hands tighten around me, his body pressing against mine; I feel Ares' hands push harder against me; his hands squeeze tighten around mine as we begin making him press harder against me. Finally, he relented, making his body hard against me;

"Ares," I whisper into his ear as I move my mouth toward his skin and move closer to him. As soon as his lips released their breath, they tightened closer around me as I hugged tightly against him.

I push myself away from his neck so I can stare into his dark, alluring eyes. Their seductiveness disarms me; his nose touches mine as we exchange quick breaths.

"Do you want me?" I inquire, moistening my lips to seal in moisture.

"Yes, Witch." As soon as my lips near his, I lean in for a kiss and turn away just in time to avoid direct contact between our lips and mine - then quickly stand up again to leave him behind.

"Karma is a bitch Greek god."

Feeling like the queen of the universe, I walk away from him and back into the club.