
Greek Gods As Neighbors

Raquel Alvarez takes her future seriously and works diligently. Her goals include becoming a psychologist as well as getting Ares Hildago to notice her. Raquel has always had an intense fascination with Ares. Although she lives next door, Raquel has never spoken with him directly but still can't help thinking there may be more to him than meets the eye and imagines what it would feel like to kiss him! Once she discovers her crush is more than unrequited, their fiery attraction quickly intensifies into something truly unforgettable - they fall hard and fast for one another. Raquel wants Ares to commit, but his life has already been planned out for him: after finishing school he'll join his family business; for now though? Stay cool. Don't get involved. And avoid falling in love. Ares and Raquel seem to have found what ignited so quickly may soon extinguish itself, but is their relationship going to last?

kashim_Samaila · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
20 Chs

Chapter 10

Raquel, remain calm!

Do not be alarmed!

"Argh!" I was pacing back and forth in my room while groaning in terror.

Rocky, who is aware of my anxiety, faithfully follows me. I cast a quick glance in the direction of Apolo. My nails are bit. Ares is coming for me and is undoubtedly very angry.

Okay, Raquel, calm down. Inhale deeply. I tangle my hair and tell myself, "One thing at a time." "If he arrives, don't open the door; nothing will happen."

I take a deep breath as I sit on the bed's edge. Off the bed, Apollo's hand is hanging. Rocky sneezes at it while gritting his teeth and growling. He doesn't know Apollo.

Come on, Rocky, no. I shut the door after leading him outside. Rocky biting Apolo while he slept is the absolute last thing I want. That would only make matters more difficult.

I yawn, but I'm not sure how much time has passed. There are no new notifications, not even a call, when I check my phone and Apolo's. Is it possible that Ares has become more composed? My nightstand's clock indicates that it is 2:43 a.m. The evening has passed quickly.

When I enter my bathroom, I feel as though I have been slapped in the face by my reflection. Wow, I really do look bad. My brown hair is a mess with pointing locks, and my eyes are red. I could easily scare people on the street because my eyeliner is smudged under my eyes. When did my appearance change from being great to terrible?

My dear, it's called alcohol.

In order to remove my makeup, I wash my face and tie my hair into a tangled bun.

I exit the restroom barefoot and walk over to my bed. I hesitate as I sit across from Apolo on the other side of the bed, but sleepiness triumphs. I'm worn out from my first night of drinking because it was so chaotic. The fact that I'm not already dozing off and hitting REM is a miracle. My face is rubbed as I sigh. I'm getting chills from the breeze coming in through the window as my eyes slowly close. When I recall Ares climbing up to enter my room through the window, my eyes flutter open once more.


I sprint toward the window but stop short in the middle. Through the curtains, a silhouette is easily discernible. Ares bursts into my room and pulls the curtains out of the way before I have a chance to stop and think.

Oh, Mierda!

In her attempts at Spanish, Dani would say.

In my room is Ares Hidalgo. once more. Once more, my room feels cramped due to his height.

He's still flaunting that well-fitting gray shirt with the rolled-up sleeves.

I swear the coldness with which he looks at me makes me feel chillier than the wind. He's irritated. He is extremely irritated. He has tense features. His hands are clenched into fists, and his lips are tightly pursed. His entire body language suggests that if I don't want to become Greek god food, I must handle this carefully.

"Where is he?" I'm surprised when he shouts.

Let me clarify everything that happened, Ares.

Ares moves toward my bed after pushing me aside. You don't need to give me any explanations. His gaze first flits to his brother's filthy clothes on the ground, then it turns back to Apolo, who is lying on his back. "Did you make him intoxicated?" He appears to have changed his mind as he inquires.

"It happened by accident."

"You abandoned me and went to intoxicate my younger brother"?

It was... I said before finishing what I wanted to say

"A mishap?" How are you able to act so carelessly? Apolo simply mumbles something about wanting his mother and tucks his head under the pillow while his brother snaps and shakes him. "Look at him, please!" Ares looks at me with a glare as he straightens up. "Did you intend to do it?" Did you really want to ruin my night?

I defend myself as he approaches. I won't allow him to intimidate me. It was an accident, Ares, so pay attention to me. Your brother mistakenly believed that the shots I ordered were for him. He got drunk on practically nothing because he isn't used to it.

Do you really think I'll accept that?

But telling you the fact, whether you believe me or not I really do not care.

He says in a ridiculing voice, "The tiny female has personality."

"I'm not a tiny female, and I don't wish to talk to you except you're going to apologize for shouting at me and entering my room in that manner." Leave now.



I continue speaking as Ares sighs but remains silent. "I advise you to let your brother sleep before coming to get him in the morning because he won't be coming back to life anytime soon."

"Let him share a bed with you." over my lifeless body.

You have a jealous boyfriend-like voice.

"You wish."

I keep a close eye on him as he approaches me. "What are you doing?" Ares kisses my skin with his soft lips as he holds my hand close to his face. "I'm saying sorry." His eyes are fixed on mine as he kisses the palm of my hand. "Raquel, I'm sorry."

That kind motion and the sincerity in his eyes when he says it disarms me even though I want to yell at him and tell him that an apology is unsatisfactory. The tingling in my tummy that I always experience when I'm around Ares returns as my anger subsides.

I yanked his hand away. You realize you're crazy, right?

Ares makes a shrugging motion. "No, I'm only good at admitting my errors."

My stupid mind is replaying the time I left him heated and disturbed in the club, so I walk away from him. Don't consider that right now! I fix the mainsheet covering Apolo while feigning to check on him. I observe Ares remove his shoes as he moves to the opposite side of the bed.

"What in the world are you doing?"

He finishes putting off his shoes and begins unbuttoning his shirt without saying anything.


Do you really think I'll leave him in this condition? He gives me puppy-like looks that make me gasp for air. Furthermore, sleeping with a man alone wouldn't be appropriate.

And sleeping with two people is appropriate for me?

Ares dismisses my query and removes his shirt.

Blessed Virgin of Abs, Holy Mother!

My cheeks start to bleed, and I get a tomato-red complexion. On the left part of his chest and his lower abdomen, Ares has another tattoo. His fingers make contact with his pants' button.

"No! You sleep on the floor if you remove your pants.

I get a corrupt smile from Ares. Are you concerned that you won't be able to restrain yourself?

"Of course not," I said.


Simply leave it on.

In submission, he raises his hands. "As you say," Witch, it's time to sleep.

I find it difficult to avoid his gaze. In my room, Ares is without a shirt. For me, this is too much. He sprawls out in the center of my bed, giving me space close to the edge. We couldn't possibly fit together, so I'm glad I have a big bed and Apolo is curled up in the corner. Ares, who is amused by me as I lay on my back, watches me nervously.

I look up. without making a sound, at the ceiling.

His body is warming up against my arm, and I can feel it. Sexual tension is going to kill me. For protection, I place my pillow between the two of us.

Ares chuckles. "A pillow"? genuinely "?

My eyes are closed. "Good night, Ares."

Before the pillow is removed, a brief period of time has passed. My back is then flat against Ares' chest as his arm pulls me in his direction. He is pressing up against me so hard that I can feel it. all of him My ear is touched by Ares' hot breath as he presses me even closer to him.

"Good night?" Not in my view. Witch, the night has just begun. You owe me one, too.

Defend me, Virgin of Abs!

I'm about to suffer a heart attack.

My poor heart is pounding frantically in my neck, and Ares must be feeling it as well. My back is warmed by the steam coming from his physique as he continues to press up against me. My muscles tense up and my breathing accelerates as his hand rests on my hip.

You owe me one.

I can still hear Ares' words.

I get goosebumps as his breathing caresses the side of my chest. Ares carefully raises his hand to my ribs from above my dress. His hand comes to a halt just below my left breasts, where it stays, and I stop breathing.