
Greed of the Blue Dragon

ok I thought I give this one piece story a try,I'm not good at one piece or Naruto stories so I took inspiration from all the novels and fiction on this site hope you enjoy I decided too explore the Marine side of things too see how it goes Levi was just your average Joe sleeping in his bed after watching the latest episode of one piece where he woke up in the world a a lowly marine grunt he thought he was doomed until his golden finger arrived

Rebel_Royal5 · Komik
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9 Chs

chapter 9

Levi's transformation into a dragon left the pirates in shock and awe. The once calm sea was now engulfed in chaos as Levi's massive dragon form rose into the sky, his wings stretching wide.

Long Bread's eyes widened as he watched Levi's transformation. "What... what is this? A dragon? How is this possible?"

Levi smirked, his voice echoing with a deep rumble. "Oh, Long Bread, you thought this battle was over? Think again!"

With a powerful flap of his wings, Levi lunged forward, his massive form descending upon the pirate ship. The force of his descent caused massive waves to crash against the ship, threatening to capsize it.

Long Bread and the remaining pirates scrambled to defend themselves, but they were no match for the dragon's power. Levi unleashed a torrent of lightning, striking the ship and setting it ablaze.

The pirates desperately fought back, shooting cannons and launching attacks in an attempt to bring down the dragon. But Levi's dragon scales proved to be impenetrable, deflecting all their assaults.

As the battle raged on, Levi's dragon form let out a thunderous roar, shaking the very foundations of the sea. His eyes glinted with a mix of anger and satisfaction, relishing in the power he now wielded.

But amidst the chaos, a voice called out, filled with determination and desperation. "Levi! Stop this madness!"

Levi turned his gaze to the source of the voice, recognizing it as Long Bread's. The pirate captain stood defiantly on the burning ship, his face smeared with soot and determination burning in his eyes.

"Levi, do you not see the destruction you're causing? You were once a Marine, sworn to protect innocent lives. Have you forgotten that?"

Levi's dragon form hesitated for a moment, Long Bread's words sinking in. Concern flickered in his dragon eyes as he pondered the consequences of his actions.

"I... I haven't forgotten, Long Bread. But the Marines have betrayed me. They've become complacent and corrupt. I'm doing what needs to be done to protect the innocent. Can't you see that?"

Long Bread's expression softened, his voice tinged with sadness. "Levi, I understand your anger and frustration. But bringing more destruction and chaos won't solve anything. There's still a chance to find a better way, a way that doesn't involve more bloodshed."

Levi's dragon form wavered, the flames of his anger slowly subsiding. He took a step back, his massive figure shrinking down into his human form once again, the dragon scales receding.

Long Bread approached Levi cautiously, his hand outstretched. "Levi, let's find a way to end this cycle of violence and bring peace back to the seas. Together, we can make a difference."

Levi looked into Long Bread's eyes, searching for any signs of deceit or betrayal. But all he found was honesty and sincerity. A flicker of hope sparked in his heart, gradually overpowering the darkness that consumed him.

"You're right, Long Bread. It's time to find a new path, a path that leads to true justice and peace. Let's put an end to this senseless fighting."

With a gentle smile, Long Bread grasped Levi's hand, sealing their newfound alliance. The remaining pirates and Marines watched in astonishment as the two former adversaries put their differences aside and embraced a shared vision for a brighter future.

And so, Levi and Long Bread embarked on a journey together, determined to bring about change and put an end to the cycle of violence and chaos that plagued the seas. They would face countless challenges and obstacles, but their unwavering resolve and unwavering bond would carry them through.

As their ship sailed into the horizon, crewed by both pirates and Marines, a new era was born. The era of cooperation and understanding, where emotions and empathy triumphed over violence and hatred. It was a testament to the power of unity and the strength in embracing all emotions, no matter how conflicting they may seem.

And in that moment, the seas were filled with a resounding cheer, as if celebrating the birth of a new legend. For Levi and Long Bread, their journey had just begun, and there was no telling how far their combined strength and determination would take them.
