
Greece’s Roman Road

Embark on an exhilarating journey through the heart of Greece's post-independence saga – a riveting tale of passion, resilience, and the relentless pursuit of Eastern Roman glory in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. In the wake of gaining independence, Greece emerges as a small European nation with grand aspirations. The narrative centers around Constantine XII, a visionary leader whose charismatic leadership ignites the flames of resurgence among the Greek people. As Constantine XII spearheads a powerful ascent, witness the fervor that propels the nation towards reclaiming the lost splendors of Eastern Rome. The story unfolds against a backdrop of political intrigue, territorial aspirations, and the indomitable spirit of a people yearning for the revival of their glorious heritage. Journey through the turbulent years where passion burns brighter than ever, and witness the strategic maneuvers, alliances, and sacrifices made to cast Greece onto the global stage. This historical odyssey encapsulates the challenges faced by a nation navigating its way through the complexities of the modern world while harboring a deep-seated ambition to restore the echoes of a bygone era. Greece’s Roman Road offers a captivating glimpse into the transformative period that defined Greece's destiny, where Constantine XII's indelible mark paints a vivid portrait of a nation's unwavering determination to rise from the ashes and reclaim its place in the annals of history. This story is a translation And hey if you want support me some go to my YouTube channel I make rust Videos Name : NeoThief https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HAX1GboRjYk&t=80s

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Division 1

Metaxas' earnest appeal lingered in the air, prompting Constantine to engage in thoughtful contemplation. The Chief of Staff's military considerations were undoubtedly astute, but Constantine, mindful of broader factors, sought to elucidate the complexities at play.

"Metaxas, your assertion is based on purely military considerations, without taking into account the domestic and international situation," Constantine began, his tone reflective.

He delved into the intricate diplomatic web spun during the aftermath of the Treaty of Berlin in 1881. The territorial arrangements in the Balkans had become a delicate equilibrium, maintained by an international consensus that forbade unilateral changes to the status quo. Even the mighty Russia, after the Russo-Turkish War victory in 1878, had to yield to international pressure when the British fleet sailed to the Sea of Marmara.

"Without the approval of the foreign powers, it would be impossible for us to take military action," Constantine conceded, acknowledging the limitations imposed by geopolitical realities.

The prospect of challenging the status quo without international consent was deemed impractical by Constantine, as it would invariably lead to diplomatic isolation. The intricate dance of power in the Balkans had elevated regional disputes into international concerns.

As Metaxas absorbed Constantine's diplomatic insights, the Crown Prince shifted the focus to more immediate matters. "Alright, Chief of Staff Metaxas, tell me about the general situation of our Thessaly 1st Division."

Metaxas, displaying an unwavering commitment to duty, swiftly provided a comprehensive overview of the division's composition and strength. The 1st Division, a cornerstone of the Greek military, boasted the formidable 2nd Infantry Regiment in Lamia, the stalwart 4th Infantry Regiment in Larissa, and the resilient 5th Infantry Regiment in Trikala. Complemented by the 1st Field Artillery Regiment and the Engineering Battalion, the division stood as a testament to Greece's military readiness.

With the formalities concluded, Metaxas guided Constantine to the training grounds, where disciplined soldiers showcased their prowess. Neatly aligned formations, glinting rifles, and gleaming bayonets painted a portrait of military precision. Constantine's discerning eye honed in on the distinctive Chaposse rifles, their bayonets reminiscent of Turkish Akkan machetes.

"Is this a Chaposse rifle?" Constantine inquired, already familiar with the weapon's unique features.

Metaxas affirmed, describing the improved model with all-metal copper shells. The Chaposse rifle, once the mainstay of the French army, held its own against the German Dresser rifle. Metaxas further elaborated on the innovative rubber air-tight sleeve on the rifle's bolt, an adaptation that addressed gas leakage issues.

Curiosity then turned to the artillery, and Constantine queried, "What cannons are our artillery armed with?" The mention of Krupp breech artillery, renowned after the Franco-Prussian War, showcased the division's commitment to advanced weaponry.

Constantine's visit to the 1st Division revealed a meticulous selection of weapons, each chosen to bolster Greece's military might. The limited resources of a nation with a population just over a million were apparent, but the commitment to maintaining a capable army was unwavering.

As the inspection unfolded, Constantine's thoughts pivoted to a different realm – the development of the Congo. Two months of exploration had delineated the Matadi-Kinshasa railway route, and a Congolese Railway Corporation was envisioned. However, the colossal funding required, estimated at 25 million francs, presented a formidable challenge.

Banning, grappling with the financial conundrum, explored avenues in Belgium, engaging with bankers to secure support. Yet, the response from bankers in various countries was lukewarm, reflecting the uncertainty surrounding Congo's economic viability.

Constantine, aware of the pressing need for funds, sought creative solutions. A revelation from Schmidt about the gold rush in South Africa sparked an idea. "Duke, now that the news of the discovery of a large gold mine in South Africa has made gold prospectors from all over Europe flock to it, can we also release some news, just say the Congo region There are also new gold mines being discovered," Schmidt suggested.

The prospect of gold, a timeless allure, could potentially attract investors and facilitate the raising of funds for the Congolese railway. Constantine, inspired by this strategic insight, saw a glimmer of hope amid the financial challenges. The wheels of opportunity were set in motion as the Crown Prince considered the implications of this bold move.