
Chapter 92 – It’s Over

"This is crazy! Flexy is able to defend against the barbarians' attack easily! He even snatched their weapons and returned Breeze's axe to boost the efficiency further!"

The stage was filled with excitement. Evelyn's voice turned louder and louder as she realized this would become the second time the world record would be broken today.

All the production crew was also taken by excitement. None of them moved their eyes away from the screen except for two people.

"How are his vitals, Doctor Ardi?"

"All green. It's pretty amazing, considering he has 98% SR. They can continue this even to the second round without any problem, Mr. Taka."

"That's good." Mr. Taka nodded in satisfaction as he looked at the screen.

Max decimated the enemies one by one. He jumped around inside the area swiftly, making his movement hard to predict. His job was to protect Flexy's back and take down enemies that his friend couldn't see by throwing weapons at them.