
Great Magician Prin

Prin_2004 · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
13 Chs

Array Formation

A day later.

" Emily where are you going this early " Ronin asked .

She replied, " Father, I am going to meet my fiancé "

Ronin was stunned," Little girl, are you really that eager to leave your father to meet with him."

Emily answered, " Father, it's just not that I wanted to meet him but I also needed help with magic. And also I needs to guide Aunt Flora so she can increase her Magic Power as soon as possible.

Strictly speaking, I am going their to help and to ask for help and not for the purpose of meeting Prin."

Ronin smudged," Emily, I think your help involves Prin a little too much. "

" And can't our Royal mages help you if you need any help."

Emily says," Father, after Awakening my Magic Power is returning constantly and I have already achieved 20 to 30 % of progress but something is different and I can't understand what it is."

Ronin says," Then let's first go to Royal Mages Head and let him know what your problem is!

I don't believe what Prin can do others can't."

She replies, " If you say so then let's go but I still believes that Prin is needed to solve this problem. "

They arrived at Headquarters of Royal Mages and entered the building.

" Your Majesty, why are you here? I mean you should have just called for us and we have come to you, there isn't any need for you to take your precious time to meet us."

Royal mages were greeting them as they entered the building.

A middle aged man comes from the office, he was wearing a robe and it looked like he was Boss here. Perhaps he was the Head of mages.

" What's the fuss over this early in the morning, what happened everyone. "

" King, Your Majesty, you are here?"Head mages asked.

" I was going to come here, did you know that already?" Ronin asked.

He replied," No Your Highness, I was just surprised. "

Ronin spoke," Head Mages, Albert, I am here for my daughter Emily today, she has a problem so I came with here today to ask if you can solve her problem. "

Albert spoke, " Your Highness King, Princess Emily, I will try my best to live up to your expectations. "

They then goes into Albert's office and sits to discuss the problem.

Emily spoke, " Sir Albert, the problem is.

When I was circulating my Magic Power in Array formation I got repelled and now I can't circulate my Magic Power but that effects only last for a few minutes before everything returns to normal. "

"I did everything perfectly to solve this Array but I still couldn't solve it and got repelled by it. "

Albert asks," My lady, can you let me see that Array formation. "

When he sees that Array formation he was shocked. He hadn't seen anything like that before but it looked somewhat familiar.

He then started searching his shelf .

" Albert what happened, what are you trying to find." Ronin asked.

He replied, " Your Majasty, I am trying to find the book that Your Majasty has given to Magic Headquarters to study.

That book of insight of some great individual who wrote many things about Arrays and Magic.

I thinks that I have seen something similar to this in that book."


" Emily, where did you get this Array formation from?" Ronin asked.

Emily whispered, " Father, Prin made one for me when I was bored a few days ago."

He was shocked, "Really"

Albert's voice sounded, " Finally, found it."

He then searchs the book for a moment.

" Here it is, look your Majasty , this is the Array formation that looks same as Princess's."

He then compares both of them.

" Your Majasty, the one brought by the Princess should be simplified version of this Grand Array formation.

Because it only repells you and stops your Magic Power flow for moments but in this Grand Array formation if we can even a little mistake then the outcome will be death."

" I wonder how did Princess get this Array formation. "

Ronin asks," Albert so you can't help her with this, right."

He answers," You're joking, right Your Majasty. I don't dare to say that.

In front of Princess here, who is solving this level of Array formation, I can't even count as a piece of grain, so how dare I help her."

Emily said with smug smile," Didn't I told you Father I can only ask him and other than him no one will be able to help me."

Albert shocked," Your Majasty, does anyone know about this Array formation. If so please, I also want to learn from that Master.

Can you please tell me his name, in many years I didn't found anyone who is better than me in Array formations but suddenly Princess is on another level and she is getting help from someone.

If it's true then Your Majasty please, can you grant my these request."

Hearing him say that Ronin was even more confused as to what he should do.

Then he left from there saying that he will take him to meet that master some other day.

Emily also arrived at Prin's home.

Prin was sleeping at that time, so she didn't disturb him but she goes to Flora.

"Welcome Emily, you're up so early, how nice but Prin isn't up yet. If you want then you can go wake him up."

Emily replied," No aunt Flora, let him sleep ,today I am here mainly for you."

Flora asked," Really, then tell me what's the matter "

She answers, " Aunt Flora, today I will give you one last exercise and after practicing that for some time your Magic Power will reach a certain level and it will be easy to perform that spell and cure Prin after that.

But this exercise is somewhat different, so I think it will take some time to learn this."

Flora smiled, " Is it really last one, after this I can heal Prin.

Thank you so much Emily, you brought such a good news this early in the morning, I am sure now whole day would be as good as this news."

Emily," Aunt, first circulate as much Magic Power as you can on your palm. Then release it in the surrounding and condense it by releasing more Magic Power. "

" Like this, Emily "

" Yes just like that and after this you have to solidify this condensed Magic Power. "

" Aunt Flora, try to solidify it a little more and add some more condensed Magic Power to that."

" Emily, I am at my limit. "

"Just hold on a little longer and it will be done."

"Now convert this solidified Magic Power into Magic Energy or you can say that Fog like Magic Power. "

"But How do I convert it."Flora asked.

Emily replied," Umm, Aunt Flora , I don't know."

" I have read it in Ancient book but I wasn't sure of how to do that and that's the main reason that I wasn't able to use that great spell."

Suddenly a voice came from behind.

"Make a structure like box with the Magic Power and the solidify it and until then maintain this large solidified Magic Power. "

" You're awake Prin."

Yes, it was Prin .

" Mom, I sensed some chaotic Magic Power which was converting into Pure form of Magic Power which is Magic Energy."

" You can sense it, Prin. Even when you are sleeping. " Emily asked.

" Mom, if you don't do it fast then your hardwork will go to waste soon."

She condensed and then solidified box of Magic Power.

"Mom, now focus on the large solidified Magic Power and image that you're materializing it into Magic powder or you can think of it as sand or flour."

" But do it a bit by bit, and slowly. "

" Prin, it's successful, Aunt Flora did it." Emily overjoyed.

" Emily, please stay silent if mom is disturbed then it will be very dangerous."

" umm Okay."

It took Flora more than half hour to completely convert all solidified Magic Power.

" Phew finally it's done"

" Emily was it you who told mom about this exercise of converting Magic Power into Magic Energy. "

"Emily replied happily "Yes it was me" she thought she will be praised.

"Do you even know how dangerous it could be if I wasn't woken up."

" Why are you yelling at Emily, she was just trying to help me. And what could be dangerous in this, it was just practice. " Flora said.

" Anyway Emily where did you find this practice from" Prin asked angrily.

Emily replied fearing with low voice," I don't know how did it found it but it just appeared inside my head, I don't know how."

" Prin I haven't seen you angry like this, did I do something wrong in teaching this to Aunt Flora. "

Flora also said," Yeah Prin, you shouldn't get angry at her, although I don't know what are you angry for but you should try to understand Emily's feeling. "

" Mom, please don't perform this practice if I am not around otherwise it will be dangerous. " I said, ignoring their words.

Both of them asked what's this practice and why is it dangerous.

" Do you really want to know, what if I don't tell you about it." I said rudely just to stop them from asking too much about it but I didn't know that it affected exactly opposite than what I expected.

" Hey, you are so rude to your Mom and your fiancee, how do you want to explain this Prin.

Prin, I know you want to cover up this exercise with us getting angry at you and forgot about this practice but don't think that you can fool us with just this.

Now tell us what you are hiding?"