
Great Lord Of The Night

Eric, a slave now after being kidnapped and sold to a mining company, working in a mine for small amounts of food. Finding a power, he gets his revenge on the slavers that have kept him. Rage and anger are all he feels now. Follow Eric down his path.

LORD_ZIM · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
7 Chs


A week passed since Eric found passed out after finding the multi-coloured stone. The slaves in his team have eaten well. When entering the mine after the incident with the multi-colored stone, the team found more magicite than they could have imagined. The guards were happy and the rhino man who was the supervisor was happy. So the team enjoyed a full meal every night for a week. Eric was the reason for the team's recent success as he could always tell where the magicite was. When asked by the other slaves he always said "I dont know i just kind of feel it". The slaves treated him as a lucky charm.

Eric knew something was different about him since he touched the stone. When inside the mines he felt like could feel the earth beneath his shoes. He could also hear the magicite call out to me like it needs to reconnect with him. Also, when he touched a piece of magicite for the first time after, the stone stopped glowing and turned into a normal rock. He felt fullness, like air being pushed into a balloon. Luckily no one was around when this happened or the guards would have killed him for wasting stones. He was careful not to touch a stone after that in fear of being thrown into the hole where the worthless slaves go.

Eric was walking towards the mine. After eating full meals for the last week, he had been gaining muscle mass through all the manual work he has been doing. Reaching the mine he entered. The smell was still there, but he was used to it now. Seeing Horton waving for him to come over, Eric went.

"So where should we mine today bro.." said Horton. He learned the word one day when Eric called it him. He thought it was an insult at first but Eric explained, "Its just a friendly way to say friend".

"Hmmm..." Eric thought, putting his finger on his chin, trying to give the impression he was thinking. But really, he was using the earth to feel around for the resonance that came from the magicite. He called it earth sense, it was like he could sense things around him through the earth. He could only sense in a 10m circle around him. He was hoping to find some more magicite today so he could consume it and maybe expand his Earth Sense area. Even though he still felt full from the last time he touched magicite. He thought if he could push his limit, maybe his limit will expand, allowing him to use Earth Sense further. He suddenly felt magicite 5m ahead of himself. "Over here I think" he said, pointing the direction he sensed the magicite.

The team mined away until a familiar glow appeared. He heard cheers from the crew, and everybody went to thank Eric. Eric just smiled and accepted the shows of appreciation. There was enough for 3 sacks this time, it was the most they had ever gotten. While the team was busy filling 2 of the sacks. Eric picked a piece up with some cloth he tore from his shirt. Hiding the rock in his pocket, he was going to wait until he was alone before he tried to touch the stone again.

When the second sack was full, a guard come and asked for Horton to follow him. At first Eric was worried, thinking they would throw his only friend in this unknown world into the pit of dead slaves. But thinking this made no sense because the team has been doing well and there was really no reason to complain. 30 minutes later and the team filled the 3rd sack and headed out back to camp for some food.

When Eric walked out from the mine, two guards stopped him. "Slave 10401 come with us the boss wants to talk" said one guard. Eric was panicking. 'The boss is that the mine owner' he thought as they traveled up towards the supervisor's shack, where he managed the team's activities. Arriving at the door, it opened with Horton walking out. Horton glanced at Eric with an apologetic expression on his face and turned his head forward and walked away, avoiding any more eye contact with Eric.

"In you go, slave!!" shouted the guard, pushing eric inside. Inside was the rhino man, who looked anxious. There was also a round man sitting on a chair behind the desk, dressed in clean black clothes with a leather vest above. He looked like he had eaten enough food to feed an army. Thinking of food made Eric wish he could go back to the dorm and eat with the rest of the slaves.

"Slave!!" The fat man ordered. Not knowing what the man wanted, Eric walked towards the desk. "What did you find in the mine a week ago" he ordered. 'Shit is he talking about that stone, he will kill me if I Say I found it' cried Erci in his mind. "Only some magicite sir" said Eric with his voice shaking. "DONT LIE TO ME BOY!!!" the fat man roared, spit spraying out of his mouth. His voice echoed through Eric, shaking him to his core. The man stood and walked to Eric, hitting him in the stomach so hard and fast it felt like a hammer swing from god. Eric crumpled to the floor. The fat man continued to kick and beat him. "I SAID DONT LIE TO ME BOY!!! DID YOU FIND A GOD STONE" As the beating continued, the pain and humiliation changed Eric. He felt something burning inside him. Rage is what he felt at this moment. He focused on the feeling of anger and rage. It built up like a volcano ready to erupt. Suddenly a fiery heat was burning his leg. It was the magicite he got before. He reached a hand to the magicite, still feeling the rage build with in him.