
Great… I’m In Another World!

In the magical world of Lethren, our protagonist Aska finds himself waking up in a strange forest. He’d found himself on the outskirt of Velen Lon, the greatest labyrinth city on the continent. Realising he’d arrived in a highly advanced magical civilisation. He and his friends decided to explore the labyrinth. After all… it was more profitable than a regular job but also… way safer than the outside world.

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43 Chs

Chapter 9: Our Airheaded Saviour

It's dark… is this how it feels to be dead?

The last thing I remember was when Aska held my hands, saying they were cold…. Well, they were, to be fair.

Strangely enough, isn't this a bit too comfortable and peaceful? Or maybe this is just how it was to be dead? But… I felt warm and cosy. Rather… it feels like sleep? Well… maybe that's just what it is? An eternal slumber?


I slowly open my eyes. Right above me was the face of a familiar boy. And it was non-other than Aska, and his pretty sleeping face and beautiful teal-coloured hair gently lit up in the sunlight.

Is this a dream? We're alive?

"...." He looked at peace, I thought as I unconsciously reached out my hand and poked his cheek, which was soft and delicate. Strangely enough, it was a little fun too…?


Wait, what am I doing!??!

"...What are you doing? Miss Hilda?" Someone asked me.

'Hyaa!' I accidentally let out a moan and covered my mouth at what just came out….

How embarrassing!

I looked in the direction the voice came from and found my gaze at Aska's shoulder—a displeased Julia stared at me with a somewhat cold look.

"...Ah… um… Julia…?" I asked.

"Yes…? Anyhow… when are you getting off his lap?"

Lap? What is she—

Why didn't I realise this sooner!? I thought as my face heated up. I hurriedly tried to get up, "So-sorry—" but felt dizzy when I tried to and fell back down.


Julia let out a soft sigh as she watched me, "Well… you did lose a lot of blood… I guess." Julia said as she averted her eyes.

…her face is a little red….

I felt embarrassed as I glanced at Aska again— "you're blatantly staring again," Julia pointed out.

…It was an unconscious set of actions….

"Ri-right…" I replied a little timidly.

…I knew that Julia had some sort of brother complex, but… I didn't expect her to act so possessively.

And as I was in my train of thought, I heard an unfamiliar voice.

"Hm? How are you feeling?"

I glanced over and saw a man with golden-coloured eyes. His hair was black. Looked about my age and was very handsome…

Was he the one that saved us?

"Uu-umm…. I don't feel any pain… just dizzy…." I replied.

"Well, you almost drowned in your own blood," the man casually replied. He then seems to ponder over something, "I'll make some food, though… I can't guarantee the taste."

…How kind.

But then, Aska jolted and was fully awake. Maybe it was due to hearing the word food?

— :::: —

I, Aska, who's a seventeen-year-old boy. I felt warm and fuzzy, then… I heard the soothing voice of Mister Alum.

Ah… he has such a nice voice~.

But… as soon as he mentioned food…. My eyes shot wide open.

This guy made tea taste like some horrid medicine! How is he gonna cook!?

And with that, glanced his way—kyaa~ seeing him in proper lighting! How handsome~!

Hell! What am I fangirling about! Wait, isn't it fanboying!?

…I'm jealous since I'm more pretty than handsome…. This guy… he's probably a lady's man too….

"Ah… Mister Alum, I… I think it's better if someone else does that… you've already done enough, so… if I could repay you, how about I cook for us all?" I nervously asked.

I'm trying to save myself!? Okay!? I mean, I'm hungry, but that doesn't mean I'll offer my sanity by eating his food!

"Hm? Is that so?" Mister Alum replied.

He gave it some thought and pulled out some sort of animal. Like… a whole ass animal!

…Mind you, from nowhere!

"Will this suffice? Oh… I'll drain the blood too," he said as he decapitated it and pulled out all the blood with magic.

My face probably went pale at the sight of this. But….

…Why does he have a dead animal in his spatial storage!?

"With this… I think meat skews will do just fine…. Do you have any spices?" I asked.

"I do," he said as he got some species for me as well….

Righ….what doesn't he have?

"Mister…" I said, looking down, but then I noticed Miss Hilda's gaze. She was blushing a little and averted her eyes from mine.

In a very cute way… might I add.

"Go-good morning, Miss Hilda," I gently greeted her.

"A-auuw… A-Aska… good morning," she timidly replied.


And the girl beside me, leaning on my shoulder—stared at me. It was Julia.

Why are you still leaning on me when you're awake!?

Yes… I realised this too… I might be a bit slow to realise things…. After all, I had a pretty casual conversation when I had a pretty girl like Miss Hilda on my lap!

Oh, I suppose Julia is considered one too, and it's not because I'm her brother that I'm saying it, okay?

"...Hey, Julia, if you're fine, can you maybe—"

"Hmpf! So Miss Hilda can sleep comfortably on your lap, but I can't lean on 'my own' brother's shoulder?" she retorts.

…Why did you emphasise the 'my own' part!?

"I… ah, well… that's not what I mean…." I said, trying to find an excuse….

Why, you ask? I don't really know to be honest. Like… I don't want to upset her?

I made eye contact with Mister Alum at that moment, and he seemed to have noticed my crisis.

Thank youuuuu~!

"That reminds me, Aska, please just call me Alum. Calling me mister is a little…." he said, scratching his cheek. "I'm still 19… after all…."

….I thought he looked young, but I didn't think he'd be only two years older than me!

Suddenly, Julia got up and shot him a glance as her eyes sparkled. They seem to say, 'Woah~ he's totally in my range!' or something stupid like that….

"...I see. Then… can I call you brother Al instead," I asked.

Mister Alum tilted his head, "...But we're not siblings?"

….yeah, this guy is a confirmed airhead. But he's cool, nevertheless!

"Ahaha, you're funny. I didn't mean it literally," I said. "It's more like… I admire you? In a sense?"

"...? Okay? I don't mind," he replied.

"Got it, brother Al! And… Miss Hilda, I need to go cook, so, ah… um…."

….What am I awkwardly fumbling about!?


"...So-sorry," Miss Hilda said as she tried to get up.

She seemed in pain and looked like she was about to collapse, so… I caught her.

"Are you okay?" I asked in a voice filled with concern….

"...sorry, I don't feel that well," she replied.

…what should I do?

And as I was about to take off the coat, brother Al lent me to make a pillow for her, but he instead handed Miss Hilda an actual pillow.

Miss Hilda and I looked at one another, and it was awkward as we both turned red and averted our eyes.

This airhead! Why didn't you give it to me earlier!?

"Sorry, I wanted to hand you two this earlier, but you two seemed comfortable with how this was and fell asleep yesterday."



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