
Spin the Dreidel Top and Toss Your Dreams into the Pot

∞Clocks Tock and Metaphors Soar∞


An empty wish may conceal

An explanation for the

Feelings that writhe and reel.

Time turned back and then it's gone.

If life spins 'round, can it be wrong?


A hollow heart forged from steel.

You are just a metaphor

For what's real behind closed doors.

Closed doors, open policies.

See stripes through doorknobs, wish on stars.


∞Angel Noise∞


An enchanting melody swells,

Leaking calming vibes into the air.

Resonating harmony-enter the bells.

Peace takes you away into its loving care.


Music lifts you up on its wings

To heights unknown before.

As angelic voices rise and sing,

Your spirit begins to soar.


Sound waves vibrate through your pores,

Casting you adrift into the sea

Of never wanting more

Than the pursuit of joy and spirituality.


∞Dirty Shoes Belong on Pews∞


Open your eyes.

See beauty anew.

Don't let lies

Cloud your view.


Take in the world

One breath at a time.

Each day come uncurled

For your eternal climb.


Don't slip into the void

Of hate and deceit.

When you become paranoid,

Brush the dust of your feet.


Step into the light of reality,

As the rest of the people

Fade away into the sea,

Like cattle into the steeple.
