
Gravity Falls: Ruthless(Old)

A young boy strangely smart for his age wakes up in the body of Dipper Pines read on as he becomes Ruthless! ___________________________________ Story is being rewritten and moved to the account 'SirRandom' where I am writing 'Adventure Time: Shadow Elemental'.

TheCartoonist · Televisi
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17 Chs


"He's not for sale but you can hold him" I say and before I could take him off my shoulder Pacifica yanked him off for me. "Why are you letting this happen Dipper!" He shouts.

"Cus Its funny" I say before following Pacifica into the Limo she took to get here, "Is a Limo really necessary for 2 people?" I ask after making myself comfortable.

Gyl then escapes Pacifica's grasp and runs back onto my shoulder, I unshrink my journal and start reading through the ghost section with my black light. Pacifica looks at it for a bit before asking "What is that?" I look up and answer truthfully, "Its the 3rd installment of all the paranormal in Gravity falls".

I look out one of the windows and see we are near the hill leading up to the Northwest Mansion, "So are the deaths the only things that have happened? Like floating items and such" I ask not sure if the problem is actually a ghost.

"Yes they are the only things we have seen happening" She says confused by the sudden question, I think for a bit before saying "It might not be a ghost It could be a monster that has escaped whatever containment it had while in your mansion but that's just a thought"

Pacifica is about to say something before she is disturbed by the person driving the limo, "We are here Madam" I step out the limo after Pacifica and stare down the mansion that looks way more majestic then in the show.

"Wow how many people died to make this"?" I ask before shrinking my journal and black light, "Apparently alot, there's a grave site to the left of here".

We arrive at the giant front door and head inside, I look around the inside and spot some important people and some people our age who I am assuming are Pacifica's "Friends".

I spot Preston and Priscilla Northwest, Pacifica's parents walk towards us. They stop in front of us oozing with arrogance "Ah, if it isn't the man of the hour! Hopefully you can help us with our little... situation, before anymore guests arrive" Preston says eyeing me up and down.

"I'll do what I can" I respond before unshrinking my journal for effect, "Splendid! Pacifica please show him to the problem room".

We are currently standing in the 'Problem room', "I can smell the blood in here, and are you sure you want to be in here" I ask Pacifica as she is for some reason still with me.

"Yes I want to see you fix this" She says, I look at her for a bit before walking around the room looking for anything in the room. "This room looks strangely organized for a place where people have died" I mumble to myself.

"Gyl can you help search?" I ask after waking him up, he opens his eyes before jumping of my shoulder and looking around for a bit, he starts walking to a corner of the room.

"Dipper" he says, I look back before walking to where he is, I look down and notice a small hole in the corner. "Pacifica your parents wouldn't mind me destroying this room would they?" I ask knowing I might have to go down there. Times like this I wish I took size crystals with me.

"No they wouldn't care, as long as whatever is here is gone" I nod before activating my psychokinesis and yanking out a couple floor boards, I look down at the tunnel leading to who knows where. "Wait here Pacifica I don't want to be responsible for your death, Gyl stay here with her too incase whatever is down there somehow escapes that isn't going to happen though..."

I say and jump down the whole, I slow myself down and look at the cramped tunnel covered in blood. "Oh god" I say and continue floating down, I keep floating down and finally arrive at a cave.

"How was this not found?" I say and look down at the trail of insides leading further into it, the germaphobia I never knew I had kicks in preventing me from stepping on the gore, I float slightly above the ground and start following the trail.

I hear a growl and instantly go on guard, I hear it behind me and turn around only to see a shadow fly past me... In the direction I just came from , "Crap" I say and start flying full speed to the tunnel that leads here.

"Why did it ignore me" I shout while following the shadow that for some reason keeps changing sizes, "Guess that's how it could fit into that small hole" I say hoping no innocent humans die because I am only chaotic neutral not just straight evil.

I arrive at the start of the tunnel and I start flying up, I hear a scream and know it made it up to the top. I arrive at the top and see a trashed room and a gaping hole in the wall. "Pacifica! Where are you" I shout and run out into the hallway.

"Thank god this mansion is huge if it wasn't the guests would of been long dead" I say to myself and start running down the destroyed hallway. I turn a corner and spot a grotesque fleshy humanoid with a beard made of plants, surrounded by trees growing through the wooden floor.

"Leshy? What's a Leshy doing here?" I say knowing Leshy's are a exclusively Russian myth.

I also see Pacifica seemingly knocked out behind Gyl in his Fist shaped monster form missing some fingers, I run forward and use my psychokinesis to to throw the monster through the wall next to it.

I run over to Gyl as he falls to the floor in exhaustion, "You did good buddy' I say and scoop him into my arms after he turns back into a dog. I run over to the downed Pacifica and check if she is still breathing. After making sure she is ok I place Gyl on my head and pick her up while using my powers to keep the Leshy on the ground.

I start making my way to the ballroom of the party since Gyl is too hurt to fight and I cant fight while Pacifica is here, I arrive at the giant door separating me from everyone else. I feel my grasp on the Leshy weakening from being so far from it and it not being in my line of site.

I push the door open and shout from the balcony, "Someone get help" everyone in the ballroom looks up at me. Preston and Priscilla look over as well and their eyes widen at the injured Pacifica in my hands.

"What happened?!" Priscilla shouts while her husband orders someone to get Pacifica, I hand over Pacifica and Gyl, I am about to answer before I feel my control over the Leshy disappear, "Shit" I curse and am about to head back to look for it.

I attempt to head back in before I spot a blur heading my way I turn back and shout, "Run!" before getting tackled by it breaking the indoor balcony, we land on a table destroying it causing the people who decided not to run to back away.

"Run you idiots!" I shout before throwing the Leshy across the room using my powers, the Leshy crashes into the wall behind it, I look around the room and notice Pacifica with Gyl in hand running out the mansion with everyone else.

I run to the wall next to me, break it open exposing the rebars inside I yank one out with telekinesis. I hold it in my hand and try to get a feel for it, I look look back at where the Leshy is supposed to be and don't spot it. I turn back around just in time to block a attack from the Leshy which is using some wood it shaped into a hammer.

My strength alone wasn't enough to stop it so I used my powers to parry its hit, I fly back a bit and aim the rebar in my hand towards where its heart is supposed to be, knowing that an attack anywhere else is useless since it can regenerate.

I throw it with all my might and use telekinesis to accelerate to the point it becomes a blur, the Leshy tries dodging but isn't fast enough to completely avoid the hit causing it to shred through shoulder.

I pull the rebar back and while it is flying back to me from the garden it landed in outside I use my powers to rip the rest of the Leshy's arm, It doesn't seem fazed and the arm starts starts regrowing from wooden bones all the way to actual flesh.

My rebar get back to me, and knowing long distance isn't going to work since it gives the Leshy that is way to fast for my own good time to dodge. I decide to try something I have never done, reshaping. I use my powers to reshape the end of rebar to make it sharper and thinner.

After alot of exertion and barely dodging the attacks from the Leshy. I look at the spear in my hand It is slightly longer since I don't have enough control to precisely shave metal off so I could only compress the metal.

I look down at the seemingly annoyed Leshy that isn't paying attention to me anymore, I follow its vision and spot Pacifica's parents and a bunch of people watching through the door there is even a guy with a camera recording this like a idiot.

Pacifica is also there trying to get her parents to leave, but to no avail if I was in her situation I would just dip. I fly down at max speed and attempt to cut of the Leshy's legs off to limit it's movement.

It seems to notice me and turns around but not before one of it's legs is cut off, It attempt to hit me with its hammer but I dodge and try to yank its heart out of its chest but since I don't know what it looks like I fail.

I am about to try and cut off its other leg and fail to notice some roots making their way to me. Just as they are about to grab me Gyl comes out of nowhere and bites on them as a Gremloblin in his signature gold and red colors.

He turns to me before turning into a flying eyeball and flying behind the the Leshy, I run forward and before the Leshy could try to stop me Gyl turns into the Fist shaped monster and grabs him from behind.

I aim my makeshift spear and just as Gyl gets out of the way I stab the Leshy's chest with all the physical and psychic power I could muster, causing its entire upper body to explode.

The rest of its body falls onto the floor and starts slowly regenerating I pick up a bottle of vodka and start showering the Leshy with it I then fish out a lighter from my suit and throw it, lighting it completely on fire.

I guess fire is the only thing that can actually cause it pain because it starts writhing on the floor but no sounds come out because y'know, no head. I sigh and pick up Gyl and start making my way out the mansion.

I arrive where all the idiots of guests are watching and spot Preston and Priscilla and walk towards them, "Sorry for wrecking your home and party but the problem is dead and again I have no idea why that-" I point at the burning corpse and continue "didn't kill all of you earlier".

I look behind them and spot Pacifica and ask, "Pacifica you alright?" she looks up and says "Yeah and feel free to bring your family over to the mansion whenever" She looks at the destroyed inside and follows up with,

"When we finish fixing it". Surprisingly her parents didn't say anything about this but I guess they know I could help them when they have more problems.

"Will do" I smile and start walking home with Gyl.

Ok from now on each chapter will be about 2k words meaning I cannot make 3 chapters a day anymore only 2 please forgive me.

TheCartoonistcreators' thoughts