
Grave Affairs

Tae is a sad, simple and innocent young man, who has gone through the worst in life. He leaves his home town with his granny who just suffered a near death stroke and his medical doctor uncle to a new city, filled with light, love, healing, pain and most importantly grave affairs. Follow them as they face many challenges with their love, lies, deception, pain and the path to a much needed recovery.

JeonGina · perkotaan
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70 Chs


Rose might as well have shattered the phone in hand on the thought of the two, she was starting to question a lot of things, but most importantly she was questioning how to get rid of that boy, for she knew he was the only one standing in her way of getting back Jungkook, she wasn't sure if he had put some type of spell on Jungkook which was making him go crazy about him. She was brought out of her thoughts at the sound of her phone ringing, nowhere did she have the energy or time to take any calls now. she looked at the caller ID and it was Jungkook's brother, she hesitated to pick up the call but when he called again for the second she got annoyed and answered in a very annoying voice,

"What the heck do you want...I'm not in the mood of talking so please get to the point or spare me the time and hang the call!" she exclaimed at the phone. Junghyun was taken aback by her sudden outburst. He wondered what had happened.

"Who put you in a bad mood sweetheart?" he asked eager to find out why.

"It's that good for nothing boy Taehyung...he went back to Jungkook and it seems as though they sorted their problem out...but what made me madder was that they made up in bed...I could hear everything, I felt the anger in my heart...dammit I really need to get rid of that boy and fast, he is driving me insane...I need my man back, Jungkook was mine and will forever stay mine." she stated every word as she was feeling it.

On the other end, Junghyun was just shaking his head in disappointment.

"You know what Rose...that is the exact reason why Lisa was able to get a hold on you. You are either naive or just stupid... you worry too much about the things of now instead of the bigger picture. I too am burning inside but no, I have to keep my cool and wait for the right time to stick. I know that my brother is keeping an eye on me, that stupid butler. of ours has been too close recently and I know that he doesn't have the brain cell to think of anything like that so it had to be Jungkook. Tae is our main target, we eliminate him and we can all celebrate. I will finally take over my brother in the company because his heart will be busy grieving that he won't even have time to think of anything business, and I will give my beloved Lisa the justice she so deserved. Remember Rose you must keep in mind the bigger picture, yes it was a defeat that they made up but this one defeat will lead to even greater victories. I never want to hear you complain about them anymore, focus on the plan ahead and await our revenge."


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