
Grater (Gregory x Carter) fanfic 

TW?: Somewhat 13+ near the end???

(This was made for a friend, sorry for your brain.)

One day Carter, a young boy, stumbled on some student's shoes. He had never fallen head over heels for anyone before, so this was new. The other student said "Here, let me help you up.", in a soft, low toned voice. "Th-thanks", stuttered Carter as he pulled himself up on the boy's hand. "What's your name?" asked the boy. "M-my names' Carter~" he replied. 'I'm Gregory!" "Nice to meet you!".

After that day, Carter never felt the same. He felt a strong feeling in his stomach every time he talked to Gregory. He refused to admit that it was the love he felt for him. He tried to approach Greg multiple times, but never had enough courage to speak. This new day will be Carter's best, and worst day ever.

Carter walks up to Gregory the next day… "G-gregory I-I l-like you. Gregory is speechless, surprised by his words. Neveah overhears this, and gets jealous. She takes action, and slaps Carter across the face. Neveass looks into Gregory's eyes, heartbroken, knowing that she just lost her only love.

The next day, Gregory comes up to Carter. "I-I have a g-g-gift for y-you.." says Gregory. It's a box of pussy flavored chocolates, Carter's favorite. He eats them everyday to remind him of their love. Victittyano, or Victor, gets some gossip about Gregory and Carter dating. No one else knows this, but Victor is actually gay for Gregory aswell. He gets mad, and after school, starts storming towards Carter. "CARTER!" shouts Victor. "WHAT DID I DO???" yells confused and scared Carter. "YOU STOLE MY GREGGY BOY!!" yells Victor.

Victor starts beating Carter up, as Gregory walks by to touch grass. "VOCTR "yells Greg. "STAY AWAY FROM MY CARTy MAN". "I-i…" stutters Victor silently. Greg beats Victor up so hard, he won't go near Carter again. Carter, on the ground, watching Greg's bulging muscles pop out and strangle Victor, starts blushing.

Neveass, returning from the dead, starts attacking Carter again. He pulls out some muscle from God, his father, and Jesus, his other father, to be big boy strong man. He pushes all of the ugly rats who want to steal Greggy boy off of the rooftop, and does some other hottie epic yandere things. "W-woah~" "T-thats so h-h-hot~" says Gregory.

Georgy and Lilly cool kid walk by, hearing the commotion. They see the chaos, and do...absolutely nothing about it. They go to Aether to buy snackeez, and bring some friends. They are watching, as Carter and Gregory, with their huge, glorious, sexy muscles, and ripped-off shirts, share a beautiful, hard, kiss under the sunset.