
056. Ruppel Olfolse (Part Two)

The sickness of her mind progressively got worse with every passing day. She eventually started calling a young male servant by her son's name, Ruppel, and even referred to a small doll in her hand as her own son.

It got to the point where she'd end all of her sentences with the clearly unstable-sounding words of, "You are a child that will make his highness the Crown Prince happy."

I asked, "...Wasn't there a way to heal her?"

"A Priest can certainly heal the injuries and illnesses of one's body, your highness. However, they are unfortunately powerless when confronted by the diseases of one's mind."

A despair-filled time period ensued. The Crown Prince decided to have another child with Rose, believing that it'd be the best thing for her future happiness.

The thinking there must've been that she'd eventually forget about the pain in her heart and lead a brand new life from that moment on.