
Grand Theft Online

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What is Grand Theft Online

Baca novel Grand Theft Online yang ditulis oleh penulis joblesschronicler yang diterbitkan di WebNovel. Lemora Andro was a thief prisoned in New York jail. A game company's CEO, Euler, bailed him out and offered him a job as a game tester. Lemora just had to commit thefts in this virtual world of a VR G...


Lemora Andro was a thief prisoned in New York jail. A game company's CEO, Euler, bailed him out and offered him a job as a game tester. Lemora just had to commit thefts in this virtual world of a VR Game, and evaluate the difficulty levels of various missions. However, when he started to play it, he gradually realized there was more to it than the CEO had told him. **** If you are a fan of sci-fi, give it a try.

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Anda Mungkin Juga Menyukai

The Last Storyteller

In the meticulously ordered city of Veritas, 17-year-old Anya is an apprentice at the Ministry of Truth, where stories have been declared relics of a dangerous, bygone era. "Fictions" are systematically purged, while fact-based "Non-Fictions" are the sole source of sanctioned knowledge. Citizens live under the watchful eye of the surveillance network and are bombarded with daily "Fact Showers" reinforcing the Ministry's approved version of reality. Since childhood, Anya has harbored a forbidden love for the whispers of old tales, passed down secretly by her grandmother. This yearning explodes when she stumbles upon a hidden room in the Ministry's archives, stacked with dusty, forbidden books. Anya's world shifts; she can't resist the lure of imagined worlds. Worse yet, she discovers a rare ability: the characters and landscapes in the stories she reads flicker into vivid visualizations, as real as her dull surroundings. Torn between loyalty and her newfound passion, Anya's life is further complicated when she's drawn into the orbit of The Storytellers. This clandestine group believes stories feed the soul and ignite critical thinking – precisely what the Ministry fears. Anya finds herself caught between order and imagination, duty and rebellion, especially as sparks fly between her and Luka, a daring young Storyteller. Meanwhile, the Ministry's hold on Veritas tightens. The Censor, a man haunted by a childhood tragedy he blames on the chaotic power of fiction, oversees ruthless suppression of dissent. He secretly develops a technology to stifle the very act of imagination, ensuring the unquestioning obedience of his citizens. As Anya is swept up in the Storytellers' plans for rebellion, she realizes her visualizations could be their most potent weapon. But her power also paints a target on her back. She must choose: protect herself and comply with the Ministry's oppressive rule, or join the fight for the transformative power of stories, facing capture, the uncovering of her gift, and the threat of the Censor's mind-numbing technology. In a city where truth itself is subjective, Anya discovers the line between fact and fiction is less solid than she once believed. The future of Veritas hinges not just on survival, but on the battle to revive the human spirit – a fight that may depend on the last storyteller.

Latifa_Al_Qasemi · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
2 Chs

Metropolis Mayhem: Chronicles of the Urban Apocalypse.

In the heart of a bustling metropolis, life is as fast-paced and ordinary as ever until a mysterious and cataclysmic event suddenly disrupts everything. As the power grid fails, chaos sweeps through the city, leaving its inhabitants in a state of bewilderment. Amid the turmoil, three individuals find themselves thrust into a world teetering on the edge of annihilation. Alex, an ingenious engineer, must navigate the chaos to reunite with his family. Maya, a charismatic journalist, is driven by an unwavering determination to document the truth behind the unfolding apocalypse. Javier, a former soldier seeking redemption, uses his military skills to survive in a world where order has disintegrated. As the trio’s paths intersect in the darkness of the urban jungle, they form an unlikely alliance, their diverse skills and determination becoming their only hope for survival. Together, they scavenge for food and water, fortify a defensible safe haven, and forge alliances to protect themselves from hostile factions and environmental threats. Yet, it’s not just the physical challenges that test their resolve. Internal struggles, personal conflicts, and moral dilemmas threaten to tear their group apart. As they uncover clues pointing to a shadowy organization behind the catastrophe, the three must decide whom they can trust and what sacrifices they are willing to make. In the face of environmental disasters, man-made dangers, and a showdown with the enigmatic organization responsible for the apocalypse, they must come to terms with their pasts and find the strength to shape the post-apocalyptic world’s future. The journey is filled with sacrifices, resolutions, and lessons about the resilience of the human spirit. “Metropolis Mayhem: Chronicles of the Urban Apocalypse” is an enthralling webnovel that explores the survival, intrigue, and personal growth of a diverse group of characters in an urban setting during the end of the world. It’s a story of hope, resilience, and the enduring human spirit as they navigate the chaos, uncover the truth, and face the challenges of a world forever changed.

Leothegreat1234 · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
37 Chs

The Untamed: Game of Hearts

[r18+ content / Book Status: COMPLETED] She described herself as his worst nightmare. But to him, she was his most beautiful dream... A vicious and dangerous vixen… A ticking bomb that no one could diffuse… This was how Raine, the infamous Princess of one of the three clans of an underworld group called MIRAGE, was often described by humans and the mythical creatures in disguise coexisting with humans. Everyone was scared of her. Well... everyone except for one man who never batted an eye meeting her glare. Could he be the only one who could tame the untamed? Or would he end up getting played by the naughty and dangerous Princess of the Moon Clan? *****EXCERPT***** “Being with me is always a game…” she whispered, staring into his eyes with her fiery gaze as if to challenge his cold stare. “You should have known that I’m willing to play any game you want just to stay by your side. After all… you’re my sweet vixen…” He leaned closer to the point where his lips almost touched hers, “You're not someone that can be easily forgotten. You are someone who drives other people crazy, and you drove me insane!” She parted her lips to say something, but all she felt was his familiar warmth on her lips as he silenced her. He was kissing her hungrily, leaving her no room to even think let alone say a word. His chest felt like a hard rock pressing her against the wall. “Don’t fight me… Don’t fight what you truly feel for me...” He wanted her so badly and he would stop at nothing just to make her his! ***** Follow all my works at WWW.LINKTR.EE/EUSTOMA_REYNA Book cover is mine, AI generated.

Eustoma_Reyna · Fantasi
370 Chs


It all started with a seemingly innocent conversation... "Hey, hey. Have you heard about the website Guropeji?" *** He would like to think he is one of the good guys. And as long as he can remember, he has been doing his best to stay on the right side of life. He tries his best not to hurt anybody or anything around him. He always tries his hardest to make sure that everything goes well. But sometimes things happen that cannot be explained. Some events just come out of nowhere and change your whole world. His life took an unexpected turn when he found out that there was more to the world than what he had thought. That there were people who would do evil deeds for no reason other than that they wanted to. That some people didn't mind letting these things happen. And even worse, they actually relished watching others suffer. This is his story. A story of how his wish of protecting others became a nightmare of torture and death; of how he got involved in this world of blood and gore, and what he had to do to survive. Follow his journey into the twisted maze of life as he learns that to battle evil sometimes you have to give up being good, and become the monster instead. *** . . *WARNING* This novel is intended for MATURE audiences only as it contains scenes of violence, disturbing materials, and sexually explicit contents. Please proceed with caution. You have been warned. *END OF WARNING* . . *** 'Guropeji' will be updated every two days around 6-7 PM (UTC+7). Please vote or comment if you would like to read more stories. I will be grateful for any feedback as well =)

CygRyu · Seram
Peringkat tidak cukup
21 Chs


[慵懒清冷眦睚必报反派阙✘病娇偏执痴汉绿茶韫] [扒马甲文+爽文+团宠] 考究党慎入。 * 第一世,沈念阙是作恶多端的女魔头,邪肆狂妄,人人诛之。 第二世记忆全无,是豪门沈家失散多年找回来的千金。 身份成谜,更是哥哥姐姐捧在手心都怕化了的团宠。 第一次见谢韫,是她为躲敌人的追杀而闯进了他的房间。 少年穿着宽松休闲的睡衣,五官俊美干净,狭长的凤目倒映出她的身形,尽头深处却潜藏着令人心惊的占有欲。 自此之后,她的生活里多出了一个叫谢韫的少年。 他比她小一岁,体质娇弱,一点点的风寒都能让他咳嗽半天。 但就是这样,遇到危险少年都是第一个冲在前面,将她护在身后。 后来,沈念阙发现,少年对她的执念简直能称得上病态。 偏偏还打不得,骂不得。 * 深夜,俊美如天神的少年温柔的将熟睡中的少女圈入怀中,借着窗外散落的月光,他漆黑的眼底幽深缱绻。 少年低着嗓子,一遍又一遍的唤着阙阙两字,冰凉的指尖轻轻描绘着她漂亮的五官。 “阙阙,把我拉入深渊,你得负责。” * 排雷:前世今生,男主有记忆,女主无,女主第一世没人疼没人爱,是个人人诛之的大魔头。男主是万人敬仰的国师,却陷入女主编织的爱情网,最终坠入深渊。

乔意棠 · Umum
Peringkat tidak cukup
386 Chs

Novel World: Templates Are My Powers

After being hit by the car, Alex woke up only to find himself transmigrated as the brother of the female lead. However, just after his transmigration he discovered that he is disowned by them in secret while no one knew of his identity. Devastated, he later realizes that he has been born into the world of a novel that he used to read. This world is plagued by war between psychic masters and psychic beasts. Even if psychic beasts are excluded, there is a lot of infighting between many section of humans. Here, only strong could strong could survive while weak are exploited or used as a wheel to push the weight of society forward. In such a cruel world where death is only mile away, he, born probably without any talent of psychic which explain the disowning. He is only expected to suffer or rely on other for safety for whole life until he hears it… [ Ding! Conditions met. Binding System has been activated. ] A system that guarantees the power from different worlds as templates. [ Ding! Target have awakened two psychic elements. ] [ Obtaining templates from different world…] [ Host have activated the …] It is now only a matter of time before he can reach the top of the world and live comfortably. ———————————— Discord Server: https://discord.gg/rxpVNGxc ———————————— Note: This story is inspired from many novels and main inspiration is Versatile mage. So, there will be similarities but it will will not be copy of that. Try and find out.

Death_Simulation · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
18 Chs


  • Rata-rata Keseluruhan
  • Kualitas penulisan
  • Memperbarui stabilitas
  • Pengembangan Cerita
  • Desain Karakter
  • latar belakang dunia


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General Audiencesmature rating