
Chapter 34

I look at an old man in front of me before saying.

"Thank you for seeing me, Your Highness."

"Hahahahaha! Get up, boy! You are because of Cobra and any friend of Cobra is my friend."

"Thank you."

"Take a seat and tell me the reason why you come here."

I nod my head and take a seat in front of the king while Gion stands behind me.

"So! Talk"

"At first we come here to buy some of your medical herbs and stay on this island for a few days or a week."

"At first? That was your reason for coming here. Now tell me the reason why you are coming here now."


I take out the recording snail from my jacket that Jeane delivers to me from my clone before placing it in front of the king. I can see the king push the play button and watch the scene. The more he watches, the more the king and his advisor change their expression.

However, I notice that the advisor's face gets pale while the king's face gets redder. The advisor is getting scared while the king is angry, mad even.

"That slimy bastard! I give him the title of a Baron and let him take one of my cities and this is how he pays back to me?! Toto! Gather all the soldiers!"

"Your highness! We cannot trust this thing like that! What if this is fake?!"

You can't fake recording in this world. Den Den Mushi is a living being, and only a REALLY smart person can modify the snail's memory. Even then, it was a cut-and-paste type of modification. You can't add more memory.

"This is a live recording and I already reported this to the Fleet Admiral. If you do not allow me to attack and kill all the people involved in this mess, Fleet Admiral Sengoku will call for Buster Call."

"He will go that far?!"

"He did not want the drugs used in this mess to spread. Destroying one island and anyone living is better than letting these drugs spread. Here."

I put down a pitch black snail on the table. This emergency Den Den Mushi let me directly call the Fleet Admiral.

"This will let you communicate with the Fleet Admiral. You can call him if you don't believe me."

I can see the advisor give me a slight glare before panicking once more. I need to investigate him. From his behavior, he has some hand in this mess.

"Get moving, Toto! I want all of my soldiers here to kill those bastards."

"Ah, you don't need to do that, your highness."

"What? I can't kill them?!"

"No. You can kill them but I already told my men to start the operation Pest Control. I just need to tell you that we will attack one of your nobles."

"Bah, he is not one of mine. He has already been stripped from his nobility."

"Hmmm? Since when?"

"Since the last few seconds! Go and destroy his disgusting business. However, I want you to capture that pig alive. I want to hear him squeal before I kill him with my sword."

"Of course."

After getting my permission, my clones begin their move.


|3rd POV|

Three of Yuuji's clones leave their hiding spot and start wreaking havoc. The first act is to make sure the prisoner is safe. Next, two of Yuuji's clones make sure any guard inside the underground facility is killed before looking at each other for a second and nodding their heads.

The clones take a deep breath and take a stance. After standing near the entrance for a few seconds, both clones suddenly say,

"Iron Fist Style! Double Dragon!"

Two Eastern Dragons appear from their fists and fly around the underground facility, destroying everything in their path. After releasing their technique, both clones walk away from the destroyed, hidden base.

On the other side of the city is a fight between the Marine and Baron Silvian.

"You bastard! I welcome you to my city and you dare to attack me?! Kill him! Kill him!"

Shouting on the wall of his mansion is Silvian. His round face gets redder and redder by the seconds at the sight of the marine who dares to attack him in his mansion, in his little kingdom.

As a mob of drugged people marched toward the marine, one of Yuuji's clones stepped forward and frowned. If it were a normal frown, the people would not stop, but this frown would not only stop the mob but also make them unconscious.

Yuuji releases a huge wave of Conqueror haki at the incoming mob. The Haki is so heavy he manages to kill a few of the mobs who do not have a strong heart. They get heart attacks.

Unfortunately, or fortunately for Silvian, he is too far away from Yuuji's clone. If he is closer just a little bit, he will be lying on the ground, unconscious.

Seeing his so-called army lying on the ground, he looks down and looks at the rest of his men.

"Get that thing out of the cage! Kill them! Kill them!"

"Are you sure, boss? We can't get that thing back once it is let loose."

"Kill him!"

The men nod their heads and quickly run toward the cage covered in a black blanket. They push the cage out of the wall, where Yuuji stops his men from moving. He looks at the cage in wary before the thug removes the blanket, and Yuuji can see what is inside the cage.

It was a human, or rather something that resembled a human. It has a human body, but its entire body is filled with fur, and on top of its head are a pair of ears. It was not a human but rather a Mink from the Mink tribe in the New World.

It was a Tiger mink.

The mink inside the cage looks at the sky, and his eyes land on the full moon above. Seeing the lightning around the mink, Silvian laughed loudly.

"It takes a lot of money to buy him and I never thought that I would use it this quickly! This bastard will be your doom!"

Silvian laughed like a maniac. At the same time, the mink starts to change into its Sulong form.

Sulong form is a special ability that all Mink have since they were born. They can change into this form by looking at the full moon for a few seconds. It was like the lycanthropy curse, but it can only last as long as the mink continues looking at the full moon.

The tiger mink started to change. His hair gets longer and changes color into silver-white, just like the moon's surface.


The mink roared loudly, and he swung his arms, ripping the cage as if it was wet tissue. The tiger looks at Yuuji and quickly charges at him.

"Take care of that fat bastard. I will deal with this man. It will not take long."

"Yes, sir!"

When the tiger mink arrived in front of Yuuji, he raised his hand and thrust it at the Commodore. However, his hand is stopped by Yuuji's hand, which is coated with his haki. While holding his hand, Yuuji releases another wave of Haki, but this time, he concentrates on the massive Mink.

The tiger mink starts to sweat at the pressure released by Yuuji and slowly sits down on the ground after a dozen seconds of exposure to the conqueror haki. The tiger mink looks to the ground, and slowly his body turns back to the original.

Yuuji pats the mink on the head and starts healing him.

"Stay here, okay? I will bring back your freedom but for now, I have some fatty to capture and torture."

The tiger mink nodded his head in understanding. He does not know what is happening, but when Yuuji says that he will kill Silvian, he is willing to listen to his order. It also helps Yuuji heal him using his power.

Yuuji then rips off a little bit of his cloth before passing it onto the tiger mink.

"Do you need some clothes to prevent you from looking at the moon?"

"No… I can look away from the moon…."

"Good. Here. You can eat something while waiting for me."

"Thank… you…"

Yuuji nods his head and walks toward the massive mansion in front of him, where his crew is fighting the thug guarding the mansion.

"Let finish this."

Hello, guys. I need your help. I have been in a bad situation right now. As you know, my mother is ill and needs to be fully taken care of in-house.

Yesterday, she needed to go to the hospital, and I needed to pay for her treatment. I don't have that money. I beg you. I honestly beg you to help me.

I know that I have neglected this side of the novel because I focus on the Original story. However, I don't know that the payment for this month's income will be sent on 15th of every month, and it will take another seven days to process, and who knows long it will take to arrive in the local bank.

I had already used most of my savings to help her, and now I have nothing. I only have some money to buy food for a week or two.

If you have any spare chance that you can donate, please help me. I swear that I will start focusing on writing the story you guys like.

I'm desperate and ashamed to have done this, but I don't know what to do now. My other sibling is still in collage, and they cannot help me. Please...


LuxVonDeuxcreators' thoughts