
Grand Evolution Bloodline

After his special relationship with a servant is made known Roland Bladeheart is accused of assaulting the King's favored daughter and must be punished. Disowned by his clan and his family Roland begins to wander. Barely escaping an attempt on his life Roland swears to Wreak havoc on all those who turned their backs on him!

TheSleepingGeneral · Fantasi
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8 Chs

Chapter 8 - Sophina's Rebirth (1)

The tip of the spear pierced Roland's flesh and fresh blood flowed onto its glistening sharp edge. A faint blue light flashed and the spear disappeared. With a single thought Roland summoned the spearhead.

Clematis watched Roland's look of amazement and a proud grin spread across her face " It's not finished yet, take this and fuse it with the spirit weapon in your consciousness" she said, passing to Roland what seemed to be the body of the spear.

Roland received the spear's body and opened his sea of consciousness while attempting to absorb it.


A low buzz-like noise came from the spear body, sending an electrical current through Roland's arm and repelling the spear body.

"It rejected the physical body?" Clementine gave a shocked expression. Flexing her wrist she retrieved another spare body she had crafted and passed it to Roland.

Roland repeated the assimilation then shook his head. Clementine turned around and went back into her work station.

"Let's go" Martine said , walking to the smithy's exit. "She won't be coming back anytime soon"

Roland nodded, following after Martine. Just as Roland was about exit the building a whistling noise rushed by him and the door of the smithy was instantly pierced through the reinforced steel door next to him.

"Kill!" a valiant ,feminine shout came from the distance and the rallying cries of a hundred men followed after.

Roland had remembered being acquainted with this person at some point. She was Elaine Bladesworth, adoptive daughter of the emperor and the empire's strongest general at the age of 16. Roland dashed outside the building, evading an arrow while attempting to draw his new spirit weapon.

"Its not materializing?" realizing the spear was not obeying his calls Roland had no choice but materialize his scythe, drawing a beautiful silver arc of light as he brought it forward.

"I heard the he made it to the Silver Rank before he was 10, can we really handle him?" a doubtful soldier asked, his hands gripping the hilt of his sword.

"Are you a new recruit?" Elaine asked

"No ma'am, I was recently promoted to a Battalion Vice-Commander, Arthur Baltemor reporting for duty" the soldier saluted while being on edge.

"You are hereby relieved from duty"

"What?" Arthur questioned, doubting what he had just heard.

"You have been relieved" Elaine repeated, her overbearing tone resounding in the distance.

Without breaking the momentum Elaine raised her hand and gave the command "Kill the criminal who dared to defile the princess!"

With another shower of incoming arrows headed towards him Roland immediately sidestepped the swung his spear downward, blocking the remaining onslaught.

Martinez who was next to Roland grabbed him by the collar and disappeared behind the smithy.

"Chase them!" a Battalion Commander ordered.

Elaine did not command her troops to move, instead she jumped from her mount and chased after Roland, leaving a trail of light.

Roland who was being dragged along by the collar grabbed Martinez by the hand "I....can walk" he said, gasping for air.

Just as Martinez was about to release Roland a bolt of lightning struck where Roland had been.

"I located the deserter commander Berserk Princess Jasmine and the criminal who defiled the princess, I will now proceed to capture them both." Elaine said, speaking into her Q-Link.

A familiar voice came from the Q-link which made Roland shudder involuntarily "No need to capture them, kill them both" the voice said.

"Are you sure, my lord?" Elaine inquired, slightly surprised by her leader's command.

Seeing as her superior did not respond she knew was serious about her decision "I understand" Elaine said while brandishing her rapier.

Roland's eyes widened "Sophie? Is that Sophina!? Sophie can you hear me-" before Roland could finish Elaine's rapier thrusted at his heart giving him no time to dodge.

A shadow-like figure flew forward, deflecting Elaine's rapier. It was a crimson red spear that jasmine had retrieved from her storage.


Elaine thrusted forward once more, her rapier aiming at Roland's throat.


"Don't just sit around jackass, run!" Jasmine shouted at Roland who was still in a daze on the floor and shot him an icy glare before deflecting Elaine's rapier once more.

"Elaine is at the Silver 3rd stage, just a minor tier above me. I can hold my ground, Jasmi.....mentor Martinez allow me to test the results of my training" Roland pleaded to Jasmine. If he left Elaine to Mentor Martine she would surely kill Elaine which was something he could not risk without confirming something first.

"If you are unable to fend her off I'll have to step in" Jasmine said while retreating into the distance.

"Understood" Roland retrieved a common grade silver spear from his inventory, brandishing it before Elaine and smirked.


A dull sound rang out as Roland parried Elaine's thrust and countered.

"You're not as monstrous as the rumors said you were" Elaine chided as her rapier flashed before Roland at a blinding speed.

Instantly multiple wounds appeared on Roland which caused him to lower his spear. Jasmine frowned and was about to take action when she saw Roland suddenly took a step back and brandished his spear once more. Instantly a vicious aura covered Roland and his spear.

Roland thrusted forward, deflecting Elaine's blade and swiped his blade downwards in a crescent-like arc, causing the rapier to escape Elaine's grasp. Roland's spear came down once more, halting at Elaine's throat.

"You've lost this one Elaine, if you wish to preserve your life you will answer my next question without falsities " Roland's expression darkened as his blade brushed her neck. If Elaine were to attempt anything Roland would immediately cut her down.

"Leader!" A soldier from the battalion rushed over in panic. Upon seeing his leader at a disadvantage he charged at Roland and was cut down by Martinez

"I refuse" Elaine said stubbornly. With her pride as a warrior she would never succumb to the threats of the enemy even if it meant losing her life. Raising her neck she was ready to be cut down.

"Are you prepared to leave everything behind, including that younger brother of yours? If I were to kill you I would have to send you brother along to tie up loose ends and avoid creating a potential enemy right?" A cold glint flashed in Roland's eyes as he spoke and anyone present who saw knew he was serious.

At Roland's barefaced threat Elaine grew furious. A pale light shone from her left eye and her pupil was covered in a golden light.

"Roland, don't let the light hit you!" Jasmine shouted warily

Roland reacted in a timely manner, severing Elaine's head. Before he could make sense of what had jus happened Jasmine had grabbed him by the collar and fled the city.

Meanwhile at the Bladesworth Family

Sword Blood Pool

A girl seeming to be about 13 years old stood at the center the pool, as if influenced by a mysterious power the water had turned to hundreds of swords charging at her but was immediately subdued. The subdued swords hovered towards the pool, forming a stairway of blades for the little girl to walk on. This little girl was none other than Sophie, Roland's treasured twin sister. As Sophie left the water her mood became sour following an angry scream "Ro...land!"