


Mae hurriedly caught up. Ryu's strides might have been long, but he wasn't moving very fast to begin with.

Ryu looked back and his gaze softened somewhat. He wasn't the type of person to fall for a woman just because he had bedded her, Isemeine was probably a prime example of that. But Mae putting her life on the line to ensure his success in the tower, although he hadn't really needed it, had moved him enough.

When Mae saw Ryu's gaze, she blushed somewhat.

"I'm sorry," Ryu said, "I'm just tired. How about you follow me to see Aika?"

Mae blinked. She was stunned for a moment. Did Ryu just apologize? The more she learned about Ryu, the more she felt that he wasn't exactly what she had originally assumed him to be. But rather than being put off, she found herself falling further and further. A cold man might initially be attractive, but spending the rest of your life with a man who was endlessly stoic wouldn't make for a fun time.