

Ryu's gaze flickered, his expression serious. However, the curl on his lip seemed to give away what was happening inside of him.

He was a Dao Pedestal Realm Ancestor, in the midst of thousands of Sky Gods, each with the ability to kill him with a single finger, and yet what he was feeling wasn't fear. His heart thumped out of his chest, a wild excitement flooding his veins. He felt like he was standing on top of the world, his restrained bloodlines beating against their chains as though they might break free at any time.

Empana and Ianjor rushed from Ryu's back, the latter looking toward Ryu's back. Others couldn't tell the difference between Ryu's feelings right now, but he definitely could. Ryu looked to be as cold as could be, but he could see that faint curl on his lip. It was easy to miss it, or dismiss it as a quirk of his expression, but Empana knew it was a sneer.