

Ryu didn't know what to say or do for a long while, especially since even if he healed his hand now, it was still in a vice grip.

He couldn't help but feel a little annoyed. Maybe it was a risk to take such a step, but he had wanted to know. Now he was stuck in such a ridiculous situation.

This woman wasn't even awake. What if she accidentally destroyed the rest of his body while she was casually rolling around?

'I need her to wake up. If I die like this, it would be too ridiculous.'

He shook his head, then used his free hand to raise a finger to Wobbling Fairy's mouth. He pressed a drop of Embryonic Qi to her lips.

She gobbled it up greedily.


Wobbling Fairy started sucking on his finger greedily as though she was still looking for more. Clearly, she had no idea how erotic such a thing was.