
How Dare You?

King Cultus froze, suddenly realizing that he had subconsciously followed Ryu's orders without even thinking about it. He couldn't help but be embarrassed to an extreme. How had he, a ruler of an entire race of people, fallen victim to the words of a boy? 

The current location was unsurprisingly a space between the Ethereal and Real. At her current strength, even Ailsa wasn't capable of bring Ryu here and it most definitely took someone at the very Peak of the World Sea Realm to even attempt it.

That said, King Cultus also had another special reason why he was able to do this... Under normal circumstances, it was impossible for someone born in the Real Plane to accomplish such a thing. There was a reason why Ryu could only send his mind into the Crystalline Jade while his body stayed in the Real Plane.