
Gourmet Emperor: Master of Culinary World

Ikki Isaku, a 17 years old boy, a student in a vocational school majoring in culinary, return to his hometown for summer vacation. When collecting cooking ingredient is a mountain near his town, accidentally he found a cave and interested in exploring that cave. An unfortunate event happens when he exploring the cave, he falls into an abyss inside the cave. His consciousness faded as his body falls into darkness in that dark abyss. When he wakes up, he already in another person body. The body he currently lives in is the body of sole heirs of Baron Harvard, young master Henry Harvard, that due to an incident in his trip, fallen from his horse and lost his consciousness and even his life. What will Ikki do in his new life as a young master in Harvard castle? Can he adapt to the new life? Check also our other collaboration series in here: https://www.webnovel.com/book/10935956806210505 You can support me on Patreon : https://www.patreon.com/Lord_Haart and at ko-fi: ko-fi.com/lord_haart Update : 1 chapter for each 100 PS in previous week

Lord_HaarT · Fantasi Timur
Peringkat tidak cukup
231 Chs

Bedtime Talk

I sit in my desk to review the plan for welcoming party that I made before dinner while waiting for Clara and Claire appears. I'm thinking about the main course for each meal time and searching for meat dishes that suitable for a party. Steak is already in my mind for the menu but I still need another menu for another day in Earl Stamfort stay. What else I can make with the current ingredients available in the castle? Something decent that can be served as the main course during the mealtime?

Knocking sounds from the door mean Clara and Claire already coming. And when they enter the door, I see they already change their clothes and wearing their pajamas, ready to sleep.

"Henry…you haven't change your clothes?"

"Hmm…I'm still thinking what we should serve to Earl Stamfort when he arrives here. How is Carina?"

"We already change her clothes and she still sleeping peacefully now"

"Good….Girls, can I ask you something?"

"Sure Henry…what is that?"

Clara and Claire already climb to the bed and lay there waiting for me to follow.

"Did we ever hold a ceremony for higher rank nobles in our castle before?"

"As far as I know since I live here…never, Henry"

"Yup, if they have some matter the subordinates, they just summon them to come or send their official. Never come personally here"

"So, this is the first time we have a high-rank noble comes to visit, right?"


Ugh, and I volunteer myself to become the one who arranges the party. I start feeling I dig my own pitfall and jump on it. I cover my face with both hands and murmuring

"I think I'm too hasty in this matter.."

"Henry…if you feel tired you should rest"

"Yeah…Don't make yourself sick because overworked, Henry"

Ah…my girls really care about me. Well, they also right, I can't get sick before this event is over. So I stand up from my seat and start to change my clothes to sleep. I take off all my clothes except my pants and keep my important thing like identification stone and my phone in the pouch. This pouch from my sister really useful, I really glad she makes it for me. After putting the pouch in the drawer, I go to the bed where my girls already waiting for me. They already make a space in the middle of the bed like tell me this is where I should lay myself in the bed.

I'm lying in the spot that provided to me and next moment I lean my back on the bed, Clara and Claire already take their position on my side. Their hands start caressing my chest and their faces getting closer to mine. Ah right, it's good night kiss that we always do before going to sleep. So I kiss them in turn like usual while say good night. But even after I give them a good night kiss, they still put their face close to me.

"Alright…what do you to say? It's only us here…just speak what in your mind"

"The song that you'd sing before…is that really made for us?"

"Of course…who else I want to take as a wife beside you? You've heard the lyrics, right? I can't sing it in front of other people"

"Including Carina?"

"She's still too young to marry. Maybe she will meet someone else who gets her attention later, who knows?"

"But when she reach marriage age, and she wants to marry you…will you accept her, Henry?"

Marriage age for a woman in this world is 17 years old, but sometimes before they reach age 17, their parents already arrange them to marry the man that suit their parent's preferences. Like me and my fiancé, Celes, our engagement happen when we reach 16 years old in age, the age where most young people start their engagement before finally married when their age reaches 17. But there is also a child that already engaged when they still little kid because their parent wants to make a relation between two families, mostly between nobles.

"Depends on you girls…do you let her becomes my wife or not?"

"Ugh Henry… if you ask like that, we can't say no if Carina wants to be your wife. But please keep her pure and innocent until you marry her, please?"

"I can promise you that…Don't worry, besides I already have two wives that I need to take care"

"Ww…wwi…wives? We're your wives?"

"Don't you already like my wives? We share the same bed, eat together, bathing together, and now sleeping together. You can call me husband if you like if we're in bed like this"


I can see Clara and Claire's face become red because of my words. It seems they're not ready to call me husband yet.

"It's okay if you don't want to call me husband, yet. I thought that would be good practice before we really married thou"

"Noo...Hen…hu…husband, I'm glad I can call you that"

"See…you can do if you try, nice try, wives"

Although the way they say 'husband' sound a little bit stiff, at least they say it eventually. I laugh and give them a hug as a reward for their effort call me husband.

Although I already hug them, they not lean their head on my body and start to sleep like usual.

"Is there something else you want to say, wives?"

"Mmm….husband…please don't call us like that if there're other people around? I still feel embarrassed if you call me that way"

"Okay…let's use that call only in the bedtime like this, are you agree, wives?"

"Yes…please do like that husband"

Bit by bit it seems they getting used to calling me husband. I give them another kiss to express my love to them, that kiss makes them become cheerful and happy.

Seeing Clara so cheerful makes me remember she sometimes feel discomfort in her stomach when her periods come.

"Ah right, Clara dear…do you still discomfort on your stomach?"

"Oh…when you ask that I just realize after we take bath this morning, my stomach no longer feel discomfort like I used to feel when my periods come. Your suggestion really working, husband"

"Hmm…glad to hear that"

Clara looks at me bashfully before speaking again

"Husband….can you give me that again?"

"You want another kiss…no problem...here"


I kiss Clara again as the reply for her request although I know that's not what she means

"Husband…not kiss…something you give me…when we take a bath this morning"

"Oh, that soap…you finish it already?"

"Husbaaaand…not the soap"

Clara's bashful face makes me want to tease her more. What's so hard to say my semen or my sperm?

"Then what? Tell me clearly, wife"

"It's…it's your seeds"

"Oh...that one…okay, but with 2 conditions"

"What is that husband?"

"First condition: tonight, I want to sleep while hugging Claire"

Clara's face looks confused, between agree and disagree, between accepting or reject the condition

"If I hug Claire, that means you only get my back…if you don't mind get my back, you can hug my back instead"

Only need a moment for Clara to agree with my condition after I give the explanation.

"Okay…and what is the second condition?"

"Since it's you who want it…you must put some effort to get it"

I smile mischievously to Clara who also smiles mischievously when hearing the second condition. Clara didn't need to say agree or not, she just moves to my leg as the answer.

Last night when I check how much stone I got last week, I promise myself, if it reaches more than 300, I will give 1 chapter/day for the whole week.

And it almost reaches 300...almost. So, can't promise 1 chapter per day for this week


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