
Chapter 28 - Divide And Conquer IV

He walked deeper into the chamber and looked towards the bed. As expected, Cersei was lying there sideways, her torso raised on her elbow. Her choice of clothes was peculiar, a single piece of almost see-through red dress that barely hung around her shoulders, so loose over her bosom that nearly everything but the tips were visible.

Below, the dress was tight and curvy around her waist, and there was a long cut starting from the hip, exposing one entire leg, Cersei's thighs lying completely exposed there. The whole time, she remained relaxed, sipping on wine, her golden locks free and loose, her green eyes sparkling.

Like a whore awaiting her customer. Joffrey scoffed at his mother's attire. He could make out the shape of her bosom in that dress so easily. How many other men has she fucked to get her way throughout her life?

"Come here, my sweet lion," Cersei cooed, her drunk voice so intoxicating. He could see why men were still crazy for the famed beauty, Cersei Lannister. Age had been kind to her.

"Mother!" Joffrey, bringing out an almost naive personality, approached Cersei with a look of worry. "Are you well? How much have you drunk?"

"Your mother is sad," Cersei replied, her tone emotional.

"What happened?" He asked, finally relaxing down, sitting on the bed beside Cersei's belly. "Who vexed you? I'll have their head on a pi—"

"You!" Cersei clamored, locking her gaze with his. "You don't love your mother anymore."

Again with her theatrics. Joffrey maintained the look of worry and held her free hand. "Why, mother? Why do you feel that?"

"Because you find no time for me anymore. Just a fleeting visit yesterday—it used to be different, Joff. You used to share every detail of your days with me. What's changed? Are you too busy with others now? Won't you tell your mother about your adventures in the North?" Cersei's voice was gentle, her fingers tracing over Joffrey's face as she sat up, her wine forgotten. She drew nearer on the bed, seeking closeness.

"Forgive me, Mother, if my actions have made you feel such. I'm just… too preoccupied trying to keep the realm together under my rule," Joffrey replied, gazing into her green eyes with a fake longing. He slid one hand into his pocket and took out a silky, red blindfold. "But tonight, I brought you the present as well."

"A piece of cloth?"

"No, you must put on the blindfold, or else it won't be much of a surprise," Joffrey said and made a move himself, fastening the strap on her eyes. He had to reach closer to tie it behind her head.

"Um…" Cersei caught his sides with her delicate fingers as he did that. "I can't wait to see it."

"Please hold my hand and follow me to the open terrace, Mother." Joffrey held her hand and led her.

She moved easily, with barely any resistance. Instead, the situation with her dress turned problematic as one of the shoulder straps loosely slid to the side of her shoulder, almost revealing one of her burgeoning breasts.


Hmm? Joffrey suddenly heard a noise from within the room just then. His eyes fell on a large cupboard in one corner. He noticed it was slightly open, forming just a minute dark crack. I-Is… Jaime in there?

He didn't know, but he hoped he was right. So he brought Cersei to the open terrace, stopping at a part visible from the cupboard inside the chamber.

"You can remove it, Mother."

Her lips were holding big in a smile as she quickly removed the blindfold and looked with interest. "Oh!"

Joffrey held a short dagger before her, showcasing it under the bright moonlight. It wasn't ordinary from any angle—its blade was as blue as ice, shining in the moonlight. At the same time, the handle was made of mammoth tusks. "I brought this from beyond the Wall, Mother. The Wildlings gifted this as a sign of respect and understanding."

"T-This is…" Cersei stared at the dagger, taking it in her hands. "It's beautiful, Joff."

Joffrey smiled giddily, "I'm glad you like it, Mother."

"So you haven't forgotten about your mother," Cersei chirped and suddenly embraced Joffrey with her arms. She grabbed him by his chest, letting him hold her by her shoulders. Her jutting bosom slammed on his front, but she seemed unbothered and placed her ear on his chest. "Don't ever leave me, my sweetling—your mother loves you more than anyone."

"Hmm…" Joffrey murmured, tensing up his body as he felt Cersei's hand reaching for his heated loins. It was out of his control when her honey-soft breasts rubbed all over his chest.

"Umm… My lion cub…" She breathed out words while looking up at his face, her airy breath scenting of wine hitting him. Her fingers on his shaft had already captured his length, making gentle strokes. "No more… you are a real lion now, aren't you, my sweetling?"

"M-Mother…" Joffrey whispered back, hugging her shoulders tightly and nestling his face on her neck, hiding his face.

"I have a surprise for you too, my beautiful King." Cersei suddenly stopped everything and stepped back. "However, as you so rightly pointed out, you must adorn yourself with a blindfold, lest the surprise loses its thrill."

Joffrey didn't have to; Cersei rose on her toes and put the blindfold on him herself. Though, in doing so, she managed to draw a few dry kisses off his lips. That was indicator enough of where this was going, so Joffrey prepared himself mentally.

"Now, no matter what happens, you aren't allowed to move or react. Can you do that for your mother?" she asked, leaving his touch entirely.

"I-I understand, Mother."

"Hmm…" Cersei hummed and, without a warning, pushed her dress' shoulder straps and let it bundle around her feet. Her entire body, lacking any smallclothes, stood defenseless, naked, and glistening under the moonlight.

Her body was a perfect sculpture of aristocratic beauty. Despite her age, her breasts remained taut and sizable, her skin as smooth as butter. Her waist was slimmer, a hint of belly flesh, then the birthing wide hips, all adorned with her perfect, creamy thighs and the curve of her round bottom.

"Remember, your mother loves you the most," Cersei repeated and got down on her knees gently. Her fingers moved masterfully and tugged on Joffrey's breaches, untying the knots and loosening them easily.

"Aaah… Moth—"

"Shhh!" Cersei reacted and continued. She pulled down his breeches, followed by his underpants.

It's out. Joffrey felt the airy sensation in his loins. Ah… she's warm.

Clenching his teeth and his fists, Joffrey stood there unmoving. He soon felt the warm sensation of her palm holding him, her fingers unable to fully circle his girth, which earned a few loud moans from her.

"Don't… move…"

"Oooh!" Joffrey couldn't help but wriggle a bit. He felt his entire length submerged in a deep, warm, tight embrace out of nowhere. It was too much, Cersei was too good with her mouth. "M-Moth… Why—"

"Because I love you, Joffrey." Cersei released herself for a moment. "Your mother loves every bit of you—ghk!"

The very next moment, Cersei impaled her throat on her son's sizable cock, lapping all the drizzling nectar forming from that union. She kept stroking his length, pulling back his foreskin, admiring her son's plump, lush purple-pink cock, coating it all with her tongue.

"I-I… unmmm…" Cersei didn't speak whatever she wanted to, but her actions were louder. She licked him everywhere like a prized possession, despite there being a trace of pubes. She licked his balls, dangerously gobbling them up one after another. She lapped from the base to the tip of his shaft with lust oozing in her breath.

Joffrey just stood there, eyes closed, showing himself as the casualty, not the instigator. "M-Mother… A-ah… it's too much…"

"Yessss~" She sang, loosening her face and standing up, never stopping to stroke him, however. "My love for you is too much… always has been."

She's gone insane.

Directed by his cock in her palm, she made Joffrey stand against the high boundary of the terrace, the snoozing waves of the sea visible in the distance under the moonlight, not for him, sadly.

Joffrey let her move him as she pleased. He just felt his back against the wall, nothing else. "What are you do—"

"It's time you feel your mother's true love, my beautiful lion!" Cersei declared and shoved her entire body against Joffrey. "Aaaah…!"


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