
Got Stuck in Overlord as a NPC, Now I'm in Sothoryos?!

An Overlord x ASOISAF/GOT Crossover Fanfic What happens when a Theater Kid gets reincarnated as an Angel NPC in the DMMO-RPG, YGGDRASIL? What would be his fate if he got transported into another 'New World'? Follow Ainz aka 'Ainzerophiel Deus Oratrice Mecanique d'Analyse Cardinale' on his newfound path of Justice~ _____________________________ English is not my first language so please correct me if I'm wrong. I do not own anything from any of these franchises nor the pictures I use as imagery and I give credit to all its creators. But my OCs are MINE! [If you wish to support me: ko-fi.com/reyvielfaesly patreon.com/ReyvielFaesly]

Reyviel_Faesly · Komik
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46 Chs


Ainz's POV

As I continued to fly in the beautiful night sky.

Countless thoughts are passing through my mind.

My thoughts are filled on:

Where am I?

Where should I go?

What must I do?

Find Nazarick and befriend Daddy Bones and tell him that 'I've come in peace'?

Ally myself with Nazarick and garner the trust of its NPCs?

Should I destroy the Slane Theocracy for the glory of our Daddy Bones?

Or should I descend from the heavens in the middle of their capital and claim to be a God itself and destroy them from the inside?

Maybe I should go to the Roble Holy Kingdom instead? The Queen being used as a human club was a cruel move on Demiurge's part but who can blame him?

For sure his 'Happy Farm' is more 'fun' compared to turning a Holy Queen into a rattle toy for a huge Demon.

I mean, all for the Daddy Bones' glory but let's be honest, it wouldn't happen if Demiurge and Albedo didn't fill the large gap between our Daddy's '1000 years plan' to begin with.

Should I meddle with Nazarick's affairs?


Should I go help the Draconic Kingdom itself then?

With their desperate need of assistance, surely annihilating the whole Beastman Kingdom would be a piece of cake.

Maybe even getting favored by the Queen and letting me rule my own piece of land?

I have so many things that I can possibly do and I don't even know where to start.

I was still trapped in my own musings when I suddenly remembered something.

"Wait... why bother flying all around the world for the sake of my Map when I could just summon the angels to do the job?"

I jokingly slapped myself for not thinking it soon enough.

I've done this before back when I was still in YGGDRASIL. It made it easier for me to map out an area assigned to me while I was safe in the distance, not even getting involved.

You see I have a spell called, [Angelic Servant Sight]. It is a spell used on specific kinds of angels that are focused on scrying and reconnaissance. The spell enables me to see through that angel's eye/s. It creates a small window that will appear in the corner of my field of vision.

As for the angel... well you could already guess.

"[Summon: Eyes of Throne]"

As I spoke, a huge golden magic circle appeared before me, and out came the most holy and 'beautiful' creature I could summon in my spell list.

A big eyeball.

And when I say big, I mean Big - BIG!

The BIG eyeball is currently floating in front of me, it is being encircled by golden rings with numerous eyes that are too many for me to count.

It doesn't have wings, unlike its biblical counterpart. It simply rotates its surrounding rings to manoeuver.

The [Eyes of Throne] is an 8th-tier spell that summons an Angel of the Highest Order of the [Angelic Heirarchy] Skill Set, the Thrones. It is a sibling spell of the 9th and 10th Tier Summon Spell, the Cherubims and Seraphims, respectively. This summon has a Scrying Skill Set that enables it to seek unknown and enemy locations on behalf of the Summoner.

"Well... Hello there 'little' one"

I spoke to the summon and it produced a sweet, solemn, and melodic hum as if to respond to my greeting.

"I may need your assistance with 'seeing' the world we are currently in"

It hummed again as if in question.

Somehow I could understand it even though it only speaks in hums.

"I would like you to traverse the skies, undetected by the eyes of mortals and go further north"

It hummed a longer tune as if to praise me and to show its subservience.

"Thank you, dear 'little' one. Just know that you won't be alone in this endeavor"

"[Triple Magic: Summon: [Eyes of Throne]]"

Three golden magic circles appeared, the same as before. Then out came 3 more [Eyes of Throne].

"Now, you won't be alone in this task"

I told the firstborn of the four summons, and then I addressed the other three.

"You three, dear 'little' ones shall too be tasked in traversing the skies, undetected by the eyes of mortals as well, but each of you shall delve into a different path"

I pointed at the one at the far left "You shall travel West"

I pointed at the one at the center "You shall go further South"

And lastly, I pointed at the one on the right, beside the one I've given the task to go north. "You shall move East from here"

"Now that you have been assigned a destination for each of you. I ask you all to scan through the lands and seas of which you see. You shall serve as my eyes for the time being"

"You all may go now"

As I dismissed them, they all harmoniously created a symphony of hums that was pleasant to my ears as they went straight through the clouds, making use of it as a blanket to hide their large and 'beautiful' appearance.

As I witnessed their departure, I set my sights upon the many islands that graced the northern seas of this huge island.

I noticed that the islands are quite sparse in terms of light, unlike my initial assessment.

Some seem to have no light source at all.

"Maybe some of the islands are not inhabited?"

Unlike the cities of Earth where the lights are condensed and beautiful to see when one is riding on a plane, the islands are a far cry from that.

"Well the New World was never the type of world where their civilizations are as advanced as Earth anyways so... there's that"

Before I decided to keep a closer look at what was happening, I activated a spell within the [Ring of the Unknown] that I was wearing.

The ring is imbued with the spell [Perfect Unknowable]. It is a 9th-tier spell that makes the user invisible to the naked eye. It can also erase one's traces and sounds, including the pitch of the user's voice from being heard, making the user or a magic caster very difficult to detect if they do not have very high-level thief-type job classes.

It is practically an upgraded version of the spell [Complete Invisibility].

I also activated a series of spells imbued on my other ring, my [Ring of Falsehood] to confuse my enemies. It has two spells in it, [False Data: Life] and [False Data: Mana]. The spells essentially give me the ability to fake my HP and MP, respectively.

"I don't care if it seems too much, but better be safe than sorry"

As I did that, I evoked a spell for scrying. I don't want to go ahead and introduce myself too early, better see it closely from afar first, then decide where to go there.

"[Distant Vision]"

It is a spell that displays what it sees on a flat, magical screen. The screen can also be expanded or shrunken at will.

Once the magical screen appeared, I tried to test things out.

I zoomed in, zoomed out, and swiped my fingers in all directions.

"Huh... It works just like the [Mirror of Remote Viewing] that the perverted Daddy Bones uses to peep Hahaha"

It's basically a computer screen, that I can manipulate the image's perception, enlarging or minimizing the view using specific hand gestures to move through what the screen is displaying.


Now knowing how it works, I focused on the set of islands that I can see from up here.

I picked to scry upon the funny-looking island at the easternmost coast.

"It looks like an ax or something"

Once the screen focused on that specific island, I was lost for words.

The island was covered in lush, wild jungles that seemed to defy any attempts at taming it. Giant imposing trees with trunks as wide as a truck.

The island is home to such a diverse ecosystem I've ever seen. It was a haven for countless species of flora and fauna that I've never seen before, although some are familiar.

But in contrast to such nature's beauty is the hub of the vilest actions of humanity.

"...What the hell is this?!"



Sorry it took too long to update, studying is hard and it might take longer for me to update cause I have exams tomorrow and next week as well ಥ‿ಥ

But still, I wanted to thank you all again and again for the support that you guys have continuously been giving me and my work. I truly appreciate you all (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤

And I'm sorry I wasn't able to add up the Supporters List on the previous chapter. You guys are just too many at this point. (╥﹏╥) I couldn't keep up with the growing list. I tried to take screenshots of the first few days of Supporters and it's already in the 30s and I was so overwhelmed and decided to give up. So my dear children, please stay chill for now (⌐■-■)

I'm sorry... I have failed you.

I feel terrible, truly ༼;´༎ຶ ∆ ༎ຶ༽

If you guys have any idea on how to make things easier for me to list down the names of the ones who support me, I would be ever so grateful ಥ‿ಥ

Anyways, do you have any suggestions? Thoughts? Violent reactions? Comment and review them all, cause I welcome them all with open arms (~ ̄³ ̄)~

Hope you all like it!

Some of the comments got removed after editing it. I'm sorry (╥﹏╥) I did not learn my mistakes from the previous chapters. The comments were so good, I feel terrible that it got removed... (〒﹏〒)

Reyviel_Faeslycreators' thoughts