
GOT : Reborn as a Frey

A Fic in which a man from Earth world finds himself in Westros reborn in a family that was destined to doom themselves. How will he live in this cutthroat world? Well, at least he went in with the mentality to survive. (SI isn't a heroic person and he won't do something that will risk himself for some people that in his eyes used to be characters from a book&TV show) ====================== This Fic originally created by an author known as holyJoker, I chose to pick up this fanfiction after it was abandoned in the first few chapters.

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Chapter 53: Blood Emperor

"M -Monster!!" One of the men calls me out. 

Fuuk them, I just got stabbed and this is what they say. Shitty people all around… damn, I am angry due to the pain of being stabbed. 

Okay, I must calm down now. That way I can make the best logical conclusion, I must finish my mission in this body. I can't ruin everything due to my emotions. 


That is when a deathly calmness settles over my body.

There is no need to be mad at soon-to-be-dead men. There is no use at that. I can use these emotions though.

"Guys, the fuck you, I just got stabbed and that is all you fucks care about." I act like I am angry, trying to make myself seem weak. This way they shouldn't fear the unknown so to say.

But they all have their weapons out and pointed at me.

"Stop there monster!" Yells out Snake. 

Ohhh… you bastard, I am gonna rip your guts out as soon as I get the chance.

But I keep a calm demeanor at this since I need to. 

*caw* That is when my hawk flies above their heads, they don't notice anything… even as my lovely bird drops a bomb full of invisible knockout gas.

"The hell is that smell?" Asks Snake, looking around. But in the end, he looks at me again, I don't show any emotion except nervousness which I 'should' be feeling since I need to appear weak in front of them.




It doesn't take long for them to start dropping on the ground like flies. 

"F- Fuck!" Piggy swears as he is the last to fall, his big size needed to inhale a little more to knock his asś out.

Damn them, after all their talk, they made me waste one of my secret weapons to deal with living beings. Sadly poison doesn't work against Night Walkers so I am stuck there. Also, I wasn't good enough to know how to make some gunpowder or chemical weapons, I could use my hawk as a plane to drop down chemical weapons. 

Ahhh… how unfair life is. If only I was a chemist or something similar in my first life, I would have dominated this world.

Still, I go towards the unconscious bodies and put them in a hexagon formation, slit their wrists and start the ritual. Muttering the spell under my breath. 

I had left the Asian guy outside of it though since I have some questions for him. 

Immediately the bodies start spasming and get up. They open their eyes which are blood red, and their backs are slouched like an old man, drool coming out of their mouths too.

They were no longer the men that I knew. 

"Set up a tent," I order them and immediately they start following my order sluggishly. Well, they were made as zombies for combat, so yeah. I got this little spell from the tomb of the Blood Emperor that used to live in Essos thousands of years ago.

He is someone considered as one of the top magic users in history, and unlike now, back then magic was really developed. The Blood Emperor was still the best magic-user of his time.

Sadly now it is not even a quarter of what it used to be. It just means that magic is getting outdated and people are figuring out how to do things more efficiently.

I wanted to try being a good guy for one, it was quite fun.

But sadly that didn't work for me, maybe next time? After this I will again try to be a good person since then I hopefully won't have a three-eyed bird looking at me from an unknown place. I quite enjoyed the atmosphere when I was a good guy…


It takes around ten minutes for them to build a tent, and I have them keep guard outside as I put Snake inside the tent, tie him up and take out some knives and boil some water to keep them clean.

Finally, when he wakes up, he looks around confused, before his eyes settle on me and a frightened look appears on his face once he sees me washing my hunting knives.

"Hawk… listen, whatever you need of me, I will do it, man. No need to get so serious, I will forget everything I saw, I will leave Westeros all together." He pleads with me surprisingly calmly. 

I suspect that he is trying to buy some time. But for what? Better be safe.


I hit him to the side of the neck, knocking him out instantly.

After that, I check around and see that the shitbag had twisted his one wrist and gotten it out of the socket, he would have been able to get out if I didn't knock out this guy. Thankfully I had the ropes tied up tight so even with an out-of-socket wrist he wouldn't be able to escape so easily.


I wake him up again by slapping his face. "Next time you try something like that again, then I will cut off your one hand left okay?"

I can't cut his hand yet because he might lose hope in life. After all, in a medieval time with no hands… it doesn't spell good for anyone. So he gotta have that hope that getting out of this alive is actually worth it.

"Understand?" I ask while slapping him again.

"Y -Yeah…" He uttered.

I nod at that, and take a knife, pointing it at his penis. "Okay, now we will start talking. Tell me about the aura that you were talking about. Before you answer, think if it is worth lying to me about this."

"Well, it is more of a breathing method and it is a saying in my country to-"


I slash his throat, blood starts seeping out instantly, the life drained out of him. 

I don't have the time for his bullshit lies right now. I am in a hurry here. Will have to figure this out later then.

I go outside of the tent and order my zombies. "Let's get out of here, follow me."


Eighteen hours pass as I brave through the snow, even during storms I try to make some ground. The zombies can walk without getting tired anyway, so I have some of them carry me most of the time. Though since it isn't combat, they aren't as fast.

Suddenly I get a notification from my hawk that a bear is charging us from the east. "Zombies, go rip it apart."

Immediately as I say that all the zombies turn towards the bear and get on their fours.


They all growl like animals and start charging at the bear. Though with initial difficulty, they use their body weights to slam into the bear, having the furry creature fall on its back, and then the now zombified piggy puts his sword through the bear's mouth, instantly killing it.

That fucker was as cowardly as they could be when he was alive, but now that he is a zombie he is showing the advantages a big body can have. Just by using his weight, he can topple even the strongest animals.

"Let's move on." 


It doesn't take even an hour later and finally, we can see a small keep-like building covered in twigs and snow. This is Castor's Keep, the only place where people of the Night's Watch can get information and rest.

I pull out my sword and order my men to do the same. "Let's take over this shit."


A/N: So… you like it more when the curse words are uncensored?

Welp, from now on I will do it so if ya like it.

PS: don't forget to throw some power stones :)


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