
GOT : Reborn as a Frey

A Fic in which a man from Earth world finds himself in Westros reborn in a family that was destined to doom themselves. How will he live in this cutthroat world? Well, at least he went in with the mentality to survive. (SI isn't a heroic person and he won't do something that will risk himself for some people that in his eyes used to be characters from a book&TV show) ====================== This Fic originally created by an author known as holyJoker, I chose to pick up this fanfiction after it was abandoned in the first few chapters.

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88 Chs

Chapter 45: Oliver

Oliver continued to train relentlessly, he was getting used to his new body more and more as days went by. It didn't take long for him to get back his prime martial strength… and more too.

Because only now does Arthur notice that his son's body was better than his last. This one has decent instincts and better overall flexibility and power.

Because while in his previous body, Oliver had studied countless magics he had to sit down a lot, but his son didn't have that thing bothering him so he trained and fu*ked ever since he could remember.

Still, a couple of months passed and his 'brother' Garold returned to London City in Carclaw Point. Oliver has a sad look on his face as he sees Garold seemingly sad once he enters the keep. He can see from a window as his eyes shine yellow for a split second, taking the form of a hawk. 

If he still had his red hawk with him he wouldn't have to do the spying himself. But he must find a new spy animal, he can't take the red hawk with him anymore or a man stuck to a tree on the other side of the wall would notice something wrong.

'Doing the observation myself is quite hard.' Contemplates Oliver, planning to find a new animal familiar. Nothing like a lion or a bear, because they would be useless as hell to him. He would rather take a mouse than a big animal because that way one can be used to spy. Lions can easily be killed by humans using weapons too.

But what is more worrying for Oliver is if he will be killed by his son again… technically brother now. He knows that the son who killed him technically is not the next in line, Oliver is… but Garold has enough connections to allow him the ability to kill Arthur, and no one being the wiser about it.

'He must have killed the guards who helped him kill me too.' Ponders Oliver, already assuming so since he too would have done the same in his position. Three people can keep a secret only if two are dead. That is Oliver's thoughts on this, and the same should go for his son. Because Gerold is competent too.

He knew that his son Oliver has no real backing or connections. That could be attributed to himself, as when he was in Arthur's body he was training Oliver physically for when he took over. He wouldn't need the mental chart and he manipulated Oliver's life so he wouldn't have friends who would be able to tell when he took over…

That should have been his boon for when he was reborn again, but now it kind of turned into a bad thing. Oliver has no backing if he decides to 'fight' against his brother.

He could convince Davos to fight for him… but that would only have him dead. Because the man is not of high birth, but he is competent in handling ships and a lot of the soldiers respect him, so Garold would have an assassin kill him as soon as he got a whiff of treason from the man.

Truly the situation has become complicated, especially since Garold also seemed to have used the faceless men's animosity with his father to breed a good relationship between them by killing him. So now the faceless men are 'free' so to say.

Of course, Garold is more competent than that, so Oliver concludes that his son/brother should have some countermeasures to keep the faceless men under control, while still giving the illusion of freedom to the men. At least that is what he would have done if he was in his son's shoes.

He would be lying if Oliver said that he wasn't a little worried. But yeah, the truth of this is that he has created another player in the game. One that he doesn't have as much predictability over as he would like… even if the new player is his son.

Right now, he knows that if he had paid a little more attention to his children and made Garold the heir then he would still be in hai previous body with all the prestige that he would need for when the time came.

*sigh* Such a shame, but he knows that he can't make the perfect decision every time and that there is no use crying over spilled milk. He must kill his son so he doesn't get stabbed again.

But now there is something positive that came out of this too. Now he knows that the Rebirth Spell works, he will continue to live as long as he has blood descendants… this has increased his courage and he is now willing to take risks that he otherwise wouldn't have taken at all.

A player who had only one life in the game would act differently from someone who knew he could respawn. 

Of course, Oliver already has a couple of hidden bastard children that he hid before just in case the spell doesn't work in order to transfer his soul into his children and only the descendants of his possessed body.

'Still… the situation has become too complicated at the moment.' Concludes Oliver, understanding that if he fights against Garold right now he will just get another swift death.

But in the end, he does have another advantage against his son… he knows that Harold has no idea that Oliver is no longer his muscle headed brother who doesn't even have two brain cells to rub together.

Hopefully, he will be able to trick his son now… so he doesn't have to move in another weaker body because this one is perfect.


Oliver in the end met with his brother in one of the rooms, they both sat down and sadly looked at the coffin that will have nobody in it. Arthur's body was never found as he fell into the sea.

"How did he die?" Asks Oliver, already knowing the truth but he doesn't want to act abnormally.

"He slipped and fell on the ocean during a storm." Says Garold, his dark hair covering his eyes. Unlike Oliver who has silver hair, showing his Valyrian heritage.

"I told everyone in the letters that he died fighting valiantly. I don't want father to be ashamed even in death with the way he died… I want him to be remembered as the great man he was."

Oliver nods at this, tears slowly coming out of his eyes. He had done this trick a lot in his past two lives so he does it even more easily now. "I can't believe it that father is dead…"

"Yeah…" Is all that Garold says, as he looks at the coffin he winces with a regretful look on his face. But she shakes his head slightly and then a determined look appears. 'Sorry father, but I promise not to let our legacy die. I will raise it to a level that will make you proud.'

Oliver could easily read Garold's expression and tell what he was thinking. Because the latter didn't bother to hide from his usually 'naive' brother who only knew how to fight.

"I don't think I am suited to rule." Says Oliver suddenly, a very sincere look appears on his face. Garold looks at his older brother surprised, never before has he heard his brother admit something like this. 

"I want you to rule brother!" Exclaims Oliver, shocking Garold who had been contemplating whether he should kill him. "You will be able to keep father's legacy alive and even take it to a higher place."

Oliver smiles as he looks at his brother's shocked face. He didn't want to try dying again, so he will let his 'brother' keep control of the family power… till he gets the tools for Garold to have an 'accident' and break his neck.

People die like flies during medieval times, there are many ways one would perish.

But there was also something else on Oliver's mind. 'I need to get some things from beyond the wall too.'


The MC will be addreseed as Oliver from now on. Also the MC now has the balls to do some dangerous things and even take some calculated risks.

P.S: Trying to make the chapters longer...


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