
GoT: Giant Falcon

Arryns: As High as Honor Altair: OUR ONLY DISHONOUR IS IN FAILURE. Once in a century event on earth leads to the soul of a formidable Doctor (in making) reincarnating into the heart of Westeros. A land steeped in honor, tradition, and treachery. But this time, destiny takes an unexpected turn. The soul that awakens belongs not to a noble knight or a chivalrous lord, but to a man forged in the crucible of ice and fire. In “Giant Falcon” the game of thrones takes a chilling turn. The most honorable house becomes the harbinger of change, and the echoes of Altair’s bloody footsteps reverberate through the annals of Westeros FYI MC not a good person, period. Huge R18 Warning R*pe In*est G*re Tor*ure and Lemons.....honestly don't read if you have a soft stomach. slight time adjustment A/N: I don’t own the rights of this novel or the characters of the Series. This is my first fanfiction. English is my second language and I'm still learning it, so don't expect the most impeccable writing from me. I had this idea for a while and I wanted to bring it to life, so I started writing. I appreciate any helpful feedback. Also, again I don't own anything except my own MC and I don't want to offend any party. This is just for entertainment. enjoy~

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She nods at my words and sends her female guards out as I signal to my men. All of them went back and stood at a distance making a mismatched perimeter of red and blue guards with us in the centre.

Altair: I heard that the Goldenheart trees of your islands are very famous for making bows. I heard that you also have the best craftsman to make bows on your islands.

Wenda: Yes, the people of Summer Islands have always used Goldenheart bows and protected their islands from corsairs and invaders.

Altair: I heard that they are the best bows in the world.

Wenda: Aye M'Lord Goldenheart bows of the SummerIsles are the best after bows made up of dragon bone. However, just like Valyrian steel since the doom of Valyria, the method to craft and shape dragon bone has been lost. The number of the remaining bows has remained unknown. Even the craftsmen who can make double-curved bows are only found in the Summer Islands.

Wenda: Normal bows made from ironwood and other hardwoods have a range of around 400-450 meters, if you give them to craftsmen of summer isles then they will make you a double-curved bow that can shoot up to 500- 550 meters.

Wenda: Bows made up of Goldenheart trees can shoot up to 700 meters, if your arms can withstand the draw weight of double-curved Goldenheart bows then you can shoot up to 800m.

Altair: How far do you think the bows that are made up of Dragonbone shoots?

Wenda: I haven't seen an existing dragon bone bow, even if there is one I doubt it makes a difference as the draw weight will limit its range. However, if you somehow have such strength or you are using a crossbow made up of dragon bone then your range should be about 1000 meters for a normal bow and 1200 meters for a double-curved bow. Any further and the bowstrings would snap.

A.N: double-curved is a term they use in ASOIAF for recurved bows like Turkish bows. I will try and keep the language of conversation as Westerosi as possible for better immersive reading.

Altair: Do you have any seeds or saplings of the Goldenheart tree?

Wenda: M'lord Goldenheart trees are strictly banned for trade by Summer Islanders and are impossible to find. Even its processed wood is very hard to find on the market.

Altair: Do you sell a golden heart bow or a piece of goldenheart wood?

Wenda: M'lord goldenheart bows are impossible to find on the market and are very expensive on the black market. I've heard lord Tywin spend a pretty penny from time to time on a few golden heart lances for his son. It will cost you quite a lot to buy such a commodity. It is the second most expensive wood after Weirwood.

I decided to save money and choose a cheaper option. As we finished eating amidst our conversation I spoke while picking up the cup of milk.

Altair: Can you show me your Goldenheart bow wenda?

She shouts to a female guard on the perimeter to bring her bow. The guard approaches us with a bow placed on two silk cushions on a tray.

I look at the double-curved bow made up of pencil yellow wood with a brown leather handgrip in between the two curves. Nothing too fancy, minimalistic and rugged but effective weapon of war.

I downed the cup of milk in my hand and wiped my hands on a piece of silk napkin. I then picked up the bow which is almost my height. I touch along its curves as if inspecting the bow but in reality, I was adding its biological data to my reserves. It is a very good material to arm my long-range units.

It is not in vain that the advantage of this single weapon in terms of range and firepower has kept Summer Isles a safe haven amidst the seas filled with evil men.

Altair: a fine piece of equipment I see the reason behind such protection and rarity of this weapon. I have heard weirwood trees also make excellent weapons, it's a pity Westeros lost its finest woods in the struggle between gods.

Wenda: It's a pity indeed, If it was not practically impossible to find it on the market I would have always wanted to try a weirwood bow.

Altair: Now that we have had our lunch let's look at your wares.

Wenda: Surely M'lord. Let's look at the felines first.

As we walked inside a specific tent we saw large cages containing lion cubs, tigers, jaguars and many other types of cats.

Wenda: These are all felines from different parts of the world M'lord. Lions are found by hunters in Westerlands. The tigers are from Yi Ti, the Shadowcats are from the Red Mountains of Dorne.

Altair: can you show me their cubs, I want to pet them.

Wenda signals her servants as they bring a few smaller cages. They tie their mouths so I can pet them. After petting them to my heart's content while filling up my data reserves, I see a ferocious little shadow cat in the corner in a separate cage.

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