
GoT: Family, Duty, Wisdom

Born into House Tully? What Shitty Luck. Especially given that it was a rebirth. Join young Axel Tully as he is forced into the situation of being the Next Lord Paramount of The Trident and Younger Brother to Catelyn, but the older brother to Lysa, and Edmure. How will Axel Tully get by as a member of a House someone once referred to as Westeros's Third Nipple?

TheRagFromTheCrag2 · Derivasi dari karya
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A question

So here's how it is, I'm of the mind to start doing two GoT Fic's together regularly as part of a previously mentioned series, now ignoring the possibility of burning out faster there is a few benefits, such as I can get a streak going and I can also maintain a structured pace of writing and release.

Additionally I'm still fresh off with ideas, I'm thinking of using Pokemon as a break between if something happens, but there's another reason I'm bringing this up now.

See, in about five days exactly I'm turning twenty two, that's right it's TheRagFromTheCrag's birthday.

Now the next chapter is actually coming along quite nicely, so if I take two weeks off from posting starting from six days after this was posted, I can use that time to try and get this side by side with this story up and running and start a steady release going.

Now I could just not tell you all what I plan to release, but I'm do something only my discorders know of and tell you some details.

The Other fic I'm hoping to release will be a Martell Fic, and I'm also going to tell you all who the Spouse will be, and not even my disorders no this, because in the last year I've been particularly tight-lipped in that regard.

Now I've a few options here, and obviously for a lot of you Ashara Dayne is at the top of the list, so she's obviously a contender. Another name of a potential contender is Barbrey Ryswell who in canon married William Dustin who died in Dorne against Arthur Dayne.

Now the reason I'm including Barbrey is because based on what we know of her, the Ryswell's are implied to be the family with some of the best Horses in the North. Now as Horses go, there is more than enough material to suggest that The North's Mounts are some the toughest in Westeros, and if you think about it, then the Rills are a very good location in the North for the Training of Horses.

I'm thinking that if Martell MC uses Barbrey to acquire ten maybe even Fifteen of the Ryswell's best Garrons, and then begins breeding with Destriers and Coursers in order to produce a line of horses that following the Rebellion they can cross-breed the new mounts. Obviously it will need further refining but it's an idea at least.

The other Contenders are Myria Jordayne and Mariya Darry, and the reasons for that is because aside from literally a paragraph of canon content to their names and Mariya's husband and children, they're essentially blank canvases awaiting the painters brush.

So for these reasons MC will have Myria Jordayne for the wife, sorry you Ashara fans, but she's going to some other character for another story I've on my mind, so at any rate we'll see what happens no?

Oh! Just wait now, I forgot to mention that Martell MC will get two maybe three paramours and for you perverts reading this, give at least six women their first time.

At any rate I have work tomorrow and need to get up before the crack of dawn, so good night!