
GOT: A Demon Slayer

Planetos, a land of great prosperity and even greater suffering. What can one wayward soul accomplish in this time of deception and despair. -This is my first fanfiction so don't be too harsh and if you don't like the story then just leave - The story will be slow paced so if you don't like that type of story then you can leave after this warning - If you enjoyed it please leave a powerstone or a comment to help keep me motivated and constructive criticism is appreciated - I don't own anything in this fanfiction except my original characters. - Some events might be somewhat different from the book or show because I don't know everything about the show or books and this is a fanfiction - I also don't own the cover picture I don't know why it says original, my apologies

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A Noble Thief

(1394 words)

On a mild day in the streets of King's Landing, a young boy with distinct features that separated him from other passerby's and a blazing red tattoo like mark on the left side of his face was running at a speed that many would consider impossible for someone of his stature. As the young boy darted through the crowed streets, a clamor could be heard behind him indicating that a group people were chasing him.


" Dammit " the boy muttered in an exasperated tone as he heard their increasingly louder cries indicating that they were closing in on him . How did they catch up to me this quick, I should've had plenty of time to escape before they caught up. He quickly stopped thinking about the subject until a time when he wasn't being chased and instead focused on getting out of his current situation.

"I need to get to a place with more people to give them the slip. " muttered the boy under his breath before continuing to run and even picking up his pace. He repeatedly weaved in between people and as they chase reached the commoner's market the congestion of people prevented the boy's pursuers from closing in on him.

(Third POV)

As it became evident that there chase would be unfruitful the leader of the men chasing the boy stopped and shouted " we aren't done with you yet you rat".

They boy stooped once more at the edge of the market and stuck out his tongue at the men before turning away and disappearing into the endless corridors of alleys and streets that make up King's landing.

One thing the boy failed to notice however was the pair of eyes that managed to watch his escape from the group of thugs from a carriage traveling through the market on the way to the Red Keep, the seat of power for House Targaryen.

(Third POV)

A little while later the boy can be seen walking through the streets of flea bottom while constantly keeping a lookout for any potential dangers that might arise in the most chaotic and dangerous part of the city which even the Gold Cloaks prefer to stay from although the more likely reason is that nothing valuable exists here and that the smell of shit in the air is even worse than in other parts of the city.


As I navigated through the streets of the place that I am unfortunately forced to call home, I am constantly keeping my head on swivel to make sure that no one sneaks up on me as even though I pack a punch for someone my age I can still be overpowered from someone much larger than me who has nothing to lose.

After several minutes of walking I am finally able to see my house and quickly approach it while making sure I wasn't followed by the guards from the store I robbed earlier. I chose to rob that store because it was far away from my house lessening the chance that I would be caught and because the store doubled as a slave shop for wealthy nobles that visit King's landing to endlessly praise the king in hopes of gaining something to further their interests made obvious by the fact that people were seen being brought here from flea's bottom and then never being seen from again.

After checking once more for any potential pursuers I went up to door before knocking in a special manner to gain the attention of my siblings inside so that they would unlock the door one of the many upgrades I made to house to improve our safety.

(Third POV)

"Who is it" came a question in a meek voice that implied the speaker was of a very young age.

"It's me your brother Yoriichi so open the door Rengoku" voiced Yoriichi who recognized the person who answered the door as his younger brother Rengoku.

At this point Yoriichi was very tired as even though he physically superior to boys his age het still tired after running across King's Landing in a chase that would put any Fast and Furious movie to shame. But as he walked over to their sorry excuse for a couch he asked how their sister was doing.

"How was Nezuko while I was gone, did her illness act up" questioned Yoriichi in a voice that clearly expressed anxiety and worry.

"No she has mostly just been sleeping since you left and Giyuu is watching over her right now" responded the boy with a meek voice who has been indentified as Rengoku.

Rengoku was a young boy of around six years of age who had bright yellow and red hair, two bushier eyebrows that resembled flames and two distinctly red eyes that were very captivating. Rengoku was a very kind boy who was always trying to help his brother whenever he could and would even say hello to strangers when he passed them in the flea's bottom.

(picture of young Kyojuro Rengoku) --->

Giyuu is their youngest brother and the youngest sibling of the family as he is currently four compared to Yoriichi's eight years of age, Rengoku's six years of age and Nezuko's five years of age.

Giyuu was also a very handsome boy, something that seemed to run in the family who had black hair that resembled the dark of midnight, two shark eyebrows that would remind you of swords and two aqua eyes that made it seem as if you were staring into a deep lake when you looked at them. Overall Giyuu was much more quite and reserved than his two brothers and preferred to be in areas where the re was more peace and quiet if any. Despite that he deeply cared for his family and would always watch over their sister Nezuko.

(picture of a young Giyuu tomioka) --->

Nezuko was a pretty girl who has almost pink looking eyes and and black hair that turned brown and orange as it approached her waist. Unfortunately Nezuko had always been sickly and rarely managed to stay out of bed for long much less go outside for extended periods causing her to remain extremely pale. The medication she required was also very expensive which forced Yoriichi to eventually turn to a life of petty robbery to support them after their meager family savings ran out following their parent's death.

(picture of a young Nezuko Kamado) --->

Yoriichi had tried to get a job at first but it quickly became apparent that no one would higher a young kid from the flea's bottom who looked nothing like them and had a large red tattoo like marking on his face.

This was because both of Yoriichi's parents were immigrants who came from Essos although their mother would sometimes reference Sothoryos causing Yoriichi to believe that their family's true origins lied in Sothoryos.

Their father died shortly after the birth of their youngest sibling Giyuu to illness and their mother died of another disease two years after Giyuu's birth leaving them as orphans and forcing six year old Yoriichi to work in order to support his family.

Their family originally had a sizeable wealth but it was quickly pilfered by greedy tax officials who bribed the Gold Cloaks to support them causing them to be forced into the fleas bottom as even though their father was a seasoned soldier he couldn't find a job due to his ethnicity which made him different than most others in King's landing. Their mother also couldn't find work as she had a frail constitution and their family despised prostitution. This caused the family to live off of a small fraction of their former wealth they managed to retain until their mother's death

Yoriichi ceased thinking about bad memories and moved to deposit the bag of stolen coins under a loose floorboard where it would remain until Yoriichi removed it in order to buy medicine for Nezuko and any other necessities they may need.

After finishing storing the coins away Yoriichi turned towards Rengoku and stated in a upbeat voice "Come on lets go check up on Giyuu and see how Nezuko is doing".


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