
Goosebump Scare

Leo_Francis_0557 · Fantasi
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Goosebump Scare

You were bored.

You needed real fun, and the relationship you had with Esther made things worse.

She controlled everything about you ; your movement and literally, your life.

She didn't permit you to meet new friends until last week.

She fell ill and instead of feeling bad about it, you saw your opportunity to leave.

You needed to leave town to do something more interesting, more exciting to your already tired brain.

You heard the announcement on TV.

A local agency was looking for 30 young people to go on a field trip in a distant location.

They wanted these people to stay locked up in a building for some sort of social experiment.

You saw your chance.

You could join these new people.

Well, Esther was Ill and there was no way she would know about it.

The following morning, you called her on the phone.

"I need to see my grandfather at the other end of the town" You lied, silently hoping that she would believe you.

Of course, she did.

She allowed you to pack a small suitcase, and she actually walked with you to the junction where you got on a bus.

As the bus drove away, a smile formed on your lips.

You finally had your freedom to join the other 29 People to go to that mysterious location.

You showed up at the building of the local agency, submitted your details and got your tag.

You were number 18.

The smiling faces of other young people convinced you that you would have fun, real fun.

That evening, the staff at the agency put everyone in a long coaster bus and the journey began.

The young ladies on the bus we're all talking loudly while the few men kept to themselves.

Soon, the bus became quiet.

Almost everyone fell asleep as the bus sped on the quiet highway.

You chose not to sleep.

It was almost 8pm, but you were curious to know where these people were taking you to.

A slim, dark lady started to share plates of rice and cans of malt to each passenger on the bus.

You couldn't reject it when she stretched her hand out to your face, holding the plate of food.

You were hungry.

You snatched the plate from her and uncovered it immediately.

Within a few minutes, you had finished your food, leaving pieces of chewed bones in the plate.

Sleep descended upon you with the force of a wind.

When you woke up, you felt the coldness of the floor on your face.

Where were you?

A small pool of blood had settled beside your head.

As soon as you raised your head, you felt a sharp, aching pain at the back of your neck.

You dropped your head on the floor.

Fear gripped you.

Where were others?

Why were you not on the bus again?

You Finally pushed yourself up to sit.

Your shirt was badly torn, and it was blood stained.

You looked around yourself.

You were alone in a large hall that had old, dusty chairs lined up everywhere.

Cobwebs hung low.

The place was strangely quiet.

Your eyes fell on something that was a few distances away from you.

It was a head.

Your heart pounded in fury as you realized that it was the head of the dark lady who had shared food on the bus.

You squinted hard.

There were several other heads lying about without their bodies.

You became numb.

You suddenly felt a presence behind you.

You held your breath.

A shadow fell beside you.

As soon as you shut your eyes tightly, you heard the words, loud and clear, "Welcome to game night. You're the only surviving player!"

The game has just begun.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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