
The Note

Goodbye.The words rang in his head.He had only went to get his weekly mail when he had found this note.It said a simple message.

Dear Ono,



Just those three lines had sent Ono's heart racing.They had become boyfriend and girlfriend only three weeks ago.And why in the world would she say goodbye?It just didn't add up.He grabbed his phone and called each.


Ono just called me saying to check my mailbox , bring all my mail with me , search for a purple envelope , and bring it to Anga's house to meet up.I asked him if everything was ok.He said that he was fine but I could hear him crying on the other end.Wonder whats going on.


I've received weird calls all right but none from my fellow teammates unless you count the time Bunga tried to get me and Kion together by using a voice changer but no one else.But this was from Ono.He would never play a prank that involved crying , would he ? Oh well . Better get packing.


I was just playing on my xbox when my phone rang.I didn't want to pick up but if I had missed a call from Fuli about patrol , I would probably be stuck in the hospital for one month.I picked up and to my relief , it was not Fuli. But I guess I had forgotten to charge my phone so I only heard search , letter , mailbox , Anga's house.So I guess I'll just do that.


I was just at my cousins' Hannah and Nico's house having an epic battle of ice-cream-in-the -pool-war when my phone started playing my ringtone music . I picked up and heard Ono telling me to search for a note and bring it to Anga's house . And by the sound of his voice , he was serious.So I grabbed my stuff , explained and said goodbye to my cousins , and got in my car.

30 minutes later...

"We're here Ono!"Bunga yelled as he kicked off his sneakers accidentally hitting Fuli in the face with one , knocking her out."Oh Bunga."His best friend Kion shook his head and picked up Fuli in a bridal position and carried her into the house.They went into the living room and found Ono sitting in one of the plush couches , crying."Whats wrong Ono?" Bunga asked , crouching down beside his friend.He looked at the rest of the team."Was it something I did?"

"No Bunga."Ono said in a muffled voice."I went to get my mail today and found this note."He handed the note to Beshte just as Fuli woke up with an angry face and started screaming and chasing Bunga around and around."Guys!"Kion screamed since he had to get Fuli and Bunga to hear him over Fuli's shrieking."Stop chasing each other!We've got to check the letter!"Both of them returned to the group , all the while glaring at each other."What does the letter say?"Beshte asked Ono."I ... I don't want to read it again."he stuttered through his crying."Then I'll read it."Fuli declared , taking the letter from Kion.She unfolded it and started reading,"Dear Ono , Goodbye. -Anga."She looked around seeing her friends shocked faces."What?Did I say a word wrong" "Read it for youself Fuli"Kion said , still frozen with his eyes wide open.She obeyed and read it again."Wait a minuet.Did Anga just write goodbye?"