
Good or Bad, Does it matter? (Harry Potter Fanfic)[TN]

(THIS FANFIC IS STILL BEING CONTINUED, I HAVE JUST SHIFTED IT TO A NEW BOOK, ITS TITLE IS : GOOD OR BAD, DOES IT MATTER?(YEAH, SAME TITLE) SO IF YOU WANT TO READ IT, YOU CAN CONTINUE THERE, I AM WRITING THIS ON 19 SEPTEMBER 2024, AND IT CURRENT HAS 149 CHAPTERS) Grid, a normal guy who lost everything at the whim of someone powerful. He was broken and lost, with no goal in life but then he made REVENGE his goal, he reached the pinnacle of strength just so that he can get his revenge...... But now what? He's at the end of his life, dying......what will happen now? . . . MC will be reincarnated as Severus Snape. If you want to read extra chapters or support me, you can do so by joining my Patreon: patreon.com/lucifer09. I do not own anything. I do not own the cover, if it belongs to you and you want me to take it down, just comment or tell me in review. It is a translation, it belongs to Soma, and I have his permission.

Lucifer09 · Derivasi dari karya
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120 Chs

Chapter 4

"Well, it's not bad, in order to get rid of the lack of magic, they decided to create spells that consume it in minimal amounts, but are quite effective in battle…" – flipping through the book with interest, Snape thought, "Yet, I can't openly conjure, still don't want to be substituted yet, and I doubt that there are no tracking spells in such a place, eh ... How inconvenient it is to read such simple books ... " sighing heavily, he took another book.

"History of the Wizarding World... Hmm... This book he's (Snape's memory) already read," notes from this book popped up in his head, as well as a huge number of other books and lessons from the old ghost, which Severus usually ignored and admired his red-haired girl who's his friend.

[A/N: First I thought of girlfriend but then I made girl who's his friend lol]

Although he missed almost everything, it was not difficult for the Archmage to hear everything.

"Interesting… This place is over a thousand years old, and at least the Masters* founded it, which means that there should be a lot of things hidden here, because even in my world, many old people who were one step away from death left their legacy so that their names would be forever preserved in history, so it would be necessary to dig into the history, and maybe I'll find something ... " The book flew out of his hand and returned to the shelf.

"I think we can start with the founder of Slytherin, but I only have two years to find everything these four could hide, and if my memory serves me, Salazar loved snakes and could speak their language, and that one, it seems, had a Basilisk in the form of a pet, so maybe somewhere in the school he could hide it ... Although no, it's nonsense," grinning at his thoughts, he looked at the shelves," the wizard wouldn't leave such a dangerous reptile to be kept in a SCHOOL, where a huge number of children spit on the "mudbloods", as a huge number of children from the nobility study here, I doubt that he would have turned this ass because of his strong love for snakes, because in the first place Salazar founded the Slytherin faculty and accepted only smart and cunning wizards and basically know, he couldn't be an idiot a priori," taking a book that described the life of the Founder of Slytherin, he didn't have time to open it, when Severus's memories surfaced in his head again, in which there was a complete description of the book, which at this time the moment he held in his hand, as well as several other books.

"Question: am I even going to learn something new here?! Or he has already read everything?!"

Putting the book back on the shelf, he looked at it again and, turning around, went to the exit from the section.

"I'll have to "digest" the memory, otherwise it's too inconvenient, I'll have to sort through every piece tonight ... Eh ... Yes, and I'll have to go to Slughorn, he seems to be a normal man, I think we can find a common language."

When Snape left the library, it was already half past six, and there were two and a half hours left before meeting with the head of the house, and during this time he wanted to learn more about him, as well as better study Severus's behavior, gestures and manner of speaking, so as not to get caught.

After all, Snape doubted that he would now be able to oppose the Professors and the Headmaster only because in his world he reached the rank of Archmage, and basically the man used strong spells that required terrifying expenditures of magical power, and simpler, attacking, he almost did not study, only a couple of dozen, but even those for this world were too demanding.

Therefore, for a start, he needed to get used to the new realities, to the absence of a powerful magic core and learn how to survive with this ...


After brainstorming and combing through his memory, he was able to find all the information he needed and left the room with a calm mind.

When he was in the living room, someone called out to him, and that "someone" was the same guy who stood up for Snape earlier.

"It was not bad, and I see you finally realized that Gryffindor is not the best company."

"You're right, they really aren't the best company."

"I'm glad to hear that, even though we'll lose five points today, but depriving Gryffindor of fifty will hit the House much harder," the guy smiling contentedly patted Snape's shoulder.

"What makes you think that we will lose points?" Raising an eyebrow, Snape asked with a grin, and after looking at the wall clock, Snape again looked at the guy in front of him, "Let's talk some other time, the Professor is waiting for me."

"Of course, if you have any problems, then you can always turn to me," Macmillan said proudly, patting his chest, on which the headman's badge rested.

"Thanks, I'll know." And, as soon as Snape left the Slytherin common room and disappeared around the corner, Macmillan thought about the words of Severus and also left the living room, but he headed in the opposite direction, into the hall, where there was a special hourglass that used gems instead of sand, and it was on they recorded the number of points for each of the faculties ...


A few minutes later, Snape reached Slughorn's room and knocked on the door.

"Come in, Severus…" The Professor 's room was decorated in dark green, like the living room of the House, in the corner, along the walls, there were two tall long cabinets, one of which was crammed with books, and the second with various ingredients for potions, and between them stood the table at which Slughorn sat and looked with a smile at the young man who had entered.

"Have a seat, some tea?"

"No, thank you, Professor." Sitting in front of the man, Snape shook his head.

"By the way, what's with that word, did you look?" Hearing his question, Slughorn smiled warmly at the youth in front of him and nodded.

"This word is not really recognized as an insult, but I still ask you to no longer refer to Ms. Evans and others whose parents are ordinary people with this word, because although it is not officially offensive, but anyway, is unpleasant for many."

"I understand you and will not continue to call Miss Evans and others that way."

"Okay, I'm glad to hear that, now let's move on to the reason I called you today." Slughorn took a sip from the glass that was on the table, and his gaze became more severe. " What happened to you?"

'As I thought, he really asked such a question.' Snape thought for a second, before he felt a faintly sweet smell, and his mind was slightly clouded.

'Truth serum… Still, I acted too suspicious…' Snape thought with a heavy sigh as he calmly removed the effect of the potion from his body.

"Professor, there was no need to use the Truth Serum, you yourself taught us to always be on the alert in a conversation with an experienced Potions master, and I deeply respect you and would not lie to you."

Hearing Severus' words, Slughorn was not the least bit surprised. He had no doubt that the young man would be able to detect this potion, it was only to test Snape's abilities.

After all, only a few Potions masters can remove the effect of this potion so quickly, and one of them was the young man in front of him, and when Slughorn noticed that the effect of the potion had been removed, he quietly nodded. "Okay, then tell me what happened between you and Miss Evans, I was sure you were in love with her."

"I don't want to talk much about it, but I will say this: she betrayed me… twice," Snape said with a sad smile.

Seeing his sad look, Slughorn felt a little uncomfortable, because he thought that someone was impersonating the young man in front of him, or someone had taken over his body, but the man could not even think that everything would turn out to be so orosaic, then the behavior Severus no longer seemed strange.

The Professor also knew about the case, what happened after one of the exams, when four marauders hung Snape upside down, and in doing so, his robes pulled up and his dirty underpants showed up for everyone to see (and after that Severus began to wear trousers).

Of course, after that they were punished. The professor also knew about other cases of bullying by those four over the young man, and Slughorn offered his help more than once, but he refused each time, so he could hardly help.

The professor would have gladly taught the marauders a lesson himself, but he had no right to do so, because if he did, he would immediately fly out of the school and, possibly, could even be subjected to serious punishment by the Ministry of Magic *.

Therefore, he had only to deprive them of points and punish them according to the rules of the school. "Is that so…" but without letting the professor finish, he continued.

"And when I thought about it, I realized that I was too soft with everyone, I loved Lily, but she only took advantage of this, holding me for a pet dog, and you know what's the funniest thing?" Snape asked, looking with pain at the startled professor.

"She went to my enemy, to the one who mocked me all these years, to the one who dishonored me in front of everyone, she even gave him a spell that I myself created! And tell me, professor, how should I treat her?!" Snape exclaimed, turning to shouting, looking furiously at the pale Slughorn, who simply did not know how to support his student. "Severus, I…"

"I'm sorry, professor, for my disruption, I'd better leave," standing up and without turning around, he headed for the exit. looking with pain at the startled professor. "

Looking at the back of the departing student, Slughorn wanted to stop him, but he dismissed the idea. "Now it's better for him to be alone and cool down ..." the man thought with a heavy sigh, sipping a glass of wine to calm down a little, because in many years of his work this had never happened, and he simply did not know what to do and how to react, "It will be necessary to talk to him tomorrow…"


*In the world of Snape(Grid), the titles of magicians are:

Apprentice: A person who had just started studying under a master.

Journeyman: A person who is well-versed in magic but is still under the guidance of a Master.

Master: Pretty self explanatory?

Master/Magister: Also a master but he/she has reached the peak of a art in his expertise.

Archmage: Mage greater than the master.

Great Archmage: Better than Archmage.

Creator: The peak of wizardry.

* The British Ministry of Magic is the main administrative institution for wizards. The main goal of the Ministry's work is to prevent Muggles from learning about the existence of wizards. The main document, operated by the UK Ministry of Magic is the Statute of Secrecy, which regulates the relationship between the magical and Muggle worlds. The Statute also has Article 73, which regulates activities related to magical creatures in the magical world.